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the LOST appreciation thread!


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yo, so i didn't bother to read any previous post, but what the fuck was up with last nights episode? seriously, Lost is getting real shitty, and if the people behind the scenes don't get their act together, this show can be one of the bigget let downs ever. and did anybody catch what the "3 biggest questions answered" were?

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yo, so i didn't bother to read any previous post, but what the fuck was up with last nights episode? seriously, Lost is getting real shitty, and if the people behind the scenes don't get their act together, this show can be one of the biggest let downs ever. and did anybody catch what the "3 biggest questions answered" were?


yeah that was total bullshit. the meaning of jack's tats was not one of the big questions of the show. and what else was really answered? the kids were really ok and safe? the others have backyards? ethan was their surgeon?


that was a big let down!


show us what cerberus really is!


but was the revelation of jack's tat meaning some sort of foreshadowing of jack deciding to join with the others?

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I thought the last two episodes were alright. I just think that they make Jack react in a very unrealistic way. His being an asshole constantly fucks up the possibility of answers. If for the whole season they depend on Jack acting like a bratty child everytime the "others" offer to reveal their secrets, I'm going to be bummed out. It's such a cheap ploy to extend scenes.


The shitty montage at the end of the episode was definitly a really gay way to fill up the last two minutes of the broadcast. I don't know, I think I'm watching the show just to see what happens in the end, at this point. Heroes is the new Lost, and so far they're doing it right because they actually keep the plot moving instead of adding filler episodes, so far.

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i really liked season 1 but i was disappointed with the last episode.

im half way through season 2 and im like this shit just blows.

i hate how the story never moves forward. yet all 40 days of the other half of the island were jammed into 1 episode.


then theres so much back story constantly interrupting the very little action there is and the climaxes offer very little to answer any of our questions.

i have seen a few of the recent losts which is season 4 i presume?

how long are these retards going to be on the island? i want monsters and shit and all i got were some wierd 'others' and a really cheap black cg cloud. maybe i was just expecting dr moreau type plot. now when i see the previews and they always love to say how jam packed full of action there is. i start yelling yeah right at the tv.


anyone else frustrated that this series could have been written better?

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Even the producers don't know what to do. All of these unanswered questions keep piling up and they just throw in some stupid shit like a meteor.


actually hurley mentioned that happening a few episodes back. they just showed it tonight.


i think they know what they are doing.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro



Description: In 3x10, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead", we see Hurley's father ride off on a motorcycle. It's the last time Hurley will see his father for the next seventeen years. The motorcycle appears to be a YAMAHA, but the "Y" and the last "A" have been removed. This may simply be for legal reasons, but it is interesting to note that an AMAH is a maidservant in the east (HK, Thailand, etc.). In Hong Kong, there is a naturally occurring rock which resembles an Amah carrying a baby. It is appropriately named, Amah Rock. The entry at Wikipedia for Amah Rock has a very LOST relevant story:


According to a legend, the faithful wife of a fisherman climbed the hills every day, carrying her son, to watch for the return of her husband, not knowing he had been drowned at sea. In reward for her faithfulness she was turned into a rock by the Goddess of the Sea so that her spirit could unite with that of her husband.




Description: In episode 3x10, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead", young Hurley is given a candy bar by his father before he walks out of Hurley's life for the next seventeen years. The candy bar is a "Glacier Bar", which fits in with the recurring Polar Bear theme throughout LOST. Apparently there really is a "Great Alaska Glacier Bar" made by the Chocolate Moose Candy Company, but it doesn't appear to be the same bar seen with Hurley.




Description: In episode 3x10, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead", Hurley finds a beat up VW Bus that was used by Dharma. Inside the van, he finds a dead Dharma "Work Man" named Roger. The van also contains Dharma Beer, and Dharma Beer Lite in addition to a lot of paperwork. Sawyer takes special notice of a map, or blueprint, which appears to show a road that Dharma was planning on building that would lead to the Swan Station. The map includes a more detailed drawing of the Swan Station than previously seen, but any details are hard to make out.


You can full the full size map here: http://lost.cubit.net/pics/3x10/dharmaRoadMap_Full.jpg

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