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sometimes when i dont play music or turn on my audio (sub + 2 speakers controlled with a module to turn on and off and control bass and volume), the sound fucks up and plays like it's garbled or there's resistance.


pc win xp sound card is sound blaster audigy (basic model) with four jacks in the back.


i didnt have this problem with onboard audio, just after i installed sound card. updated drivers, still have the problem.


hardware maybe?

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I have some old laptop HDD that when i plug in with a USB HDD Enclosure they dont read, is there anything out there or anyway to revive these dead hdd's that wont read?


For instance; I plug them in, and the computer reads the enclosure but doesnt read the HDD, no drive pops up or anything, im assuming theyre dead


casek im sure youve come across this or know something along these lines, they never teach this in tech school or networking school :P so i have no clue

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I have some old laptop HDD that when i plug in with a USB HDD Enclosure they dont read, is there anything out there or anyway to revive these dead hdd's that wont read?


For instance; I plug them in, and the computer reads the enclosure but doesnt read the HDD, no drive pops up or anything, im assuming theyre dead


casek im sure youve come across this or know something along these lines, they never teach this in tech school or networking school :P so i have no clue


Connections? Drive enclosure works? Burn ubuntu to disc and use it as a livecd. See if they show up in that.

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okay so for some reason two websites that i frequent awesome are all of a sudden unavailable to me -





they are working on other people's computers, and ive tried chrome, firefox, ie, no luck... i've run ccleaner and whatnot, no luck...


any ideas?



windows? go to start/run/type cmd and hit enter/in command prompt enter /flush dns

and hit enter


mac: use this http://opensource.apple.com/source/DSTools/DSTools-112.1/dscacheutil/

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tried turning off the firewall just now, still no luck. i've tried everything that i can think of, went to help forums and whatnot. starting to think it may be something funny with this particular ISP. will try to go to a cafe and hope for the best... would really suck if i couldnt get into those websites.

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tried turning off the firewall just now, still no luck. i've tried everything that i can think of, went to help forums and whatnot. starting to think it may be something funny with this particular ISP. will try to go to a cafe and hope for the best... would really suck if i couldnt get into those websites.


Try a proxy like anonymouse.org

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ps - im in panama, if that makes a difference... i dont think it does cuz i've been on that website before in this country, but who knows...


thanks a lot casek, always hooking it up



ok, google and download "xb browser". Panama may be blocking sites for some reason.

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XB doesn't seem to be working for my computer, i don't want to pay for the 'client version' and the TOR network won't load for whatever reason...


that would be kind of nuts if Panama was blocking those sites.... seeing as they are resources for photo-journalists... repression of media and all that.

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XB doesn't seem to be working for my computer, i don't want to pay for the 'client version' and the TOR network won't load for whatever reason...


that would be kind of nuts if Panama was blocking those sites.... seeing as they are resources for photo-journalists... repression of media and all that.




Wow. I just hopped on here for a second, but lemme do a quick search and get you

some proxy links to test out.











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Visual CertExam Suite...

These .vce files look like the uncut coke for cert testing but i feel like its a scam somehow.

In order to open the files you need a program. I tried to download it and all i get is a text

file that makes no sense. There is also an option to buy




what the fuck. Anybody thats smarter than me have any smarter the abcs insite.

Maybe shed some light on this situation?


Basically this .vce is like the key to unlock this:


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ok. I need to stop asking questions and when things don't work get off this mac and

try them on my PC.... Which worked well enough to download a file that was asking to be paid.


So anyhow. That bottom link i put up there. If you are trying to

collect certs thats seems like a safe way to go. It costs 25$ to get in but i'm reasonably

sure its worth the money. I'm passing that judgement on a combination of instinct

and user feedback. You can tell when the test got changed up

because the comments go from. Legit test. or 95% accurate to people upset

that they went all in on a outdated test.

Now thats not to say you shouldnt actually learn the material. What goods a cert if you

cant perform the job it supposedly qualifies you for. The only way to learn this stuff

is to actually do it and outside of a job that leaves doing what i'm doing which is building

a basement lab and working out activities in books. Problem is that only works so well.

I've worked thru three 290 books (one of them twice) and two 680 books with 7 week

classes to go along with the book and labwork....

If you don't do this shit on a consistent basis you forget it quick. In order to do it

on a consistent enough basis that it becomes committed to memory you need to get a

job where you are doing it daily. To get that job you need shit like certifications. Its like

anything. To get the job you need experience but to get experience you need the job.

I'm good and safe to go on 290 & 680. I just dont want to have to retake the damn things.

I've never taken one of Microsoft's tests before. I'm 99% certain if you abuse this its nothing

more or less than outright cheating. Kinda devalues professional certifications.

Im 1.5 years and 28 credit hours into this mess. If anybody has any updated advice... I asked

and received about 1.5 years ago. Trying the throw MCSA on top of an unrelated bachelors

degree. This classwork i've been taking is mostly because when i started trying to self study

for cert tests i realized i didnt understand enough simple fundamentals to prepare effectively.

So in the end i will have a college certificate on top.

Sorry about wall of text too.

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i havent been in here in a bit, but the last time i was i mentioned my lady friends laptop right click was disabled, seffiks gave me a link to DL and it didnt work.


i didnt want to be an overbearing Dbag bc this is free help, but is there anything else you guys can do for me? so i can look like a champ when i fix it for her?

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went to the laptop homepage here:



didn't find anything for the usb's.


can anyone help?


i'm on an acer aspire 5100 running on vista.



disable the DEP (Data Execution Prevention)

To disable the DEP, you reboot the computer and hit F8 to enter the boot selection menu.


Select Safe Mode.


Once the computer is booted up in Safe mode, click on Start and Run and type CMD and hit enter


Type the following;

bootcfg /raw "/noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect" /id 1









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meh, had a bad day in computing. i tried to install tiny xp on my old, now junk comp, and get a windows cannot start because<windows root>/system32/hal.dll is miising or corrupt. i tried different numbers but it shuts down afterwards.

My ISP kills my connection because i downloaded paranormal activity even with peerblock and forced encryption enabled on utorrent. I guess i'll just have to do the netflix thing. /endrant

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