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Thinking and Destiny


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"Thinking and Destiny - perhaps the most complete book on the whole man ever written in the English language - shines a brilliant light on the deep questions that have ever plagued humanity. Here, information, older than recorded history, is now made known to the world - about CONSCIOUSNESS. No student or teacher of metaphysics, no leader of a modern school of thought, no minister or priest of ancient or modern religion can fail to marvel at the scope and comprehensive detail of the information presented, or fail to wonder - until he has absorbed the portions on Consciousness-how the author obtained the information.


As you begin to read this book, you will probably find it to be unlike anything you have ever read before. Most of us did. Many of us had difficulties, at first, in comprehending; but as we read on, a page at a time, we discovered that Percival's unique system of conveying his knowledge called into use faculties long dormant within us and that our capacity to understand grew with each reading. Ultimately, we wondered how it could be that we had been without this knowledge for so long. Then we understood the reasons for that, also.


We feel certain that Thinking and Destiny will satisfy the longing in your heart to know who you are, where you came from, and why you are here. And we trust that once you learn what thinking is and exactly how thoughts create destiny, that you will use this new understanding to direct your destiny and enrich and ennoble your life forevermore.


This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for anyone seeking short cuts or a quick fix. Both the casually curious reader and the most avid seeker for knowledge cannot help but be intrigued by the wealth of information presented. We now invite you to begin your journey toward Self-knowledge as you partake of this invaluable offering to humanity"





anyone read this? ive read a few chapters and it's simply amazing. it basically explains everything about everything including the measning of life, conciousness, religion, etc. it is some seriously deep shit and i encourage you all to check it out.



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Having studied and taught in several of the world's best universities (Stanford, Yale, Georgetown, State U. of New York), I have read thousands of books, but never one as relentlessly nonsensical as Thinking and Destiny. Note this sample (p. 416): "If a lunar germ is not lost, but on the return path to the head rises higher than the station at the lumbar vertebrae where the psychic breath takes off Light in the course of the automatic reclamation, it is near the path of the solar germ and within the field of its influence. The solar germ then assists the lunar germ, by giving it strength as well as a push or pull upwards."

As bizarre as the book itself are the glowing reviews posted here at Amazon.com.

These 1,000 pages of incessant craziness have been reprinted at least eleven times between 1946 and 1995, truly a testament to so many readers' irrational desire for this kind of preposterousness. One would think that in a scientific age such as ours, unsupported wild assertions would not be taken seriously by anyone. But very many people have no idea of how to evaluate evidence, and many are unaware even of the need for evidence. Thus, Percival is able to spout thousands of statements with no evidence at all to support them.


How anyone finds value in such wackiness is one of life's mysteries.


Reader review on amazon.

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