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I read something about Mark Ryden once about he also prefers his work framed. Apparently he goes to great lengths to have it done too. He designs these really elaborate frames and has somebody hand carve them for him.





and also there are a few good pictures of some of the frames on his website ... http://www.markryden.com

In person, his frames fucking blow everyone away. I've seen two galleries of his so far, and on the second one (that wasn't solo), his frames alone were better than 90% of the other work shown. amazing to see the detail and the work that went into each one. In his solo show there was also the sketches that the frames were made from. really interesting to see it from conception to completion.

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I know poesia mentioned the thread, but I would love to hear some of yall's thoughts in my philosophy thread.


I went and updated what I have currently been working on in school.


I don't know if any of you dig on that stuff, but check it out if ya want.


Crooked's metaphysical extravaganza


go to the last post. It is a bit long, but hey, I think it is an interesting read.


oh, and seeking- your landscape reminds me of an artist whose name I have been trying to remember all day. He was very well respected when he was young. He did a lot of sea scapes. They were all strong abstractions. Vibrant colors in amazing oil work.


Anywho, I will continue to try and find the name. But yeah, it reminds me of his stuff.


Useless till I find a visual comparison, but the hunt is on.

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one thing that interests me about my stuff, is that they never feel finished without frames on them. infact, i almost think they suck without frames. i dont know why a frame would make such a big difference, but to me they do. im kind of afraid that it's like in photography, where anything printed with a full frame border automatically looks better than a photo without one. maybe it's ridiculous to think so deeply about something so insignifigant, but when you're painting shit that is just a couple smears of color, every aspect factors in.


perhaps it is that a frame denotes the piece as a whole. Unframed it is still a process to behold, you could continue to work on it if you wanted. Therefore you see the things you would like to change, the things that fail, etc. But when you see it framed, you see it as a whole. As something to examine separate from the process of creation beholden to it. For in its finality, you are just as open to interpreting the marks as we are.


The frame allows you to step outside yourself as the producer of the work and take the same role as us as viewer of the work.

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Yeah, I know. I have no idea where it came from either or why. But I was feeling the pressure and it just popped in my head.


If you look at the shapes of the vehicles and the shapes within them there are some pretty cool pieces to work with. The end result ultimately shouldn't look much like a car or motorcycle at all. Well, at least mine won't... I hope.


BTW... I freakin' love your landscape piece. Well worth the wait.

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i just really dont even know where to begin on this one. i keep rereading you rules from it, and it's like it's greek or something. it gives me zero motivation, but heaps of confusion. ha. as an excercise though, i suppose that's exactly what we're looking for, so congrats on that.



i think you're right about it bringing finality to a piece. since there is concrete 'image' going on, there is no 'proof' of it being finished, without a clear finale. the frame supplies that.

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I've been looking at lots of these concept cars and the photos are usually awesome. They capture all these wiero glares and shapes. Im just going to find the most appealing area, crop it, and abstract it.


also I think we should post the photo we used as reference along with the final project. Yes?

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I've been looking at lots of these concept cars and the photos are usually awesome. They capture all these wiero glares and shapes. Im just going to find the most appealing area, crop it, and abstract it.


also I think we should post the photo we used as reference along with the final project. Yes?



I agree. I think there reference should be posted as well.


Meanwhile, one more glass piece.



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This is awesome. I'm a liiiiittle disappointed that it looks so much like your other work, but I think it's because of the gesture on the middle on the left, those little flared streaks that start out wide and taper to a point which seem to recurr in your work. I think the painting would be stronger without it... given that it's a landscape painting, it reminds me a bit too much of those lakeside views where a little bit of land with trees on it creeps across the surface from one end and gets reflected in the lake surface below. Once I look at the awesome bottom, I see THAT's the landscape, and the little streak is more of a cloud/sky fluctuation, but the shape throws me off.


Another thing is that for these kinds of paintings, I much prefer to see them frameless. There's something about the way these big areas of color wrap around corners on frameless canvasses that i really like. I'd love to see how that tiny bit of blue at the top looks without being interrupted by the bright wood of the frame, I think it'd make a much more interesting edge.


This new Joker challenge sounds like something I can get into.

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i tried to polish this turd, because i wanted to participate while i had the free time. im readliy admitting the bootyness of the line work on the bike itself. i just got back from my honeymoon. ive been in italy for over two weeks and i havent drawn in at least 3 or so.


this thread got me hyped though. so lets see em.

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Uh, what are the two of you implying? Bitches...



Yes, I forgot to mention that we should post the original photo along with the finished piece of work.


Good post Witty! Don't make excuses... no need for that. Job well done.


2006... I'm not sure how you did the black line work in that one (spray glue cap?) but I really like the effect it gives with the depth of more paint overtop. Not really so much the drippy bits but just the thought of more layers of transparency over the black lines. Good post.

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Uh, what are the two of you implying? Bitches...



Yes, I forgot to mention that we should post the original photo along with the finished piece of work.


Good post Witty! Don't make excuses... no need for that. Job well done.


2006... I'm not sure how you did the black line work in that one (spray glue cap?) but I really like the effect it gives with the depth of more paint overtop. Not really so much the drippy bits but just the thought of more layers of transparency over the black lines. Good post.


I'm implying that your artwork is futurist looking. It was a complement.


Go listen to some cats mewling in a rusty corregated pipe that segues into a drunk 58 year old woman mumbling the first six pages of War and Peace into a crumbled paper towl tube.



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Oh I see... now we're going to make fun of the "music" I listen to. Clicks and blips or chainsaws against metal... it's inspirational to me ears. In the year 2525... kids will be all over that stuff, that's how ahead of the game I am.


I jib you, but actually, that stuff was decent to draw to. It kind of takes your mind away from the monotany of the drawing enough to get it done.

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