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Why graffiti ruined my life...

Danger Zone

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you look up to artfags im sure your name doesnt get you laid or you only tax goth bitches :rolleyes2:



Haha Lens you're such a pussy. At least I'd call dude and say the word feelings one time.


nope, i have more important things to do with my time thanks

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well i didnt quit graffiti cold turkey, but im not out there with paint hittin street side fillins. i carry a marker around sometimes, and if its super chill i'll hit up.


but honestly, if i was to get arrested for graffiti now. i would go to jail for a while. this would cause me to lose my job for missing work and getting arrested. then i would have no job and a shitload of fines to pay, which would plunge me into debt, get me evicted, all for a god damn fillin that will last a few months. maybe if i get some time off or if im more secure with my job i'll go throw some shit up, but at this current stage in my life i have no time for graffiti.

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well i didnt quit graffiti cold turkey, but im not out there with paint hittin street side fillins. i carry a marker around sometimes, and if its super chill i'll hit up.


but honestly, if i was to get arrested for graffiti now. i would go to jail for a while. this would cause me to lose my job for missing work and getting arrested. then i would have no job and a shitload of fines to pay, which would plunge me into debt, get me evicted, all for a god damn fillin that will last a few months. maybe if i get some time off or if im more secure with my job i'll go throw some shit up, but at this current stage in my life i have no time for graffiti.


fuckin A




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  • 4 weeks later...
It seems as though graffiti writers have more problems than most. After years and years of this shit I havent gained anything. And no' date=' doing a sick burner will not make you a happier person. Recognition will not provide redemption. All this shit leads to is felonies, violence, headaches, health problems, lack of sleep, anxiety and social isolation yet im still am compeled to do it. I used to have grand schemes about what graffiti meant but now I know that it doesnt mean shit. Its an ego trip for ego manics to feel better about themselves and feel important. To make us feel permanent in this very impermanent world. Even when I get past that I still see no real reason. If you are just picking this up then quit now. It will infect your system like a virus and become a part of you. Soon youll probably develop a double life. Be at war with yourself between your graffiti ego and the fact that you are normal. Everyone is as crazy as you (almost). And yet no one will ever acknowledge, understand, or appreciate your passion like you do. Your view of yourself will be distorted and different from reality...[/quote']




well if it wernt for graff id be doing other things with my hands:huh:


bad things:shakehead:


horrible things:mad:

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well if it wernt for graff id be doing other things with my hands:huh:


bad things:shakehead:


horrible things:mad:

does it cum in hand-y (jk)


but on a nother note graff actually made my life better.im in good shape.i have hella friends

i look at life in a different perspective than most.but that bad thing is that i tend to whiteout or change subjects to where it make me look stupid:o

you only have one life and its note to be blown away,its to be put on a wall so we can have someone say "Wow thats dope"and every thing that say that name will bring that speical burner-throwie to their mind.


it mihgt not make sense now but just give it a thought

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does it cum in hand-y (jk)


but on a nother note graff actually made my life better.im in good shape.i have hella friends

i look at life in a different perspective than most.but that bad thing is that i tend to whiteout or change subjects to where it make me look stupid:o

you only have one life and its note to be blown away,its to be put on a wall so we can have someone say "Wow thats dope"and every thing that say that name will bring that speical burner-throwie to their mind.


it mihgt not make sense now but just give it a thought

p.s dont sniff coke it'll fuck you up.:D :D :D :shakehead:

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this is funny...I find myself sitting back many days dreaming about "if I had just been out painiting instead of doing or selling or beating or robbing etc..my life wouln't be ruined like yall are saying graffiti did yours...graffiti is the most effective correctional rehabilitation for me..

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I say graffiti is like a chess game. Gotta think ahead.

If you know cops are on your tail, CHANGE YOUR WORD. By the time the cops are on your tail, everyone in the graffiti scene will know you and once you change your word everyone will still no its you. So changing words when cops ae on ya tail is like changing your shoes when there muddy.


..im bored

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Now with a mortgage, student loans out the ass, personal lines of credit / credit cards, and auto inurance etc.... I wish I would've known before the $50,000 in student loans that I'd end up working in a shipping yard swinging a sledge hammer, still having prospered the most artistically /spiritually / profesionally off of my graffiti... which costs nothing. Graffiti is there for me rich or poor, in sickness and in health. I'll never doubt that again. Money ruins lives, not graffiti. True.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if it wasnt for graffiti, i would have become the coke sniffin, tenderloin hooker hollerin, beatin up yuppies in bars drifter that i am today!!!!


once again, thanks and peace to all the coked out bombers in san francisco, and thanks for letting me sleep on the floors of your weekly rented crack hotels!!

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i got busted for graffiti a few years back, I grew up, still like to catch tags every once in a while or do a legal or a chill spot or train, but sometimes when I'm about to do a toss up, i almost have a panic attack.. My life is too good to fuck up again, but I love graffiti..


Virginia is for Hustlers

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  • 2 months later...

well, i had quit pretty much 100% by the february of this year...


...then my gf of six years dumped me and one of my close friends died...about two weeks apart.


So, yeah, i got back into graffiti to keep myself from going crazy sitting at my apartment.

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this shit's great.


#1 - i don't write graffiti, never have and never will.


there's no point in telling anybody about anything you do, you're boring, you're lame, get over it.

there's especially no reason to tell anybody about anything illegal you do or have ever done.

that's snitching on yourself, it's stupid, and any trouble you catch because of it is your fault.


#2 - if you study the game, you'll know the shit's fucked up


i loved it when the JA article where dude talks about quitting and how his graff obsession somewhat derailed his life was posted on 12 oz. and all anybody talked about was the good shit. here's a lesson on life:

there's fucked up shit with everything.

preachers rape kids.

dogs get run over.

heck, drug dealers get lifetimes in prison.


if you choose to write, you choose to take a chance. chances are, if you don't get caught in the act and don't tell everybody, that nothing's going to happen because of it. you likely won't get arrested, but you likely won't get laid, get new friends, get real recognition or anything else from it either.


something JA said in that article that's 100% true is the idea you should only write because you love the thrill you get when you're doing it.


the best spot with a zillion people seeing it that never gets buffed will not make you cool.

it won't make a rap star or any of that bullshit.


#3 - anything can ruin your life


ever known a serious meth addict? that's a ruined life.

ever known someone going to prison for 20+ years? that's a ruined life.

most writers, even when busted on many felonies, serve 3 years or less.

shut the fuck up, do your time and come home with some more muscles, crybabies.


#4 - if you need $, get a fucking job


you will not get famous from your shitty characters or your great fill in's. think about why graff is on the streets and you'll realize why it's not on most people's walls in a frame: because it's counterculture, often intended to offend, not to appeal.


and this page has some of the funniest comments 12 oz's ever hosted.

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