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being jealous


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She broke up with me.

she finally calls me and tells me that she hasnt talked to me or her family in 4 days because of her work there and how busy she is and she says that she wants to take a "break" because its too stressful for her and she feels like a different person being on the college campus, she says its not fair to either of us that we cant see eachother and she doesnt want to worry about talking to me every day and stuff. She said she already got my birthday present and she also is acting like when she gets back in 3 weeks she is already going to be so busy the month of august she wont even be able to see me. She said if she has a free day we can "get lunch or something and see how that goes". She also said she thinks i carea bout her more than she does about me

to me it seems like that is a dumb reason to break up with someone, because why do it if it is gona make u feel bad and theres no other reason, like another guy or something..i called her back later and asked her to be straight up about it and she said she was telling the truth, she doesnt want to be together if we are away from eachother for so long so she said if it works out when i get back we can still go out. But i still think even though she said shes telling the truth there might be another reason or she us just saying im breaking up with you but im being nice about it. I think she might be, it doesnt make sense. I really have to get her out of my head, fuck this.


no jokes please i really dont want to hear it

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She broke up with me.

she finally calls me and tells me that she hasnt talked to me or her family in 4 days because of her work there and how busy she is and she says that she wants to take a "break" because its too stressful for her and she feels like a different person being on the college campus, she says its not fair to either of us that we cant see eachother and she doesnt want to worry about talking to me every day and stuff. She said she already got my birthday present and she also is acting like when she gets back in 3 weeks she is already going to be so busy the month of august she wont even be able to see me. She said if she has a free day we can "get lunch or something and see how that goes". She also said she thinks i carea bout her more than she does about me

to me it seems like that is a dumb reason to break up with someone, because why do it if it is gona make u feel bad and theres no other reason, like another guy or something..i called her back later and asked her to be straight up about it and she said she was telling the truth, she doesnt want to be together if we are away from eachother for so long so she said if it works out when i get back we can still go out. But i still think even though she said shes telling the truth there might be another reason or she us just saying im breaking up with you but im being nice about it. I think she might be, it doesnt make sense. I really have to get her out of my head, fuck this.


no jokes please i really dont want to hear it


do you guys think i should call her once in a while when shes gone to talk to her and show her i still care about her or just forget it and see if she is gonna ever call me, which she might not, so i feel like calling but i dunno


oops i thought i hit edit sorry

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Im not trying to be funny or anything...


Dont call her

Dont wait for her to call

Go outside or something. Find a distraction.


MAYBE get lunch on a FREE day?? I dont think she likes you. And thats a perfectly good reason to break up with someone.

Shes not being as straight with you as she could...but she really told you enough. Fuck the details. You'll get over it. Stiff uppalip!

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ayo yo yo. how old is you? how long were ya'll dating?


surely you're young enough to brush off your shoulders and tell yourself you don't give a fuck about some bullshit. straight up. you should be hitting the ground running right about now.


and don't get hung up on her, man. it's the worst thing you can do, and don't even think about reconciling and getting back together, because that shit will just end up wrenching your heart up like no other, b. take a break, chill with your dudes, live life and hold yourself down.


and if she still wants to go to the zoo or get lunch or whatever, that's up to you. i'd pull the cold shoulder and play her before she plays you on the ex tip.


jealousy is a mother.

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sweaty meat flaps fuckin!! waterfalls in the ass crack fuckin!! hammy steamy vagina poundin!!



the kid who started this shit is an idiot. stack a few hundo and catch a plane you beezy. it sounds pretty obvious your girls being a slutbag. go over there and regulate on that ass, beat a few niggas out, go paint venice beach. get a few last fucks in before you bounce back to the east coast and find some new bitch with a boston accent and a knack for flights to boston ya dig. fuckin homo!!

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nah i dont think this kid has anything even to do with this anymore i was being paranoid, i do have no problem fucking him up after he gets back though

i think she was being honest with me from the way it sounded.


Is this a joke? Are you pretending to be this naive? You can't really be this dumb unless you're like 17. Get your head out of your ass.


Dude scammed your girl. He took her to the gym to show off his muscles and make her wet.

All the while telling her what a dork you are and asking what a dime like her is doing with a dud like you. Then he took her back to his place and got her high and pounded her like she's never been pounded before. Then she lost all desire to even talk to you so she just dodged your calls for a few days till she could think up the exact same excuse bitches have been telling their highschool sweetheart back home for eons... that she's too busy with school and wants to take a break. Bullshit. If she was too busy for you then she'd be too busy to be fucking anybody. She's getting the shit fucked out of her on a daily basis by dude brah.


