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stupid liberal asses

Guest nutsonmychin!

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this is gonna be a rant.


I dare you to try to burn the Flag of the USA in front of me. Do you have no respect? I am so fucking over these ignorant fucking liberal pricks. I honestly don't know whose worse the crazy ass Christians or these know-it-all down with the man up with hemp and tofu free Palestine fucks.


Our government is currently voting on whether to create an amendment that makes it illegal to burn the US Flag. And there is ONE vote to swing it. Are you fucking kidding me? The people that are supposed to be the most loyal to the flag wont even stand up for it....yeah yeah free speech, etc. What a bunch of shit. You dumb fucks are taking the one thing that gives you this freedom of speech and the flipping the script to deface it.


I dare you to some into my house and try to disrespect my Sidur (Hebrew book), or go into a Muslim's house and fuck up a Koran or two. Motherfuckers will kill their family and friends to protect the honor and dignity of what they believe in. Of what they have been raised with, their faith, their traditions, what their father, grandfather, and someday their son will also spend his life defending.


The majority of the people in this country are chicken shits, and maybe i am just fucked b/c i live in the bayarea, but COME ON!! you are the same assholes that throw a tantrum when you heard someone defaced the Koran (i would be you've never even seen one) yet you're all excited about the notion of people burning the flag that represents you for a good time.


You have no faith, no culture, no tradition. You have no history. Anything that tried to represent that you fight, the pledge of allegiance, the flag, "In god we trust". You look stupid, please stop. Feel free to believe in what you believe in, but stop trying to tell the rest of the world they are wrong and brainwashed, you pseudo metal dr laura.


the reason this country is fucked and will never win this war is because out enemy is not a person. but a faith. and honor. a belief. and we are a soulless and heartless country that is about to make it ok to burn out own flag in our own streets.


you cant kill an idea.




Firstly, I didnt read the rest of the thread, so I dont know if I'm late to the party where people call you an idiot....


But yeah.... idiot.

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Ready for war Joe, how you wanna blow they spot

I know these dirty cops that'll get us in if we murder some wop

Hop in your Hummer, the Punisher's ready; meet me at Beatles'

with Noodles, we'll do this dude while he's slurpin spaghetti

Everybody kiss the fuckin floor, Joey Crack, buck em all

If they move, Noodles shoot that fuckin whore

Dead in the middle of Little Italy little did we know

that we riddled some middleman who didn't do diddily

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this is gonna be a rant.


I dare you to try to burn the Flag of the USA in front of me. Do you have no respect? I am so fucking over these ignorant fucking liberal pricks. I honestly don't know whose worse the crazy ass Christians or these know-it-all down with the man up with hemp and tofu free Palestine fucks.


Our government is currently voting on whether to create an amendment that makes it illegal to burn the US Flag. And there is ONE vote to swing it. Are you fucking kidding me? The people that are supposed to be the most loyal to the flag wont even stand up for it....yeah yeah free speech, etc. What a bunch of shit. You dumb fucks are taking the one thing that gives you this freedom of speech and the flipping the script to deface it.


I dare you to some into my house and try to disrespect my Sidur (Hebrew book), or go into a Muslim's house and fuck up a Koran or two. Motherfuckers will kill their family and friends to protect the honor and dignity of what they believe in. Of what they have been raised with, their faith, their traditions, what their father, grandfather, and someday their son will also spend his life defending.


The majority of the people in this country are chicken shits, and maybe i am just fucked b/c i live in the bayarea, but COME ON!! you are the same assholes that throw a tantrum when you heard someone defaced the Koran (i would be you've never even seen one) yet you're all excited about the notion of people burning the flag that represents you for a good time.


You have no faith, no culture, no tradition. You have no history. Anything that tried to represent that you fight, the pledge of allegiance, the flag, "In god we trust". You look stupid, please stop. Feel free to believe in what you believe in, but stop trying to tell the rest of the world they are wrong and brainwashed, you pseudo metal dr laura.


the reason this country is fucked and will never win this war is because out enemy is not a person. but a faith. and honor. a belief. and we are a soulless and heartless country that is about to make it ok to burn out own flag in our own streets.


you cant kill an idea.




Freedom of speach you ignorant cousinfucker!

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"On 9/11 alotta niggas got patriotic

On 9/12 I'm like fuck it nigga blaze the chronic"

-Ice Cube.



So wise.


Beware of them strangas, holdin them flamers

Them maggots with swagger, cause they keep it gangsta.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

there should be some fine print on the first amendment. im tired of hearing what alot of ignorant ppl have to say.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

just looking for intelligent conversation, and a place to vent about it.


you can be passionate and not sound ignorant. but...i must be pmsing if i am even typing this in ch0

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Guest nutsonmychin!

make me...




im all for freedom of speech, but i am an even bigger fan of respect. i dont wanna hear some racist bullshit, not the joking kind, but the scarey ass KKK and white power fools. i dont want to hear stupid hateful people. the 1st amendment has been twisted to shit, now it's about asshole's like howard stern being able to be a total fucking retard and ask strippers about their bleached assholes.


the first amendment is dope.

the golden rule is far superior

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there should be some fine print on the first amendment. im tired of hearing what alot of ignorant ppl have to say.


Do you really think calling other people ignorant makes your opinion any more valid? If you stopped backing your side of the arguement with religious and emotional biases people might start showing you a little more respect and talking to you like an adult.


Anarchists are dumbshits but nobody takes them serious anyway, so why are you so threatened by 'snotty, spoiled fucks' that burn flags without 'knowing what they're protesting'? Laugh at them and tell them how their scrawny punk-rock asses would be the first to go if real Anarchy broke out. Then see how they quiver when you throw harsh reality in their 'disenfrancised' faces.


As far as flag burning goes- 'because I felt like it' is, and always will be, reason enough to be allowed to burn a flag. Personally (and maybe this is a little distorted), I see flag burning as a sort of patriotism regardless of the intents because, in my warped perception, it'a likw saying 'Hey! Look at what a great country I live in where I'm offered the freedom to hate the government as much as I like so long as I'm not directly hurting anyone else! Wee! I'm a fucking dumbshit but at least I'm allowed to be!'


This thread is old already.

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