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A Utah Department of Corrections officer was shot and killed on campus today when Curtis Michael Allgier, an inmate with the Utah state prison, allegedly took the officer's gun and shot him in the head.


The shooting occurred around 7:45 a.m. at the U's Orthopedic Center in Research Park. Allgier, who has a swastika and the words "skin head" tattooed on his forehead, was in an examination room receiving treatment for an undisclosed medical condition when he was able to take the gun from the officer escorting him and opened fire, said U Police Chief Scott Folsom.


The deceased officer has been identified as Stephen Anderson, a 22-year veteran of the Corrections Department.


Allgier, 27, then fled the scene on foot before carjacking a blue Ford Explorer on Foothill Drive just south of the U campus. Police chase the vehicle at high speeds before the suspect was held up and ran inside an Arby's restaurant at 1700 South and Redwood Road.


Police stopped Allgier's vehicle by placing spikes in the road near the Arby's. Inside the restaurant, Allgier shot one person, who was able to walk out of the restaurant, police Sgt. Rich Brede said.


Allgier was not armed when he was captured inside the manager's office, Brede said. No shots were fired in his capture, authorities said.


Allgier was in prison on a parole violation. His criminal record includes burglary, forgery and at least one weapons crime, according to records.


Police arrived at the Arby's just as Shirley Smiley, 57, was outside after breakfast with her husband and son. She didn't see Allgier but heard a "popping noise" inside that was a gunshot.


Police yelled "Get down!" and the three of them dropped to the ground in the parking lot, Smiley said.


Patients and employees are being allowed into the Orthopedic Center.

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remember this guy?




apparently he killed a guard and escaped from prison today. somehow he expects to remain incognito. good luck


Good luck on that.







































































I hope he gets away.

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