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losin someone isnt easy but....

johnny ballbags

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a.)about a year and a half ago i watched my girl's moms gradually fall apart with some bad cancer that had spread too far before it was found... from the point that we found out she had it til she passed away was about a year... the last six months or so was absolute fuckin hell... it really sucks to watch someone fade away to nothing like that... but at least you have the chance to say/do anything you needed to and prepare for it....


b.)thursday night her pops was rushed to the hospital because of severe pains in his leg... (this was after he went there on thursday mornin with the same complaints and they said it was a pulled muscle, gave him tylenol with codine(sp?) and said he would be fine....) turns out they were wrong and he had some serious blood clots in his leg.... they tried to give him meds to clear the clots but that didnt work... so in an effort to avoid havin to amputate the leg they decided to do a bypass surgery on his leg saturday night... the whole time we are thinkin worse case scenario he loses a leg but we can make that work and its all good... so surgery was unsuccessful but now because of the surgery he is out cold, on a respirator, all kinds of tubes and shit in him... we def didnt see that comin... now its questionable wether or not he will make it... needless to say this sucks.. but if he does move on without regaining consciousness there are so many things we never got to say to him and all that, but at least his suffering is is not drawn out for ever like her moms was... hes definitely losin his leg after all this but there is still a chance he will make it so im hoping and praying for the best


(this is def a bad example for the poll, but i kinda had to vent a little about this shit cuz im the shoulder to cry on and dont really have an outlet for my stress... for the poll just replace option b with a heart attack or something )


so would you all rather lose someone knowing for a while it was gonna happen or have it be sudden and boom you just gotta deal with it all on the spot?

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Originally posted by Mr. ABC@Apr 3 2006, 05:49 PM

i'd rather not lose them at all. my grandfather died of cancer (wasted away over a period of time until he died) and my cousin hanged himself in a garage one day. they both suck in different ways, but no one sucks more than the other

my g-pa died of cancer as well.. drawn out for some time, and my homie jumped off a bridge.. both ways suck and they both are missed.


my moms almost died last year from some botched surgery.. she was on a ventelator (on and off and on again) and went through three operations in two weeks. we almost lost her, we thought we were going to, but she pulled through.


best of thoughts and wishes to you and yours!

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Its hard to browse around channel zero and get down to business in a serious thread.


I have had a few friends killed, and watched one die from lukemia. I think the hardest thing is to watch someone you love disentegrate infront of you. Makes you a different person.

That kind of pain isnt there when you find out a friend passed away the previous night. That feeling of helplesness isnt there.

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I have lost friends and loved ones over the past few years but ive never had any one close to me suffer for a long time with a disease,i can only imagine it would be alot worse knowing its a slow cycle..losing people is horrible regardless of the cause..it can only make you appreciate your life more.

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im 20yrs old.. over the last 4 or so years iv lost a close friend from school who had a heart attack while walking around his pool and was later discovered in his pool dead..(the day after the incident i walked into a school group meeting with a smile on my face not having the slightest idea of what had happened, i was then abused by another friend for having that smile as he was unaware i walked in late to the meeting and missed what was said) last year i lost my closest uncle to cancer..at present i have an uncle and 2 friends of mine who are also battling cancer.. im sick and tired of hearing about cancer and personally pretty worried about getting it myself.. death is a sad thing that shouldnt happen to anyone... id rather someone go quickly then getting put through all that pain only to go a few months later...

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It's impossible to say, since either option fucking sucks. But given recent events, I can say that the important thing is that you are there for your girl. Having somebody there for you at a time like that can really make all the difference, and I'm sure she appreciates it.


Best of luck to you and yours.

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I watched my father die slowly of alzheimers disease( he was sick for 12 years and died at 66 early onset). I would much rather have had him go quickly because after a few years he didn't know what was what and had lost the ability to talk and feed himself and go to the bathroom. and the last time I saw him he was all crunched up in a ball with his eyes staring at the roof drooling. fucking awful way to go.


One of my best friends wiped himself off the map two years ago in his car one saturday night and that was equally horrible


I think faster is better but definitely never is better.


Johnny ballbags:I hope it all works out for the best!



and inkie that is a pretty horrible thing to say.

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Originally posted by AlwaysBombin+Apr 4 2006, 05:42 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (AlwaysBombin - Apr 4 2006, 05:42 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-1/4FareMetrocard@Apr 3 2006, 08:19 PM

but i had my g-pa die of cancer the same way and a friend who shot himself in the head cause hes mom told him to commit suicide


This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard...as insensitive as I'm gunna sound, suicide is for pussies.


kurt cobain, hunter s. thompson, sid vicious, vincent van gogh..........pussies

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Pretty much...is the fact they're famous supposed to make it different then when John Smith down the street does it? You know what, if you're a person with absolutely no friends or family, and no responsibilites to anyone in life but yourself (not even a dog) then go ahead and kill yourself, more power to you. Otherwise, fuck you, selfish muthafucka

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