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Fuck Guests


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i know the new fucking webadmins are fucking retarded here



no offense to the work you do but learn how to do it right;)


Thanks for your input. We'll review your comments and suggestions with the utmost diligence. Have a nice day!






I know it feels fantastic to be part of an ultra exclusive online forum that doesn't allow pesky outsiders a peek, but there's plenty of other dickhead forums doing just that that you can go right ahead and join blindly and cross your fingers they're any good.


I (and I suspect many of you) would never have joined had I not been sent a link to a thread that I could read as a guest and decide for myself if it was worthy forum of joining or not. Every time I get a link to something awesome in some thread on some forum, and clicking the link takes me to that "YOU MUST REGISTER AND LOG IN TO VIEW THIS FORUM" screen, I feel like punching the monitor, the forum owners, and the person who sent me the link.


So, no thanks from me on the velvet rope treatment for 12oz. Tough luck if guests annoy you, if you wanna feel good about being a member, take comfort in the fact that they can't sit at the bar and order a drink like you can.

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Bitch! If you don't register and pass the test you shouldn't even be here... fuckin cops and wannabees...


I'M happy with what I get... FOR FREE.

But at the same time, there are a good amount

of threads that SHOULD have some exclusivity.


Like BrickSlayers and Metal Heads.

Most of the fun, everyone would love, stuff happens here

in the Zero anyway. I thought the original reason for the

requirement was due to the HIGH traffic of guests in the

flick threads. I could be wrong, but either way... Still love

the fact that this is the most MATURE (if you don't believe

me, just venture out) forum of it's type on the net, and it's

free. So thanks, but if non-agro suggestions are accepted...


Don't allow guests to view the Flick threads.

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What he said.


Except, for those talking about guests all being cops and whatnot, who cares?

What, a cop can't take 3 minutes to create a login? :rolleyes:


Either way, the forum needs to be self-policed, and the mods do a bang-up job of that already..

But, I usually agree with most things Smart has to say, so Fuck all y'all guests.

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when i first came onto 12oz i was a guest for like a month or two (or a "lurker" if you want to call it that)...then i joined when the sac thread was made in brickslayers...


so im gonna have to co-sign mams' statement....just think of us as one big house party...having fun and shit...

and the guests are the people looking in through the window wishing they could be in...


but i do agree on one thing....it allows cops to read the board without having to register.

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I thnk guest being able to see threads is fucked up.Not only is it much easier for the police and such to view.It is ecspecially worse in ch0 where we are all tight knit and sometimes share semi personal information/pictures with each other.Or when we post a file to a mp3,or a program, and the guest eat it up.I said DOWN with guest being able to see shit.

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Mamerro makes a good point - every "writer" and burnout and cop and all that already know about this site or has a log in already (or would get one) so it doesn't really matter. Putting up that barrier of registering just makes it a pain in the ass for no real reason.


I'd rather have 100 guests, than 100 people already logged in with itchy trigger fingers posting in here because they can with ease.


I can't believe I actually took the time to post a response here - who gives a shit?

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