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Fucken cops told me to call them if I found my rims that got jacked a couple of years back. A week after they wer taken I found them on a car in the carpark in Northbridge. I called the cops. They didn't get them back for me. I should have gone with my gut and knocked the cunt out and carjacked him. Or at the very least have keyed the shit out of his car letting him know what a cunt he was for taking my rims.

Fuck the cops.


But anyway, I drink and drive all the time. But the fact I have other meds that reduce the effects of alcohol make me believe I am alright. There are times I won't drive though, like when I am that shitfaced I can hardly walk.

Woot, my end of semester party is oon, can't wait to get fucken blotto for that!!

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Tango you mean to say you are having a house party?

I meant my EOS party which is at fucken gay Metros Freo. I don't care all I know is I will be busted up at usual. I found out that when I went to student night (which I have only very vague memories of) the other week I was talking shit about how my former classmates should go and chat up women and not give a fuck. They found it hilarious how I was not giving a fuck abotu anything due to alcoholic consumption.

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I agree with house parties being the shit. I love having people at mine, but most of my friends live down your way and bitched about havign to drive upt o mine last week.

But the Murdoch EOS party is always I night where I get REAL fucked up, without fail.

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Honestly I think I live for alcohol that and having a good time which alcohol always creates, I think I may like getting pissed more than hooking up with a chick, being absolutely smashed and then hooking up with a broad is probably the best thing in life drunken rant over

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fuck this friday sucks

got back from the doctor earlier today

i had some more blood tests earlier in the week and got the results today

and it seems my drug damaged liver is repairable

got my meds and im all set

but he said no drinking for the next few days

hence me sitting on the computer on a friday night

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I broke down and joined the Team Alco Myspace page just now. It is 5:30 AM and I've been drinking since 11pm yesterday. The song got deleted on the page and that makes me think you guys should throw some songs out there, develop a consensus on the top picks, and keep the songs (and the page) top notch.

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I'm watching Steven Seagal in Half Past Dead right now, I must be DRUNK!


That is such a Team Alco title though. Seagal used to be sick til he got fat.


Just went out, and the bar that used to be full of 18 year olds a month or 2 ago was swarming with hell old cunts. Totally fucked. A chick friend of mine had soem 40 year old bitch try to pick her up, hilarity ensued.


Wish I had a camera to snap pics.

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