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fastfood wars - use to be (got a job today!)


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Re: got a job today!


there is only one dunkin donuts left in sac-town.....and its in the hood....


but that never stopped me from going in at like 3 in the morning for fresh donut holes...


congrats on the job!



well, actually im really in this just to be the offical donut hole maker....

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Re: got a job today!


Dunkin Donuts are all over the place around my way.

But that's what I think everytime I see a Sonic comercial on tv. I've never seen a Sonic. Or Jack in the Box. They don't even exsist where I'm from but you see comercials for them all the time.


you from Mass by any chance? or New England at least?


i remember we were gonna go on a road trip once to find a sonic.. but then we got drunk..

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Re: got a job today!


ive been seeing sonic commercials since about 1997 (because it was on the chicago channel that gets nationwide play)....they built one about 15 miles away in the next town over.....i went there back in july...shit was pretty fucking good...and i was feelin the chicks bringin food to the car in rollerskates 50's style....but no jack in the crack?...seriously?....i see jack in the box everywhere i go.

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Re: got a job today!


haha. it's actually going to be real funny when you tell people down here that's what you do.

but of course i'll cut the joke short and be like, You know he's just playing right?!



why u gotta come n kill my pride of managing the dunkin donuts... :lol::lol::lol:



I was about to quit working with 12oz/AKA. dam:(:lol:

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