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Best Essay Topic Ever


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Okay, so im in this class underground economics. no reading, no tests, nothing.. all we do is learn how to enron money, traffick ecstasy, harvest chinese peoples kidneys, illegal immigration, all sorts of ill shit. the only thing we have to do is write a 12 page paper on something illegal. however, the teacher doesnt want to read yet another pablo escobar biography, or pretty much anything thats been played out. so no scarface shit etc, what should i do? i was thinking about arms trafficking, but i dont know if its interesting enough to me. help a dude out ch.0


ps. it cant be about mafia, my prof believes that the mafia is a concept created by the govt/police to justify higher taxes and more fear, just like al-qaeda.

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I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief, but where's the Christmas dinner for the people on relief? Huh? You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong, to gather flowers constantly whether you are right or wrong, someone to open each and every door, but it ain't me, babe, huh? No, no, no, it ain't me, babe.


It ain't me you're looking for, babe.

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i was thinking about arms trafficking, but i dont know if its interesting enough to me. help a dude out ch.0




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Okay, so im in this class underground economics. no reading, no tests, nothing.. all we do is learn how to enron money, traffick ecstasy, harvest chinese peoples kidneys, illegal immigration, all sorts of ill shit. the only thing we have to do is write a 12 page paper on something illegal. however, the teacher doesnt want to read yet another pablo escobar biography, or pretty much anything thats been played out. so no scarface shit etc, what should i do? i was thinking about arms trafficking, but i dont know if its interesting enough to me. help a dude out ch.0


ps. it cant be about mafia, my prof believes that the mafia is a concept created by the govt/police to justify higher taxes and more fear, just like al-qaeda.



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According to the government of Moldova, the EU, and various NGO's, Transistria has been a haven for the smuggling of various products to the Republic and Moldova, or to eastern states through the Ukrainian border. The administration of the PMR has denied any such allegations and has instead given proof of involvement by Moldovan police in drug smuggling. In May 2006 a Moldovan police officer was arrested in Transnistria for his role in a drug operation.[9][10] The government of Ukraine, which had long been seen as assisting in this illegal trade, has recently taken steps to prevent smuggling along its border by opening new customs posts and by stipulating that the goods passing from Transnistria through Ukraine must first obtain clearance from Moldovan authorities.[11]


Various analysts have also identified the dangers presented by the region due to its large deposits of weapons and the potential of their sale across the black market. Recently, a cache of surface-to-air missile launchers as well as other weapons disappeared from a former Soviet stockpile and officials are unable to account for their whereabouts.[12]"


Good call, ABC. I'm going to definitely look into this place.

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good looking out abc this definitely just shot to the top. i was also thinking about checking out restaurants fronts that funnel money/arms to the tamil tigers in sri lanka. definnitely some trifeness going on there as well. i go to mcgill university... not canadian though, just taking advantage of the social welfare state (cheap tuition).

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  • 2 weeks later...

do you go to evergreen?

ok well why not do a essay on the training of south american death squads in the u.s.a. to support corrupt goverments in south america, so american companys have cheap labor, and no unions due to the constant assassination of union leaders by those death squads.

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do you go to evergreen?

ok well why not do a essay on the training of south american death squads in the u.s.a. to support corrupt goverments in south america, so american companys have cheap labor, and no unions due to the constant assassination of union leaders by those death squads.


i learned about this shit pretty recently, the reagan administration was blowing up civilian planes and ports, killing american journalists and hundreds of people, and then blaming it on the south american rebels, which they hired


america is the worlds biggest terrorist

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i learned about this shit pretty recently, the reagan administration was blowing up civilian planes and ports, killing american journalists and hundreds of people, and then blaming it on the south american rebels, which they hired


america is the worlds biggest terrorist


it goes so much further then that, its fucking scary..

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