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Wanna see UFOs?


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That video is soo unbelievably awesome.


That first video from the Mexican plane is quite a famous one, I saw it on the local news here in Australia a couple of years ago.


This shit really intrigues me but at the same time scares the shit outta me.


What the fuck is with that Asian guy with the transparent jacket. That would be soo fresh for bombing.

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how are ufo's conspiracy? it means unidentified flying object. plenty of those.

whether they come from planet x or s-4 is another story altogether

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i'm curious about the "phoenix lights". it was seen by thousands and caught on video by possibly hundreds so i don't think it was a hoax...







yeah, that was intriguing, but there is a base right over the mountains.

something i have wondered about is a lighter than air stealth vehicle.

a.k.a. blimp


who knows.


i'm curious about that giant ufo filmed over israel. that thing must've been miles high/wide.

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Here's another great doco...








Now they should be called IWCs.


Identified Warping Craft.






Hollywood star Dan Aykroyd, who is a believer in the existence and government cover-up of ... all » alien life-forms, hosts this look into the phenomenon of UFO sightings. Akroyd shares his personal experiences in this field and also discusses recent findings with author and UFOlogist David Sereda.


Go Dan Aykroyd! He aint afraid of no ghosts lol!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Off topic forum as I recall.


Plus, there's been a bit of interest in this topic.


And, I am me, I am free. Haha!

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Search for 'From Here To Andromeda' or 'Boyd Bushman'




Boyd is testifying about the Roswell incident, and how we reversed engineered a craft as far back as the 1970's.


'From Here To Andromeda' is cool, except for the story between David and Crystal lol!


Did you know that Pythagoras claimed that there was life on all planets. :eek:

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That's a small piece of debris dude.


What piece of debris would get this attention? As far as I know, debris doesn't move like a snake.


Plus, there's been many many sightings of a huge 'Ship' which acted like a single celled organism...?!?!?!


I can't remember the doco which had to footage of one of these crafts hurtling towards Earth...


But never the less, I will post it when I find it ;)


By the way... That Boyd Bushman doco thing is really awesome. Get get get it. *cough torrents cough*

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It gets attention the same way dust particles on camera lenses get attention because people wanna believe they're ghosts. OMG ORBS.


And it isn't moving like a snake, it's a curved piece of debris spinning in a vacuum. Your powers of observation must be pretty limited if you can't discern an object's 3D shape from its movement. Take the letter "S", record some video of it spinning around, and it'll sure look like a wriggling worm on youtube.


This reminds me of some footage I saw a while back that purportedly showed a UFO performing instant acceleration. It was some shaky handycam footage of a blurry object in the sky. All of a sudden, the object darts out of view. Instant acceleration!, the narrator says. No dipshit, the guy recording the footage just quickly moved the camera and pointed at an empty spot in the sky, making it seem as if the UFO flew out of view.

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It gets attention the same way dust particles on camera lenses get attention because people wanna believe they're ghosts. OMG ORBS.


And it isn't moving like a snake, it's a curved piece of debris spinning in a vacuum. Your powers of observation must be pretty limited if you can't discern an object's 3D shape from its movement. Take the letter "S", record some video of it spinning around, and it'll sure look like a wriggling worm on youtube.


This reminds me of some footage I saw a while back that purportedly showed a UFO performing instant acceleration. It was some shaky handycam footage of a blurry object in the sky. All of a sudden, the object darts out of view. Instant acceleration!, the narrator says. No dipshit, the guy recording the footage just quickly moved the camera and pointed at an empty spot in the sky, making it seem as if the UFO flew out of view.


My powers?


Some of these crafts are said to be up to 4 miles wide. Not some god damn piece of debris! Your powers of research seems to be limited by you belief.


Well, actually, I'll look into the Columbia to Hubble mission, and see weather or not they reported it as a piece of the ship.

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Powers of research? What the hell? There's no research needed there, I just need to rely on my experience of observing things and gathering the visual cues that tell me the size, shape, and distance of things. It's what you do as an artist to improve your work. I don't need to do the slightest bit of research to know that I am looking at a small piece of debris spinning at a not-too-far distance from the ship window, because all the visual cues are there. If that really looks like a large wriggling object to you, you need to spend more time out in the real world looking at and observing things, learning about their visual weight, their volume, how their sillouettes change when you change their position/rotation, how light reflects differently off large objects and small ones. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably don't draw much, and if you do, you don't do it very well yet.


In any case, research tells me that our close orbit is filled with thousands of pieces of debris from engine stages and other parts disengaging during past space missions, and that some of these travel at a high enough speed that even a piece the size of a paint chip could cause a catastrophe on collision. This would lead me to believe that if you do happen to see something floating outside the window on your spaceship, chances are overwhelmingly large that it's a piece of debris, and not a 4 mile-long alien craft.


It's funny you say I'm limited by my belief, when it is you who wants to believe this is some kind of alien artifact. I'd tell you to grow some skepticism (it'd do you good), but your history here suggests that you're not very interested in that.

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