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i saw a little mexican kid with a grill today


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kinda off topic



i wait tables, and last night there was a little girl out to dinner with her parents, probably like 7 years old, lets say between 6 and 8 for good measure, because i cant really gauge little kids. or teen girls, for that matter. but the point is, she had a fucking pink razor and was just gabbing away on it all through dinner.


fine, you say. she has a phone. its for emergencies. but im saying, who the fuck is tis little girl talking to all the way though dinner. honestly.

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you would think south philly was a bordertown at this rate.



i was cool w/ them for a while, like you knwo they are here to work shit jobs and send some loot home to their families and they kept to themselves. but now all i see is ms13, illegal kids wilin gout in school, collecting unemployment, social services etc. this and little mexican dudes trying to front on me in my neighborhood and shit. im not not playing that shit. adios amigos, time to listen to one life crew.

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ms13 are not mexicans, but thit sounds like they are taking over shit. and stop whining about them collecting welfare and social services, for the most part they dont do that shit. i know because i live in a city with a lot of illegals and about 90% of them work really hard for what they have. i see more white and black people begging for money and shit like that then mexicans.

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