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Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your momz


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PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States, a survey of visitors and residents showed on Friday.


The city of more than 1.5 million people was also found to be among the least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly, according to the "America's Favorite Cities" survey by Travel & Leisure magazine and CNN Headline News.


About 60,000 people responded to the online survey -- at http://www.travelandleisure.com -- which ranked 25 cities in categories including shopping, food, culture, and cityscape, said Amy Farley, senior editor at the magazine.


For unattractiveness, Philadelphia just beat out Washington DC and Dallas/Fort Worth for the bottom spot. Miami and San Diego are home to the most attractive people, the poll found.


But Farley pointed out the results don't mean people in Philadelphia are ugly or the city is a bad place to visit.


"We were asking people to vote on attractiveness, not unattractiveness. Travel & Leisure editors believe there are a lot of attractive people in Philadelphia," she said.


"The relative attractiveness of its residents is only a minuscule factor in evaluating a city's merit."


Philadelphians' self-esteem has been undermined by national surveys showing they are among the fattest people in the United States. The American Obesity Association ranked the city in the top 10 for overweight people every year between 2000 and 2005.


And sporting pride in a city known for the fierce loyalty of its fans has been hurt by not having had a national champion in any of its four main sports since the 76ers won the National Basketball Association title in 1983.





VANCOUVER, Wash. - An 8-year-old boy riding in a car with his mom called 911 several times to report that she wasn't "acting normal," leading to her arrest for investigation of drunken driving and other charges, authorities said.


Paulette Lynn Spears, 33, was arrested Saturday after she drove to a fire station and said she had a medical problem.


Guided by her son's description of what he could see from the car, as well as by global positioning technology to track the phone calls, deputies arrived at the station less than a minute later.


"He said 'I don't know where we are, and Mom's not acting normal,'" sheriff's Sgt. Randon M. Walker said.


At one point, Spears took a cellular telephone from the boy, told the dispatcher not to worry and hung up, Walker said. The boy called back, and again his mother cut short the call, Walker said.


"The mother kept interrupting the 8-year-old," he said. "It happened at least twice."


At one point, Walker said, Spears apparently bit the boy's hand to get the telephone away from him.


Four minutes before the boy's first call, dispatchers had received a report of car that matched the description of Spears' car being driven erratically.


The boy and a 5-year-old child, who was also in the car, were placed with an aunt. As of Monday, Spears remained in jail for investigation of drunken driving, two counts of reckless endangerment and assault of a child. It was not clear if she had a lawyer to speak for her because she had not appeared in court.


Records show she has at least one conviction for drunken driving.






Both of these remind me of DAO.

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


I didn't read all of that but I heard about the story yesterday.


The same source said that Dallas is #3 in ugly people. There is NO way thats true. There are some beautiful fucking people in th south, in Texas and in Dallas.


I personally thought New York had the ugliest people I've ever seen. /nogliks

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


ive been to philly a gazillion times...


ive seen a bunch of fine ass chics every time ive gone..


ive always heard Houston had the highest percentage of fat people..


*even fatalist told me this..

(and what she says goes)

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


I believe the fat people thing. Thats what happens when people are miserable and hate life.


But the south really does have the most beautiful people.


Therefore that whole study is complete bullcorn.

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


i dont follow how they came to that conclusion. DC is not only very stylish (zomg no wai?! WAI) It has a lot of attractive people.


Miami? what are they curving the poll? Idk about that lady but old people dont do it for me.

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


Since DAO is from philly, I am waiting for him to come here and call us idiots and have some reason that the survey is wrong and does not represent philly.



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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


Since DAO is from philly, I am waiting for him to come here and call us idiots and have some reason that the survey is wrong and does not represent philly.



is that the whole reason you made this thread? either way fuck that article, i dont understand why shit like this even matters to people...oh well maybe this will lead to less double decker buses riding down broad street waving franticly at everyone they see...

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Re: Philly has some ugly motherfuckers and just sucks all around/stop snitching on your mo


Since DAO is from philly, I am waiting for him to come here and call us idiots and have some reason that the survey is wrong and does not represent philly.




I'm not gonna argue with the survey. Philly used to be dope but not so much anymore. We still got better handstyles than anywhere else though. And you're from fucking Conneticut. You don't have a foot to stand on talking shit on anywhere else.


































































































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