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Rosie O'Donnell+ching chong=???


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in my opinion, it takes more intelligence to be fluent in chinese than it does to peaky engrish. if i was chinese (well i am like 1/16th but i mean really chinese) i'd look at it like "go ahead and make fun of our language you fucking donkey but how many years would it would take you to learn to communicate at a 1st grade level in it." this did surprise me though--cause since all the dykes are adopting asian babies these days i figured she'd be a little more p.c. about chinese people. i think chinese people getting too upset about this is just gonna make rosie think anyone actually cares what she says, which is giving her way too much credit.

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someone correct me if i'm wrong but i believe there's more mandarin speakers than cantonese. i know china was trying to have mandarin as the national language, but with such a large population it's very hard to have a unified language for the whole country. there's also taiwanese, fookanese (sorry i'm spelling that phonetically i'm sure that's wrong), and more. and yea chinese in general is really hard to learn. i actually took a mandarin class before i went to beijing in '98 but i never used it again after that and i forgot what i learned. but i can guarantee you it's too hard for rosie o' donnell.

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hah. The funny thing is that, thanks to being sick as fuck and watching a grip of TV earlier, I know exactly why they're making such a big deal about this:


Donald Trump and the Miss Teen USA thing.


Rosie O'Donnel's trying to take on Trump for assuming the role of 'moral compass' when it's convienient (being anti-drug and drink in public for the sake of seeming completely conservative to business-types) and letting it slide when it draws him into the spotlight (getting Miss Teen, one of his projects that nobody gives a fuck about, all over the news). That and she brought his affairs into it for the sake of rallying angry lesbians and feminists.


I'm willing to bet money that all of this is Trump having 'his people' take a shot at subtle character assassination.



Apparently having the flu turns you into a bored 49 year old housewife.

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its not impossible to speak chinese. it takes a lot of hardwork but truthfully it has more to do with time invested rather than it being some sort of unsolveable mathematical equation. the grammar is easier than english grammar. the hard part is the pronunciation and though its important to learn the chinese characters i believe you can learn up to a certain point without it. i think taiwanese is only spoken by older people but everyone else speaks mandarin in taiwan. i can speak japanese and im far from a brainiac or book nerd. i was just too stubborn to give up. and every westerner that i met in japan that could speak it pretty well couldnt read it to save their life. so dont let the chinese characters put anyone off if youre interested in learning it

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It's kind of like the Zulu Nation... Now a majority of them are Filipino.


It's da ZooRoo Nayshum!


But really tho..


What pisses me off to the utmost about all this shit... I mean, I understand that most black people don't want to hear white people say 'nigger' and I understand why. Still, stereotypes are there for a fucking reason. If I make a joke about faggots sucking dick and it's a funny joke, then that should be the end of that. I don't need a letter from Rosie telling me that I was insensetive to gay issues, just laugh (or don't) and shut the fuck up.


The problem, as I see it, is that all this shit is getting politicized... basically for TV ratings.


If you don't like what someone says then don't go to his shows, tell your friends you think he sucks and don't watch when he's on TV. PERIOD. It worked for me with Carlos Mencia.


*Though I admit I may have actually said:

"Carlos Mencia, that nigga ain't funny!"


It's gotten to a point where it seems like if you aren't 'in the club' then you aren't allowed to notice the funny things that specific groups of people do. If it keeps going like this then nobody is gonna be able to joke about anybody even if they are 'in the club'. Chris Rock is gonna be in jail for telling 'nigger jokes'.


And, finally... just to Rosie... riddle me this... how come I'm always hearing about 'Gay and Lesbian issues' or the 'Gay and Lesbian Alliance'... last time I checked lesbians ARE GAY! It's not about who sucks dick, there's a word about them, it's 'dicksuckers'. Gay people fuck people with the same plumbing as them, that's the definition of GAY. So, is it that the political lesbians are too uptight about not having their specific perversion mentioned when the gay subject comes up, or is that the gay dicksuckers are so repugnant that even lesbians are searching for ways to distance themselves?

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Apparently on the View Rosie just tried to shit on Donald Trump... seems like she's desperate for news coverage, and cheesecake because she's got like 5 chins.


I still stand behind what I said about comedy getting a pass but you can't just attack an individual celebrity because you're an uptight lesbian...


What a fat stupid bitch.

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'05 interview with sam (aka moshzilla):


Jose - How are you feeling today about the whole situation with the pictures?


Sam - Some of the pictures that were photoshopped were amazing, some were pretty malicious and cruel. So even though some of those pictures i laughed at hysterically with my boyfriend, you cant help but realize that you are being humiliated across the country. in a nutshell, i feel shitty.


Jose - Tell us more about yourself - do you think that this whole situation brings out the lame or the best in hardcore ?


Sam - the worst. the whole picture deal started on bridge 9, the original picture was first posted like mid january, thats how all this started. the picture rules, no doubt about it, but on that thread there were soo many pages of kids pointing and laughing and taking personal shots at me for on reason what so ever. some of the photoshopped pictures are also pretty cruel, it juts proves my point yet again that hardcore kids have no heart.


Jose - Today on the moshzilla.com site - there is a disclaimer saying something to the effect that you or your parents are threatening a lawsuit- is this true?


Sam - my parents came home and saw me distraught, i eventually told them what was going on. They flipped out, and were pretty pissed. i got word that one of my friends had already tried to talk to josh about taking the site down, and he wasn't having it. my parents wanted him to take it down, or they'd legally take it down. i dont blame them, if you came home and your kid was upset over the fact that, not a few but thousands of random people were making fun of him/her because of a website, you'd probably do the same. the situation was funny at first, i even laughed, but there was a line crossed, where cruelty came into play and i shouldn't have to be the one saying 'please take them down'.


Jose - Hypothetical situation :Rick Ta Life is held @ gunpoint by Terrorists who are threatening to shoot him dead unless you let Moshzilla.com post the photoshopped entries, do you keep it real? for you and your friends? will you stay true to till the end?


Sam - haha i guess i'd let it stay up


Jose - What if anything have you learned from this situation?


Sam - i hate hardcore kids


Jose - Tell us more about what you DO like about hardcore and bands that you DO think rule..For example, I noticed you like Set Your Goals - a nor cal band that tends to make folks smile.


Sam - i've been into hardcore since i was 13, and im almost a legal adult now, hardcore pretty much raised me. i love going to shows and seeing all the kids there loving the same thing i do. i love the atmosphere. i love the friends ive met because of hardcore.


bands that i cant live without include mental, new found glory, outbreak, blink 182, set your goals, carry on, & the starting line.


Jose - What would you like to say to the 'haters' out there in the internet land?


Sam - what comes around goes around.


Jose - Any last words?


Sam - for the record i heard a rumor that because of me b9 was shut down for a while,this isn't true.

my parents dont even know that my pictures were also posted on there


Jose - Thanks for the interview!

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