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acrylic paint????

visual cancer

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I'm not sure what your painting goals are but if you are

just starting out you can get a pallette knife, and the following

types of brushes ( the sizes will depend on how big you paint)

a couple of rounds, flats, and filberts. Maybe a script brush depending

on what you are painting. As far as brush composites, your a just starting

so I would suggest nylon synthetic. They are lo in price and last a decent amount

of time if you keep them clean.

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binder emulsion is great for glazing. and will water the paint down nicely.

i am a fan of size 10 and 12 hog hair rounds. (i find that the larger sized synthetic brushes don't hold paint the same way as natural bristles, just a personal preference).

get a few flats as well... and a rigger if you are planning on doing fine detail work.

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  • 1 year later...

Instead of starting another thread, thought I would just post my questions in here. Looking for some advice with acrylics.

›My paintings seem to lack depth. They look to flat on the canvas. Is this just a shading issue or am I missing something?

›Do most of you start from the background and work forward?


I've never taken any classes on this, just been trying to figure it out on my own. Feel like I've gotten to the point where I'm not going to get any better by myself.


I am currently working on a painting. I'll post it when it's done. Appreciate the insights..

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painting i did a while back,


Used acrylics, for the first time, I had used water colors previously


I used acrylics for the whole thing, used water to dilute the paint

I basically tried to make the colors match the original pic,


Shading is important to make it stand out, so use dark/light colors properly...


I started with the face then worked on to the rest of the body, then on the background..

though i do not recommend it and would do firt background and leave the empty space white..



edit- you can see how my quality dropped after the half rest of the body, i was tired of it and needed to finish pronto...

so i kinda rushed it ...

entered a gallery "contest" and received 2nd place... all i got what that little ribbon.. lol

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I like acrylic paint because you can build on it with layers. So you automatically will get moere depth. dont be shy to put thick layers upon it. Acrylic painting sometime looks like sculputuring :)

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  • 1 year later...

my secrect...save time and money and supply's

sometimes at homedepo or a paint shop you can buy small mis tints for a buck and i use these alot, and a quart will last alot longer than a little 5 dollar tube. its made for walls and outside so it covers think, no mater what brand of acrylic art paint you get it is always hit or miss with colors, some cover better than others, some dont cover at all, and i hate to keep re coating things, it almost takes the fun out of going at it and just painting when you gotta keep waiting for layers to dry.


here are some things im working on done with just house paint








i also have found that canvases cost to much and painting on cheap wood got boring, i start to paint on old found furniture, its like a 3d painting more alive.


all in all the best art aupplys are just things found...get creative

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