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hey...if everyone buys a zune instead of an ipod....

boogie hands

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I have to buy a mac laptop for school so ill probably get a free ipod when I buy it. Meh, I dont really care that much. Portable media players are overated unless you are constantly traveling by public transportation.


They're also pretty sweet in the car if you drive something that can't hold a decent mp3/cd player and you like to have a shit ton of music on deck without changing CDs.

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that other computer commercial with insanely ugly people dancing like worms, i pretty much want to kick my tv onto the floor and call it a day. obnoxious marketing is seriously not cool.

Thank you. I really hate those Duo commercials.


On the up side, I hear these zune things are supposed to have some sort of connectivity with each other without using a cord. I think that means you can trade music between zunes wirelessly.


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HOWTO break Zune's WiFi DRM

Gizmodo has a quick and easy hack for breaking the DRM on the Zune's WiFi. The Zune locks the music you wirelessly share with other Zunekers so that it only plays three times before evaporating. This is applied totally indiscriminately, even to Creative Commons music with a machine-readable license granting permission to distribute it. It would also apply this restriction to students who shared MP3s of their class-lectures.


First, you need to enable hard drive mode using the instructions we posted before. Then, rename whatever files—MP3s, movies, programs—to have the extension ".jpg" in order to fool the Zune into thinking its an image. This hack works because Zune doesn't apply DRM to images!


Then what?


Now, take your Zune and send the folder containing these files to your buddy along with a real photo. If you only send a fake photo, an error is thrown. The last step is to have your friend sync the Zune with their computer, open the "containing folder" where the files were downloaded, and rename the files back to their correct extension.




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