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Global Warming


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I think that shit is stupid. scientists always try to disprove all religion and pretty much try to tell the world how our future is going to be, how we can help it blah blah blah...what do you think of global warming?


if by "disproving religion" you mean opening their eyes and minds and taking on an awareness of the world around them as opposed to being content in believing in an all knowing god who created the universe and all life in it but for some reason only came to light 2000 years ago, then, yeah. i guess they are.


seriously dude. your beliefs are a joke at best and, at worst, a catalyst for the majority of the worlds problems. wake up and start using the brain that your "god" supposedly gave you.


i have so little tolerance for this shit these days.

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oh, and global warming....i dont see an issue here. its not like we are going lose out on something by erring on the side of caution. i wish people would shut the fuck up with this climate change vs global warming debate and utilize the technology we have to lessen our footprint on the earth. period.


sheer fucking stupidity....

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oh, and global warming....i dont see an issue here. its not like we are going lose out on something by erring on the side of caution. i wish people would shut the fuck up with this climate change vs global warming debate and utilize the technology we have to lessen our footprint on the earth. period.


sheer fucking stupidity....



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oh, and global warming....i dont see an issue here. its not like we are going lose out on something by erring on the side of caution. i wish people would shut the fuck up with this climate change vs global warming debate and utilize the technology we have to lessen our footprint on the earth. period.


sheer fucking stupidity....


i already said this and i didn't get all the sweet props.


it's pretty interesting to think if Peak Oil or global warming really are as catastrophic as some think they are going to be how the wester world is going to cop it so much harder than anyone else. Even in developing nations they have their agricultural hubs relatively close to their big cities, and they also have heaps of market gardens and the like in the cities. In the developed there are cities of 20 million people that are nowhere near enough agricultural land to support them. Its also funny ot think when something like that happens no one is going to give a fuck aobut all the 'valuable' things we have in the city like flatscreen tv's and the internets. You'd have trouble finding someone to swap a 40 inch plasma for an apple when there's no electricity to power it.


I rekon Japan will be the most fucked followed by South Korea and western Europe. We're looking pretty good over here in Australia how do you Americans like your chances?

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i believe the bible....i mean really, science says we evolved from monkeys, but you don't see people shitting in their hand and throwing it at eachother....


science never said we came from monkeys, we just share common ancestors.

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yeah, that is because we EVOLVED. having faith in a higher power is fine, to each his own. but people who mindlessly cling to religion despite any logical argument to counter it, believing that "everything will be fine because god said so" are the reason that the whole world is fucked. really, you dont think that the overconsumption of fossil fuels is a problem to address, or is it "a gift from god".


i have only seen 3 threads from you, 2 of them were about weed, and then this one. i think i really dont like you.


studies show that people who pray live longer. is it faith? the hand of God? or coincidence?

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my concerns about global warming revolves around my surfing life style mainly... things like the potential loss of breaks and beaches, the fact that i live by the ocean, and thats pretty much it. and also the military dumping chemicals into the ocean really bothers me too. in the news about a year ago, there was an article about how the military dumped tons of chemical waste into the ocean off my coast of the island when they weren't supposed to. and one day, after years of surfing and being a part of the ocean, i find out that i have a cancer which was caused from that shit? or maybe ill be walking down the beach and have my foot blown off by explosive material that washed ashore?




one day i found a couple of sand dollars while walking on the reef. i was holding them in my hand when bursted into flames in my hand. pretty fucked up. a couple days later in the newspaper there was an article about a chemical similar to gun powder that was washing up on all the beaches. the substance was highly flammable and could ignite with little friction. i forget what it was called.

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i already said this and i didn't get all the sweet props.


it's pretty interesting to think if Peak Oil or global warming really are as catastrophic as some think they are going to be how the wester world is going to cop it so much harder than anyone else. Even in developing nations they have their agricultural hubs relatively close to their big cities, and they also have heaps of market gardens and the like in the cities. In the developed there are cities of 20 million people that are nowhere near enough agricultural land to support them. Its also funny ot think when something like that happens no one is going to give a fuck aobut all the 'valuable' things we have in the city like flatscreen tv's and the internets. You'd have trouble finding someone to swap a 40 inch plasma for an apple when there's no electricity to power it.


I rekon Japan will be the most fucked followed by South Korea and western Europe. We're looking pretty good over here in Australia how do you Americans like your chances?


as did i. let those of us agree not get bent up on who said it first or how. i am just applauding anyone who is on the side of rationality.

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Who could really determine what will happen in the future? Science isn’t always right, but I’m not exactly saying these assumptions aren’t reasonable. The world is slowly going to hell as it progresses with technology, this is obvious. All I know for sure is that gasoline and oil expenses will unquestionably continue to increase. That is my problem.

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science isnt always right, thats definitely true. honestly, im not so sure we arent seeing another round of rapid climate change and that the scientific community is so whipped up in this global warming movement that nobody is willing to stand up against it. that said, im going to go with the worst case scenario and do what i can. as some of us have said before, there is no harm that can come from decreasing our carbon emissions.


i think the "green movement" we are seeing is one of the best things to happen to us as a society. its obviously helping our environment but its also moving people towards a healthier lifestyle in general through organic, local foods which is crucial to preventing disease and could help stabilize our health care crisis. all i can say is that its win, win and if you dont see it that way you are either making money off of pollution and wasted energy or you are (in the least eloquent terms) a dumb, lazy, piece of shit.

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okay i got something SMART to say. we shouldn't be afraid of global warming because it has happens to the earth before, and at that time there were early humans who lived through an ice age that was caused by global warming. the difference between now and then is that we are using more of earths natural resources which could cause a worse outcome to earth...yeah i know thanks captain obvious....


you don't really understand the greenhouse effect or what global warming really is do you?

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studies show that people who pray live longer. is it faith? the hand of God? or coincidence?


I'd say it has more to do with quality of living, because most people who are praying to God are living in the western civilization where the average life span is more than 20 years old.

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I'd say it has more to do with quality of living, because most people who are praying to God are living in the western civilization where the average life span is more than 20 years old.


i believe in god, but this does seem logical, unless you include middle eastern gods

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It has to do with happiness. Desicion theorists and experimental psychologists have found that two of the leading factors in contributing to a persons overall happiness are prayer and marriage.


While I think I don't ascribe to either for personal happiness I can understand why it would seem that way. Think about what marriage is. It is a social construction basically assuring that you are going to fuck someone for the rest of your life. Procreation is base to the human body so you release chemicals that make you happen when you realize you have assured yourself a constant form of ass (eg marriage).


Secondly, a belief in a god is an ability to make desicions without personal doubt. It is confidence. When a person is in a time of need, they appeal to god to show them the path. Is that no different then a person introspecting in themselves to figure out the best action for him or herself?


Basically, I think if you can get through in life believing in yourself and having a regular sex life, you will live just as long as someoen who prays. Maybe even longer because you probably wont be restricted to the social moores of most organized religions, and thus not find some internal contradiction in your own beliefs vs the institution which espouses your specific dogma.

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That could all very well be true, but I think it's more in the vein of, say, insurance policies....


why do men pay more for insurance, when (in my opinion at least) they are better drivers than women? because there are more of them on the road.

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I think its more unmarried people being unhappy rather than there actually being that one particular thing about marriage (gettin tang) that makes one happy like you said. I rekon its more once you reach a certain age if you're unmarried you start feeling rejected and get insecurity issues while the rest of society looks on and questions hwy you aren't married yet.

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