Don't ever talk to the smut again.

Do beat the shit out of dude brah.

By the sound of it you'll probably gonna have to get your freinds together and dip on the dude because lets face it, you sound like you might be a pussy, and he goes to the gym.

Don't feel bad about rolling deep on him though, he has it comming.

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Listen watch yourself. I use to be that kid your talking about, but i was never fat. I on purpose pull those girls from the past just to do it and just never call back. Success is the only revenge, and investing properly and watching your 401k

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How about guys who go to the gym because they want to get into better shape to attract an even higher quality of girls?


Its not 1975 anymore, a cheap disposable bic and a bar soap just wont cut it anymore. Gotta keep up with the competition.


Dude keeping up with competition? Your pathetic.....

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it sounds like she was trying to let you down nice. she broke up with you over the phone from across

the country because she wanted the easy way out. besides the gay dude that you thought might be

fingering your woman, you already had feelings that she was distancing herself from you.

just remember that feeling for the future and take it as a huge roadside billboard that says watch out

break up coming in 1/2 mile. you chose to ignore it for hope that it wasnt true. but it was.

don't ignore the warnings next time.


besides that go to the beach or whatever is around your town and pick up a new girl. preferably

better looking than your ex and maybe even someone your ex hates for extra sting factor.

but whatever you do dont just sit around getting drunk listening to there's a tear in my beer.

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Is this a joke? Are you pretending to be this naive? You can't really be this dumb unless you're like 17. Get your head out of your ass.


Dude scammed your girl. He took her to the gym to show off his muscles and make her wet.

All the while telling her what a dork you are and asking what a dime like her is doing with a dud like you. Then he took her back to his place and got her high and pounded her like she's never been pounded before. Then she lost all desire to even talk to you so she just dodged your calls for a few days till she could think up the exact same excuse bitches have been telling their highschool sweetheart back home for eons... that she's too busy with school and wants to take a break. Bullshit. If she was too busy for you then she'd be too busy to be fucking anybody. She's getting the shit fucked out of her on a daily basis by dude brah.


Don't ever talk to the smut again.

Do beat the shit out of dude brah.

By the sound of it you'll probably gonna have to get your freinds together and dip on the dude because lets face it, you sound like you might be a pussy, and he goes to the gym.

Don't feel bad about rolling deep on him though, he has it comming.











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ayo yo yo. how old is you? how long were ya'll dating?


surely you're young enough to brush off your shoulders and tell yourself you don't give a fuck about some bullshit. straight up. you should be hitting the ground running right about now.


and don't get hung up on her, man. it's the worst thing you can do, and don't even think about reconciling and getting back together, because that shit will just end up wrenching your heart up like no other, b. take a break, chill with your dudes, live life and hold yourself down.


and if she still wants to go to the zoo or get lunch or whatever, that's up to you. i'd pull the cold shoulder and play her before she plays you on the ex tip.


jealousy is a mother.



this is really fucking true.

i'm going through some shit similarish to this right now.

Fuck women like that. If they think they can play you, fuck them over twice as hard. The best thing you can do is acting like you don't give a shit. Find something to do, do anything that makes you think of something except her.

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yeah im doing fine now shes still in my head but whatever, im just not going to call or text her till she does to me. She was the one that said to me i think you care about me more than i do about you, then she will feel like she crushed me by breaking up with me. If she even wanted to see me again she would call me. and she probably wont call for like a week so thats enough to get over her. If she wants to see how it goes then whatever but if she doesnt, then forget about geting back with her i dont want to deal with chasing her around

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im just not going to call or text her till she does to me.


here's what you do, don't talk to her again at all. don't answer phone calls, don't send her text messages, forget she ever existed. if you somehow get lonely and get the urge to talk to her, remember that she's getting dicked down by alll kinds of dudes right now.


edit: a minute too late. we're giving you good advice dude, don't ignore what the general consensus is.

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EDIT* I only read the first page and missed the main plot points, find him and give him the smackdown, then give the bitch the anger dick, and try to wipe it somewhere where it will be visible for everyone to enjoy.


i learned my lesson to read the whole thread before posting.


And remember, theres nothing worse than getting hit in a fight, so theres nothing wrong with bringing a few friends with baseball bats, besides he works out and could probably fuck you up.

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