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3d Body Modification


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new tattoo tat.jpg


Always wanted a tattoo but afraid of what your boss will say? Thanks to a fascinating new technique you can cover yourself in body art and no one will be the wiser – unless they see you in the dark, which is the only time these tattoos are visible. The new technique uses blacklight reactive ink, which is reactive to UV light. It’s kinda freaky but imagine the fun you could have after dark. by Billy T


I don't recommend it. Give it 2 years then reassess. The stuff I've heard is it isn't completely long term tested and some people are finding that the aging of the ink turns a brownish color. When I get a thumbs up I'll be debating it.

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The only way I'd give anyone props for doing this shit is if they got a big plastic penis inserted under the skin on their forehead and some letters that spelled out 'I AM A DICKHEAD'. Because that's what they are. Fucking dickheads.


Really.. tattoos are fine by me. Some look real slick. Not one of these 'bod mods' look remotely close to aesthetically pleasing... they all look awkward and irritated.

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i think this extreme body modification shit is ridiculous



What the fuck are these people going to do at age sixty? Do you think that woman is going to dig trails of slime bubbles on her forehead in 2o years? Those ribs under her skin make it look like she has some fucked up bone disease or something.




re-fucking tarded.

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goddamn right i am judging a book by it's cover....


look at this...a typical family dinner involves the parents yelling at one another over who's fault it was their sun ended up permanently disfiguring himself.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
new tattoo tat.jpg


Always wanted a tattoo but afraid of what your boss will say? Thanks to a fascinating new technique you can cover yourself in body art and no one will be the wiser – unless they see you in the dark, which is the only time these tattoos are visible. The new technique uses blacklight reactive ink, which is reactive to UV light. It’s kinda freaky but imagine the fun you could have after dark. by Billy T





If your worried about what your boss would say, then you dont need a tattoo. Dont put gay radioactive ink in your skin.

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you always see these people at tattoo conventions and yeah, they are there because they enjoy body modification but thats only 30% of the reason. the other 70% is the fact that A TATTOO CONVENTION IS THE ONLY PLACE ON EARTH THESE PEOPLE EVEN HAVE A REMOTE CHANCE OF FINDING SOMEONE WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH THEM. no thank you. i already feel like my sleeve has cut my potential list of partners in half (though im not too worried about the half i lost)...ill pass of stuffing my face full of metal balls and masturbating my way through every saturday night.
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co-signed boogie.


I dig on people with some tattoos and tasteful piercings but again and again i say "what the fuck will these people do in 30 years when all of a sudden they don't feel like being extreme anymore?


like this asshole....


"Hi, I had my face permanently tattooed to look like A FUCKING TIGER. Seriously, i really don't have an aversion to renting out a hotel room the rest of my life nor do i find the propsect of being a professional dish washer or village idiot all that disconcerting really."

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Seriously....one reason why i am kinda doubting I want to have kids. Can you imagine raising your child and one day he shows up looking like this? That the $20,000 you put down to send dude off to college amounted to looking like the bottom of my grandmothers sewing kit?


What a douschebag

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"Dude...my horns make me so original and unique apart from everyone else......and the thousands of other social retards just like..........................me........................










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