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ice age 2


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get hip to it man...it's the new technology.


BLue ray can transmit 10x times the information than per say the standard red ray most cd and dvd players on the market use today. This also means that new mediums that can be read by blue ray technology can store 10x the information than a standard dvd/cd


that's your 20 second tech update courtesy of teh lens

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They've basically been acting like assholes for a while now, implementing a lot of stuff that fucks consumers over instead of helping them, ie: creating their own propietary formats and bullying everyone that uses or licenses Sony products and technology into accepting that format and rejecting everything else.


Don't get me wrong, Blu-Ray sounds like an excellent format and is in some ways superior to HD-DVD, but I refuse to buy into their bullshit anymore.

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Blu-Ray is not a Sony-only product. I mean, they use the technology in their products, but they do not have the licensing rights for it. Not sure if that's the specific technology you were refering to, but thought I would toss that out there...


I understand completely what you mean, but aren't you a Apple user?? Seems like they're one of the absolute worst when it comes to proprietary software and equipment...


hahaha, I bet you didn't expect all this to come from one little comment, but I'm just curious...

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Yeah, you're right about Blu-Ray, it's a multi-company deal, but Sony has clearly taken the lead in pushing the format. Maybe it's just the gay-ass name it's got that gets me worked up.


Apple gets a bad rap for being ultra-propietary, but apart from the iPod-only iTunes tracks, I've never had a problem with formats. I can run Windows on my Mac now. And it's not just format stuff, Sony has been a complete dick in a variety of different areas lately, that DRm shit, etc.


And co-signed on the penguin shit. There's a short animation on the Madagascar DVD that is all about the penguins, and it's all kinds of awesome. Everything else about that movie kinda sucked.


I haven't seen Ice Age 2 yet.

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if i could only watch animated movies, i might make that switch.

sony needs to make that some propriatory shit.


ive always tried to shy away from sony stuff too. not quite sure why, there's just something about it i never liked. it started with my mini disc player in 99 and continues to this day.

the exception is my lp-51 earbuds. i love these little bitches.

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i got a sony HD flat screen but only cuz it fell off a truck. i kinda always been a sony hater too but i cant front on playstaion. im not some gamer but they always offer the most sound product in video game systems. blu ray is NOT sony, its going to soon be the industry standard. give it a few years, the price will drop and you will be hording your DVDs like casettes...

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Fuck Sony for dropping the ball on mini-disc, which was clearly a superior product that they just couldn't fucking get off the ground. You'd think they would have learned their lesson with Beta (which was actually better than VHS), but nooo.


I also had two Cybershot cameras, and they each shit the bed after about a year.


In summary, fuck Sony, DRM, Blue-ray discs, and whatever the fuck they come up with next.

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