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Hipster Music


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I work with this... well, we'll call him a "guy". Everyone brings CDs to work, which is okay, even if it means I have to listen to Enya or Ace of Base or whatever for an hour or two. But this "guy" brings in his IPOD, hooks it up, and for the rest of the day, I'm listening to the most horrible excuse for music imaginable.


What the fuck? Who buys a CD of some guy whining and crying and repeating tired-ass cliches like they're something original. I swear, this guy has so much music on that fucking IPOD and all of it is crap. I heard one line repeated over and over, "I'm not afraid to die." Yeah, of course you're not, because you're probably 26 years old, you're not in Iraq, and you have money. Jeez.


So I hadn't really heard this style of music before, but I guess they "musicians" don't care about things like beat, tempo, or melody, it's all muddy and full of the emo-est, most cliche-est, I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-rhythmist guitar chords and lyrics. Fuck that.


I mean hell. I won't look at you funny if you've got one of these dumb-fuck albums. But how does someone have an entire collection full of the lames music imaginable? The other thing, I asked this "guy" if he was ever into punk rock, thinking that it's a short step from this garbage and maybe he has some punk rock, and he says, "I'm still into punk rock." So is all this hipster shit masquerading as punk rock? What the fuck? I do not need to hear some jizz-stain wailing about love, while the guitarist plays like he's drunk and sight-reading.

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sounds pretty bad. One of my co-workers was a drummer for a skinhead band in my area during the early 80's, and was into the punk scene but now listens to like really mellow boring indie music....how he got from point a. to point b.? I have my theories, but they all involve alot of drugs.

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I work with this... well, we'll call him a "guy". Everyone brings CDs to work, which is okay, even if it means I have to listen to Enya or Ace of Base or whatever for an hour or two. But this "guy" brings in his IPOD, hooks it up, and for the rest of the day, I'm listening to the most horrible excuse for music imaginable.


What the fuck? Who buys a CD of some guy whining and crying and repeating tired-ass cliches like they're something original. I swear, this guy has so much music on that fucking IPOD and all of it is crap. I heard one line repeated over and over, "I'm not afraid to die." Yeah, of course you're not, because you're probably 26 years old, you're not in Iraq, and you have money. Jeez.


So I hadn't really heard this style of music before, but I guess they "musicians" don't care about things like beat, tempo, or melody, it's all muddy and full of the emo-est, most cliche-est, I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-rhythmist guitar chords and lyrics. Fuck that.


I mean hell. I won't look at you funny if you've got one of these dumb-fuck albums. But how does someone have an entire collection full of the lames music imaginable? The other thing, I asked this "guy" if he was ever into punk rock, thinking that it's a short step from this garbage and maybe he has some punk rock, and he says, "I'm still into punk rock." So is all this hipster shit masquerading as punk rock? What the fuck? I do not need to hear some jizz-stain wailing about love, while the guitarist plays like he's drunk and sight-reading.



You know, it'd help if you actually had the name of an artist or an album, maybe we'd know what you're talking about.


But if you're referring to the Unicorns with that one song, then please die...

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One of my co-workers was a drummer for a skinhead band, but now listens to like really mellow boring indie music....alot of drugs.


I've seen this happen several times. Here's how the rest of his life has or will play out:

Stays sober

Marries an exadict

Has 2 children

Realise his job sucks

Begins listening to skinhead music outside the house

Starts drinking

Fights his wife

Never speaks to his kids again

Dies alone in throw-up


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Anybody that listens to a band that calls themselves the "Unicorns" has no legitimacy telling anyone to die.


Anybody that listens to a band that calls themselves the "Unicorns" should probably die.


Well, I forgot. Let's judge a book by it's cover.


"The Beatles"??? Must suck, they spelled their name wrong, what a bunch of retards!


"Plums"? Well they have a gross sounding name, must be a gross fruit!


Your logic rivals a 3rd graders, homie.


And P.S. what's up with the threads where people don't understand things so they talk shit about it to feel better? Like the screamo thread, "people are making new genres up out of the blue!!" Nah homie, you were just left out of the news when someone decided to do something original and start something new. Ironically I hate screamo...


And P.P.S., do we really need 100 different threads all saying "well X subgroup is annoying, blah blah blah!" I mean, do some of you really wish everyone was carbon copies of eachother or what?


P.P.P.S. Maybe 120ZNAME is a cool guy and I am overreacting... maybe we can go out for beers and make fun of people who listen to The Ponys... maybe I am all wrong...

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