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ive been at work for an hour and havent done shit...

boogie hands

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its hard working 5 days a week in an industry that really only works from monday to wednesday.



actually its not that hard. im going to go knock out a solid 10 minute task while i think of another worthless post.





this came up when i google imaged "french turd". i agree with google.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Morning = go down to the snack store, shoot the shit, get a tasty breakfast biscut, plan pranks on coworkers, waste time on internet, drink energy drink and get to work.

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gee. a whole hour. how do you sleep at night?


the industry i previously worked in was very busy and i would pretty much be blitzed with a million things to do the minute i walked in the door. my new career path is a little more relaxed so needless to say im having trouble adjusting. im sure ill get over it though.

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My day usually begins with an hour or two of nothing followed by four hours of intense work followed by what i like to call my two hour "decompression"


same.....ahhh to sit here and make money by chilling on the net...:scrambled:

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
I've been at my job almost a year now and I haven't done a damn thing.



Do you work for the city?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
i get paid 20 an hour to take naps in my car and eat two hour lunches..and i make up my own hours im never going to quit this one



Hook a brotha up with a application!

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