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Didn't get a flick of it but naturally i test these things before posting them, there are already too many people out there that post fantasy flows on the internet that never work satisfactory. Will cop a flick tomorrow and post it.




I used ye olde "screwdriver and bend" technique.

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asdf_va! Thanks bro, nice link. And to the person above me you can put pretty much any ink in it, I reccomend anything permanent. Funny, my friend just filled his one up with thinned paint, which I thought would be too thick for the valve but worked out fine, apparently.

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hey i just emptied out my liquid chalk marker and wanted to know if i cood put sum sort of ink if so what would you reccomend


First... Spell check is free on this web site. If it's

underlined in Red, you spelled it wrong.


Second... Yes you can refill that guy. I would start

with making sure its cleaned out throughly! Do not...

DO NOT let the nib(the wet marking tip) get dry or

you will have trouble getting it moist(i hate this word)

again. I believe those chalk markers are water based

so just throw it in some water. Let the body dry out

after you have a cleaned it, and put in some ink.


As far as what ink to use...

Check out Oink. You can get exactly what you need

here, and it's a local(USA) small business run by a

bad ass outta Tejas! Good luck kid. Next time, just

type the way you would talk. And well... If you talk

the way you type... Good luck kid!


EDIT: Just realized you are Aussie. I don't know if

OINK can mail out to you... So... You will benefit from

providing the info that you are in Australia if you need

to find products and what not.

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get one of these o'glue things, empty it, wash it a lot ( youll really have to wash it if its used but not much if new), then fill it with some paint (i did silver rusto no need to thin). its pretty much like butter and you have mad control for drips cause its a soft container...this has probly been posted but its dope anyways so i felt like i had to post it. also for people who want something like dalos, empty a pen of that white out that you can squeeze and fill it with paint>you get a smaller and more flexible marker with about the same size metal nib.23816-0000-3ww-l.jpg


where did u cop this?

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i dont get white out tags. do you just open the bottle, press it to a wall, and squeeze?


Not the white out in a bottle... but in a squeezable pen.

Plus, like junobo said, the white is made tough and stays.

Check this video of this weirdo holding above said pen.

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Don't get the BIC brand though...


Totally pushed the ball point ball into the pen

the other day. I was so bummed. The other brands

I have used are all fine. This was the first time I

had seen this happen, and the first time using the

BIC brand pen.

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so youjust keeping the tipex inside or refiling then with your own stuff?

if your keeping the tipex, dosn't it buff?


Just keep what it has in it.

Especially if it is "White Out" brand.

That stuff holds up really well on the buff tip.

But the tags you will be doing with this are

going to be small. It's not easy to use, and

doesn't cover a lot of area.


You can also refill them with paint, yes.

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