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I'm writing a reseach paper on graffiti and how it has changed from its early days. Your imput would be awesome for it.



Simply answer this in any way you like...How do you think the internet has changed graffiti?



You don't have to be good with your facts or politically correct or anything, just answer it from your point of view.



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i was going to say close but then i thought about it umm the net has made it so that graffiti is more spread and recognized as an artform rather than vandalism and head's get more recognition than just in their own country.

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the internet means you can respect a writer a lot and rate his shit above anything but never have seen his work in real life. this can be sorta gay cos people can just do sick stuff in chill spots and post it all over the net, but then again its nice during the day to look at some great stuff from the comfort of your computer

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the internet and other such things such as the getting up game have probably also attracted a lot of toys


I agree man, the net has attracted alot of toys but i think its spawning a bunch of great writers too. Being in the US and being able to look at the UK and other country's styles brings a whole now element to graf. Ur local stuff may look like some stuff right outta Bristol. I think its great to see different styles emerging. As for the toys playin' getting up, they'll do two or three crappy throw ups, get caught by the police or sneakin' home by there parents, there daddy 'ill take there x-box away for a week and they never touch graf again kuz they can survive without a tv.:shakehead:


Enough ranting-:mad: LTrain, try and put the Getting Up game in ur paper too, rattleytins got agood point about that.

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A good writer starts off with a DIY aesthetic, meets people as he/she goes along. builds skill and talent through trial and error, and experiments every step of the way.


A lot of new jacks do not want to put the time and effort into these sort of things and just try to get all kinds of quick answers through the net thinking there is some magic guide to getting good. There's not.

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^^haha ye like in papaer chase

"how do i make this wildstylegraffitimagaburner look better?"

and your faced with some completely disgusting creation of some 10 year old that looks like a monkey on lsd has tried in vain to explain his trip using felt tips on paper

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the internet has generated a complete lack of patience for anyone looking to get into graffiti art.


The abundance of information gives people the idea that it's something you can just pick up overnight which of course, it isn't


Personally, it was a lot more fun for me to learn things on my own and the excitement of meeting another enthusiastic writer through non-internet means always made for a good day (Like "I can't believe i'm not the only one!")


So yeah, sorry to have been rude in the first place Mr. thread creator.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
instead of asking why dont you become a graff writer and use the internet to get you better :P

WARNING: may take awhile..



i once heard a story of this guy who was writing a book about heroin. He thought the only way to really understand it was try it. So he did, he decided to only do it once though. From then on he was hooked and couldnt come off it. His career went down the drain and so did his book. good luck with trying graffiti though. . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

it allows more people to look at it....it gives oppurtunity for internet beef(the stupidest thing ever), it allows you to check out the graff scene in othere places, it is a way to get tips and advice from other writers with out actually having to go to the local paintin spot and meet em...

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  • 3 weeks later...

on the location specific sites, its a good chance to see stuff from other writers, but inevitably ends up in a whole pack o whingers having a go at each other...

and then people like me telling them to shove their tins up their arses...

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An interesting angle of the internet's impact on writing is that area-specific styles seem to be merging. Some towns and areas seem to have really specific styles (for example a lot of the msk kinda stuff, you'd never see that here) and I guess it's easy to see that from the complete opposite end of the world (where I am) and go "holy shit" and then try to bite the styles. Badly, but nevertheless...

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