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What separates us from the animals


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Alot of people say that different things separate us from animals. Things like reason, advanced communication, and even thumbs are commonly sited. What do you think separates us (humans) from the animals?


I think it's possessions because wild animals are too busy making sure that they stay alive to own anything.


You know, aside from some animals being territorial.


This is what comes up when you google "what separates us from the animals"





I think our posessions is what keeps us similar to animals. Our human condition is ran by our survuval instinct, fear. We put on tough guy or comedic facades to protect ourselves. We buy things to promote these facades. In a more literal similarity, there's a hermit crab that in fact takes up posessions. It will find plants, sea urchins, rocks, whatever, and stick it to its shell. Then when it moves into another shell, it will take all of its things and put them on the newone, carefully positioning everything back to where it once was. The purpose of it doing this is to blend into its natural surrondings. If it was human, we'd call it conforming.



Haha sorry I just woke up from some crazy ass dream.

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this book will answer all these questions and also flip your fucking lid.


every wonder why a human womens ass doesnt change colors to show they are ovulating, or which animals cheat on their "spouses". or why respected artists and critics cant tell the difference between art done by people and elephants. well, that last one is kindof a given.

read this shit, on the real.

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yeah, i had to look it up.


Metacognition refers to higher order thinking which involves active control over the cognitive processes engaged in learning. Activities such as planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are metacognitive in nature. Because metacognition plays a critical role in successful learning, it is important to study metacognitive activity and development to determine how students can be taught to better apply their cognitive resources through metacognitive control.


"Metacognition" is often simply defined as "thinking about thinking."

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simple......we've got the bomb

And lets not let those bears forget this, next time they come over here in their bear-boats, bombarding us with their suicidal bear kamakazes in their bear planes...



Edit: Oh and the answer is sex toys.

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What separates animals from humans is that they have this special, abnormal ability to ignore our language, intelligence, science, space travel, or definitions of different things. etc. We can make them react to violence, sounds and primitive ways of communication but still that all is just a distraction for them.

Also, animals don't evaluate things and consider their ability to hunt, fly etc anyhow magnificent, or at least don't let it show.


Humans are religious. They believe in god, humanity, science, leprechauns, human intelligence, human superiority, love and whatnot. All in all, we take things out of context, give them names, try to connect and combine those things and call it intelligence. other than that we're pretty much the same shit.


no homo.

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