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Hhah nice work.

Glad to hear you are having luck mate!!

I don't know why you bother with the ex though.



The issues with the ex are becoming way fewer and further inbetween, after some shit happened a few weeks ago that was real fucked up


But yeah, last night was wild fun...drunk as fuck, fighting, puking, then hit up the "massage" parlor and only payed half, ran out the backdoor, jumped the staircase, and booked it down the street haha



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And I went back to the pizza place I knocked the kid around in last night, at first the dude workin the register told me he wasn't allowed to sell me any food


At that point I went outside and called the manager, cuz we're cool and I've done security work for him before, and he told me I was way the fuck outta control last night and that I'm not allowed in there past 11 PM for at least a month haha

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man im fuckin drunk as shits tight now... i dont give a godanmm hbout no fuckin tyupos/ i went to shitty assfugcking karaoke and everyone suckeeed the balls. exvept me. i fuckin rule. now i got some godeam n taco bell. imma fuckin eat this sheit and fuall asleep. fuck cdikdnaneh aa hwhet ahwiega asdg 1q!!!!!1


up yers.



hahaha groyn had a good time whooot!

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