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one more quick question!


is there a program i can use to organize my external HD (full of music) so i can delete duplicate files?

and maybe put stuff in folders easier....it contains the same music folder or two backed up and recopied many times cause i wasnt sure how to transfer just the new stuff i downloaded... (if that makes sense)



thanks (again)




time for leftover turkey

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Force Field Wireless wants you to paint your house. But not with just any old paint, oh no. You see, Force Field Wireless has developed a special paint, which, when applied to your walls, they claim, will keep your wifi well-behaved and where it belongs - in your house - and those pesky sniffers where they belong: on the outside unable to look in.


They do it with metal, you see - no, not tinfoil hats - but copper and aluminum fibers, mixed in to the paint. This, they say, creates a Faraday cage effect, although they recommend several coats of the paint, known as DefendAir, to acheive the paint’s full blocking potential. According to their website, one coat “has the shielding range of 100MHz - 2.6GHz,” and “with just a few coats DefendAir has a shielding range up to 5GHz.”


Presumably this would work to stop people from Bluejacking your Bluetooth-enabled devices, and reading your RFIDs.


And if you don’t like their selection of colours (basically one - primer gray) they also sell copper and aluminum grains which you can mix into a can of paint of your choosing.

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Alright I got the insane computer. I have cable internet, was going to make it wireless and use that in my room rather than running a wire to connect. However one of my friends say if I try to play games online the lag will be to great and that I should just run a wire direct...


Whats your take on this...



I feel like a nerd for getting into online games but I got addicted to day of defeat at my friends house...

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Alright I got the insane computer. I have cable internet, was going to make it wireless and use that in my room rather than running a wire to connect. However one of my friends say if I try to play games online the lag will be to great and that I should just run a wire direct...


Whats your take on this...



I feel like a nerd for getting into online games but I got addicted to day of defeat at my friends house...


a good 54mbps would be fine as long as you're fairly close to the router.

i have a wrt54g (linksys) and have played online games using it. no problems really.

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okay, i have an old powerbook G4, like the first gen model. and i need a bigger hard drive. is it worth my while to get more memory installed? im not sure of the process, how much extra space can this give me?


more memory=more ram=faster computer


a bigger hard drive = more space


yes to both.

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a good 54mbps would be fine as long as you're fairly close to the router.

i have a wrt54g (linksys) and have played online games using it. no problems really.



hmm I am literally 30 feet away...I think I am gonna try the wireless connection first...




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