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We could stop it if we really wanted too...


yeah thats true, think of the amount of money spent on space travel,


i find it very difficult to justify spending that much money on space travel when people are dying of preventable causes such as disease and famine

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some of the 2005 Pulitzers for news photography.









^ this picture give me shivers. it's impossible not to empathize with that guy.


I don't know , maybe it's just me, but this looks like a clip from police academy, the movie.

looks like a skit.

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space Travel? How about $400 Billion+ on military...


yeah i know, it is stupid, but arguably thats money well spent and it's goin towards your defence,


i used the idea of space travel because any way you look at it it's pointless, it merely satisfies people's interests in whats out there, and there is no way you can argue that money is better spent in sending buggys with cameras and stuff into space that it would be on third world poverty.

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  • 4 weeks later...
yeah i know, it is stupid, but arguably thats money well spent and it's goin towards your defence,


no man, that money is going toward enforcing a trade agenda which serves only to further the interests of a tiny international clique of modern-day emporers


for example:

The countless billions spent in iraq, in an invasion launched almost immediately after iraq decides to begin selling oil in euros


the current furore over iran convienently coincides with iranian plans to create a forum for trading oil in euros, which would result in most OPEC nations switching to euro and undermining the dollar monopoly


The demonisation of venezuala as a 'rogue state'- when president hugo chavez of venezuala is pressuring OPEC (the forum of oil-producing countries) to end the monopolisation of oil consumption which manifested itself in the last decade as a ridicuolus deression of oil prices, thereby allowing prodigous US economic growth to fill the void left by the USSR. (and he is also arguing for... you guessed it, a switch to trading in euros)


The economic dominance of dollar is in effect a global empire. and i mean this in a very real, non-dramatic sense: it allows the US to draw resources and to set prices, to exploit cheap labour and exert influnce over any supposedly sovereign nation which trades in dollars, which until recently was just about every nation in the world. The enormous US 'defence' budget is in fact a budget for the suppression of dissent, in the same way any oppresive empire has used the military throughout history: romans, british, belgians just to use a few european examples, so it is not, IMO, used for my (i live in the UK, one of the few, i think 6 EU states outside the eurozone and globally seen as a US puppet) defence, but rather for the continuation of opression, the side effects of which you can see in any of the pictures displayed in this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^ Sorry, but that's not going to help prove your manliness to anyone reading this thread, idiot.



some of the 2005 Pulitzers for news photography.









^ this picture give me shivers. it's impossible not to empathize with that guy.




Is anyone else bothered by the fact that these are all American military pictures that are entirely one-sided? It looks like a G.O.P. "Support the Troops" advertisement campaign, not journalism. Hey, no shit soldiers pray and cry. Why don't you support something that is actually reporting NEWS? Fuck the American news czars, oh I'm sorry, the "media". Take back the word.

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i dont know man i dont think the second of htose photos portrays america in a positive light at all. to me its more an ugly. dehmanised, figure oppressing a much more human figure that an observer could relate to a lot more, because of the way the american soldier is decked out in all this gear and has a massive gun and shit and the guy hes got cuffed is just wearing a tee and doesnt even have shoes on,

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Seriously, those death photos from Iraq, don't really need to be seen here. I know it's the truth and is a reality in Iraq, but this thread wasn't made to show of dead and mutilated bodies of innocent children.


I might get around to posting some photographs in here.

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Soldiers disembark from a Bradley Fighting Vehicle to surround a man who was stopped for suspicious activity near Baghdad. An AK47 automatic rifle and ammunition was found in the man's vehicle.




- BAGHDAD, IRAQ-APRIL 01, 2003: Ali Ismail, 12 tended to by his distant aunt in Al-Kindy hospital in downtown Baghdad, doesn't know that the rocket blast which mujtilated him, killed his mother, father, brother and 11 other relatives in Jisser Diala neighborhood in the southern outskirts of Baghdad.




" - MONROVIA, LIBERIA - JULY 20: A Liberian militia commander loyal to the government exults after firing a rocket-propelled grenade at rebel forces at a key strategic bridge July 20, 2003 in Monrovia, Liberia. Government forces succeeded in forcing back rebel forces in fierce fighting on the edge of Monrovia's city center.

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