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banned bush interview


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i'm not a bush fan, but i don't see why this should have been "banned" (if it actually was).


there was nothing in that interview that was really said anything that i haven't heard before


she asked some hard-hitting questions, he answered. she cut him off a few times and he asked her to stop cutting her off. where's the sensitive top-secret incriminating and embarrassing shit that i must've missed?

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the article the reporter wrote after the interview talks about how rude bush was to her before and after that.

i think she was really doing her job well. she did interrupt him a few times, but he wasn't really answering her questions.


i'll keep searching for that piece, but i have a website to develop today (i could go into a rant about that, but will abstain)

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I'd really like to see that article.



I felt like all her interruptions were attempts to clarify or restate her questions because he was not answering them. Also, it really annoys me when someone gets interrupted, and they use it as a segue into an excessive "Can I finish? Will you let me finish? Can I finish?" diatribe. It seems like a lame stalling tactic. Or him just being a dick.

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To me every Bush interview is the same. Bush stalling, talking about shit that has almost nothing to do with the question. Constantly repeating the same messages over and over through-out the entire interview.


The interviewer getting agitated at this, which then leads to what Harvey was saying about stalling and "Let me finish" bid.


Then of course the questions about God come, and thats too personal. I seriously stopped watching after like 3 minutes.


Most people have a general idea of how bad it is over there(In Iraq). This guy just straight up lies about the situation, about how it's actually not that bad, and what we did was a good thing, and everyone just nods in agreement.

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Was that inmterview banned because it was the least idiotic George Bush has ever looked in an interview?


We all know the shit he says about iraq is utter crap but i've heard it all a million times it's nothing new.


I actually thtink from watching that interview that he really does believe in what he's doing which demonstrates how simple minded he is and how he makes a great puppet

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Was that inmterview banned because it was the least idiotic George Bush has ever looked in an interview?



It's hard for a president in war time to have to justify what they believe is right, I'm curious to see what people think of him 40yrs down the line. I'm not going to say what I feel about him either which way but he made some interesting points.

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Look I'm not a huge fan of his policies in general, he's done some good things but they are pretty few, and frankly I think the war on Iraq was a poorly planed mistake. Now that we are in the war we can't just runaway and I support his decision to finish what he started. As far as our rights, yeah it sucks.


You have to admit, any president in GWB's current position is going to be asked some tough questions and he has been in the past. For the first time, since 9-11, I'm now seeing an interview where he holds his own.


FDR did some pretty ruthless things also, the camps for all Japanese regardless of their affiliations, and yet 60+ years down the line he's herald as a hero. Herbert Hoover was a brilliant president but the depression branded him forever a failure.


As Bush rightly put it; history will be the judge.

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History is already being a judge. He is without a doubt the single worst president this country has seen.


History will show that he has done more to deconstruct the very foundations of our governmental structure than any other president or office in our history. Plain and simple.


VP not part of executive branch? Please.

Executive priviledge- Please.

Heabeas Corpus- Gone.

Emasculated legislative branch- Oh yes, thank you. I forgot I ordered that.

Political firings and other systemic abuses of power- endless.

Reconstructing Supreme Court to restructure shape of American Law- In place for oh... till whenever they die.

Warrentless wiretapping and other blatant Big Brother activities- They are doing what?

Instating a state of fear and zenophobia- I r getz teh beaners out ma countriez.

Flouting it in the face of the american public- constant.

blah blah blah.



Fuck him. He has not done one good thing.



Oh and as a final fuck you.


No Child left behind?- I come from his supposed successful educational program of accountability through standardized testing (eg Texas during his gubernatorial days) and I can definitively say it does nothing but reinforce class lines in schools and districts.






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Look I'm not a huge fan of his policies in general, he's done some good things but they are pretty few, and frankly I think the war on Iraq was a poorly planed mistake. Now that we are in the war we can't just runaway and I support his decision to finish what he started. As far as our rights, yeah it sucks.


my sentiments exactly. dislike bush and his "policies in general," was against the iraq war from the start, i think the war was a mistake -- but it'd be a bigger mistake to simply withdraw and not clean up the mess that the u.s. made.


i don't get some of these anti-bush fools with their agendas thinking the u.s. should just unilaterally pull out and leave i


it's really a tough complicated. situation either way you look at it. i hope some genius or think-tank in washington can conjure up something. personally i don't understand how you can balance between withdrawing from iraq and stabilizing the region. and this current situation and the ensuing outcome is far more unpredictable, and the prospects of consequence seem potentially greater.

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arabs have a hard time admitting their faults. every calamity and internal issue that ever existed in the arab world is due to jews, americans, and the west.... 9/11 was done by israel... arab nations are poor and struggling not because of corrupt arab leaders but because of the west... muslims aren't killing muslims in iraq, americans are paying shiites to and sunnis to kill each other... actual statements made by muslims. a lot of it boils down to jealousy and envy...

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a lot of it boils down to mismanaged money.



when tons of aid is said to be going somewhere, but because the giving country doesn't actually care where it goes because it benifits them if the region remains destabilized, then it goes into peoples pockets and not to helping people.


its like how the US is funneling money to Fatah right now. wtf. no bueno. give it to non profits who actually help people and build up infrastructure.



everyone is to blame here. there is no way out of that. it is recognition of that which will only lead to progress.

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Blame someone else for you own problems. that seems to be the Palestinian motto.


i really dont see a problem with palestinians blaming israel and america for the state of affairs there. they arent randomly blaming other countries, they are pretty clear about who they see as responsible for the deep shit that they are embroiled in. it is kind of hilarious how in your eyes israel has never wronged palestine...

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