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dude i know it aint cool to drink and drive...i lost my best friend 10yrs ago in a alcohol related crash....but i weigh 275 and could probably out drink a donkey when fading beer....so for me to be legally drunk i need over a six pack in an hour.....


anyone know the weight bac. breakdown

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1,2,3 not it...


Grey goose and bombay sapphire followed by my roomates boyfriend coming through with the KB plus karaoke... Mauler my dad bought me a kareoke machine...its over!!!

Man you need the Singstar,just so you can get scores up there. Is that available in the US??


Make sure you sing some Foriegner, ahahaha!


Just found out that cats I know have taken over a certain club in town. Might have to go and check out what the hell they are up to these days.

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dude i know it aint cool to drink and drive...i lost my best friend 10yrs ago in a alcohol related crash....but i weigh 275 and could probably out drink a donkey when fading beer....so for me to be legally drunk i need over a six pack in an hour.....


anyone know the weight bac. breakdown



There isnt one police dont break it down by weight stupid. It is what it is. Dont talk about drinking and driving you should take your friends death as a lesson your weight has nothing to do with it. You drink you drive you lose...





Mine is called LeadSinger it has 1700 songs I am not to impressed I may want to upgrade. Link me to that singstar my dude!

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Actually your weight has tons to do with it. If dude weighs damn near 300 (ya fat bastard) then he isn't really drunk off of 3 or 4 beers. Especially if he's just chillin and drinking slow or whatever.


What so any person that goes to a bar and has one beer shouldn't be driving? That's retarded.

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I am included in that group.

My ex admits she doesn't feel right driving "without a roady". I similarly subscribe to that philosophy, but there is a huge difference (for me anyway) between being roadworthy and not.


I am either mildly unaffected or totally shitfaced, there is no in between with me. But as I said before, I take medication which lowers the mental effects of alcohol so even though I may not be right to drive, I still believe I am. Comes in handy when you are in a booze bus (as I once was).


And you wouldn't believe how much of a more aware driver a drink or 4 makes me. Seriously.




Edit: POst #1 and 1000 in the same thread!! Woooo woooooooo!!

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Actually your weight has tons to do with it. If dude weighs damn near 300 (ya fat bastard) then he isn't really drunk off of 3 or 4 beers. Especially if he's just chillin and drinking slow or whatever.


What so any person that goes to a bar and has one beer shouldn't be driving? That's retarded.


Yea but when you blow into a breathalyzer wether you feel it or not after 3 beers you are most likely over your states legal limit. 2 beers or 1 mixed drink you are over mine...


Whatever never-mind that was my piece I am going home to put Plexiglas on my drawing table have a couple drinks and finally draw in a nice environment with my music blasting with some herbalz and g&t...mmm bombay is my drank right now...

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No see, a bigger person (ready for this big word?) METABOLIZES beer at a different rate. Maybe you haven't seen this...




See how as the weight goes up, so does the amount of drinks one can have?


I'm about 165. Which means I could have about 3 to 4 drinks and still be under the legal limit.


Now they don't have a weight chart for 275, but as you could see, he could probably have up to about 7 drinks, and still be within the legal limit.

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Are you back home EB??

Thanks for informing fellow alcos of how much they can drink and drive.

Would you be interested in making a Team Alco video of the members in various drunken states? I have a few pics from my party that could be used, I think you said you had some of you and ZC before from memory. As you would have more photos than me (I'm guessing) I was wondering if you woudl want to have a crack at it?

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Highest I ever got on those breathalizers in the clubs was .214.


That was after 2 glasses of water to wash the alcohol off my breathe, and was at least a half hour or longer since my last alcoholic drink.


If anyone wants to have their photos in a video, message them to me on Myspace and I'll make it. I will put the video on the Myspace too, and might even take the time to redeign the page. If anyone has anything they would like to contribute (Backgrounds, logos, etc) I will make sure that your are recognized for your efforts.


I can't believe you don't have breathalizers in the bars over there!!

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Ahh take your time, no rush, but I'll give it about a week before I knock one together


Willagee!! Sounds cool tango!! I'm trying to picture where that suburb is in my mind (as I was there recently) but for the life of me I can't think...


Lack of sleep+beer does that to you!!

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