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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Fellow 00ntz'ers,


i got a little dilema...

me n my girl arent together no more,

but its really complicated between us

i dont even wanna go into detail cause it gives me a headache....

anyway theres a couple females i can choose from...

and im pretty damn bored so i wonder what ya'll think...


#1: i could stay wit my girl... you know lovey dovey type shit...



#2: i could get with this girl.... pics dont do her justice in my opinion plus shes got a dope ass body...




#3: heres option 3.... but shes slow as hell... she dont got alot going up there in that head..




#4: cute little hobbit greek chick... short as hell but thick in all the right places...



#5: some girl i just met who goes to my girls school... not bad not bad...




Decisions, decisions...


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


1- is my gir... well EX now i guess... and shes on some other shit and its starting to annoy the fuck out of me... she needs to decide what the hell she wants to do...

2- is a dope ass female... even when i got to know her and what not shes just a cool ass girl... shes a YOUNGIN though.... i think she told me shes either 15 or 14... uughh...

5- my age, mexican, she seems pretty cool too but i dunno bout her im gonna have to see whats goin on with her...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Los Angeles,


Please take note that SukiSukiZilla is in en route:



It is well known that SukiSukiZilla has PMS and Road Rage. Avert any eye contact and do not under any circumstance cut her off.


That is all.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


L.A. traffic is retarded. Sooki is a crazy road rage driver. These in combination made me imagine SookZilla. I used to get crazy heated in traffic. Not so much, but thats because I don't have to deal with it most of the time.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear exgirlfriend/lover/soontobegirlfriendagain,


i love you, you know that? you say you love me too.

but youre always busy now and we never talk unless youre here in town.

what the fuck? come on, i mean we both know we're perfect together.


maybe things will change soon and go back to how they once were,

we'd both like that, right?



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali-G

You are right.

I may tell someone that if I ever get asked that




Dear Suki-

That guy scared me when he asked for contact info from you.

I wanted to establish my fake lesbian companionship

and be possessive by telling him to get off my lady.

But I was alil overwhelmed.

Minus the hippie scenes and

large amounts of people would be ideal.

scared of big crowds(kinda)-Banana

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