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Guest Ginger Bread Man
I have one and love it.

I use this little jawn for stuff that might end up getting the Ipod broken.


everything was fine until


you went out of your way to be an asshole?


But thanks for you non-helpful input.



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I got this 2gb IRiver mp3 player that I use for buzzing around when I run or ride my bike. It worked perfectly for like a year and all of a sudden it starts the playlist from the beginning whenever I turn it off and back on again. It used to start on the song I last played. Anybody know how to remedy this? It's driving me nuts rifling through all these songs just to hear a new one when I turn it on. I've looked at all the settings and the troubleshooting is no help.



reflash yer firmware








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Got a friends laptop here, some Dell 3GB Ram Intel Core2 Duo CPU T6500@2.1GHz that won't connect to the internet after Windows Vista has been wiped clean. I think it is just missing drivers, as I plugged it into my router with a cable however it isn't recognising as being connected to a network. How can I get it to connect to the internet so that I can upgrade its drivers and see its true Windows experience Index (as it is currently at 1 due to not recognising the graphics card) rating?


It is running some Windows Vista Black Edition 2009 by Benjamin, and I have no idea what he has done to it but it is confusing the hell out of me, to try to fix it.


As of right now, you need a second computer to download the drivers and use a flash disk or some sort of USB to transfer the files over to the laptop.


I forgot the name of the driver that you need to install, but in a few hours i should be home and help you out if no one does.


Yes, there is hope :)

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Mauler, Try this first.....


Go to.....


Computer (Right Click Manage)

Device Manager

Network Adapters


Check to see if you have the ''NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Driver.


If you dont, download it and install it. Once you connect to the internet, you might have to download the wireless driver as well.


Report Back.

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I didnt know wifi SD cards existed......




What it does is it stores information like pics and you are able to transfer them to the computer without cables.


So if you have it inside your camera, all you need to do is turn your camera on and your computer will recognize the card and ask to download the pictures.


It goes through your router of if you have a wireless card or laptop, it goes thru the wifi.


They are somewhat cheap too. It maybe old news but its new to me. If ive know this things existed, i would of bought one right away.


technology lol

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

i ordered the drobo elite only to recieve a call that it was on back order.




and im going to look into those wireless cards. whats the transfer rate?

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I really didnt see the transfer rate on those, but that paticular card has a 802.11n wireless performance, what ever that means. I found this on their site...


"Spice it up with the new X2 engine feature that lets you keep shooting a virtually unlimited number of photos and videos: Endless Memory Mode. Mix in lifetime automatic uploads to your computer & online. Add lifetime automatic Geotagging. And discover the most powerful memory card yet."


So im assuming you take pic and they automaticly go to your computer if you near your router i think?

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alright so i'm in the middle of a minor crisis.


had my comp running all weekend. last night, came home, it was working like normal (i've had the comp 7 years and never had a problem. about a year ago i replaced the internal hard drive b/c i maxed out the original). surfed the net for about an hour or so, played some music (normal bull shit), then when i went to bed i put the comp in hibernate. wake up this morning, fire it up, goes to the dell screen then after that i get an all black screen with and underscore cursur blinking in the upper left corner...never get to the windows xp boot screen.


i can access the bios no prob, vital signs look good, but i cannot boot in safe mode. my fear is that the HDD is fucked. if i try to tap f8 after the dell/bios boot screen, i am still at the all black screen with a cursor chilling and by pushing any button on the keyboard the beep noise from the bios goes off.


i am currently trippin



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alright so i'm in the middle of a minor crisis.


had my comp running all weekend. last night, came home, it was working like normal (i've had the comp 7 years and never had a problem. about a year ago i replaced the internal hard drive b/c i maxed out the original). surfed the net for about an hour or so, played some music (normal bull shit), then when i went to bed i put the comp in hibernate. wake up this morning, fire it up, goes to the dell screen then after that i get an all black screen with and underscore cursur blinking in the upper left corner...never get to the windows xp boot screen.


i can access the bios no prob, vital signs look good, but i cannot boot in safe mode. my fear is that the HDD is fucked. if i try to tap f8 after the dell/bios boot screen, i am still at the all black screen with a cursor chilling and by pushing any button on the keyboard the beep noise from the bios goes off.


i am currently trippin




^^ currently waiting for ubuntu linux to d/l to see if i can boot from cd. i was able to do so with my windows disk, but i'm not trying to reformat and have no experience with Recovery Console, so feel free to let me know if you have any other ideas.


alright, so i got ubuntu going on my comp, the only problem is when i try to access the HDD (through places > 160 GB filesystem), i get:


Unable to mount 160 GB Filesystem


Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.

Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not permitted

The NTFS parition is hibernated. Please resume and shutdown Windows properly, or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount operation, or mount the volume read-write with the 'remove_hiberfile' mount option.

For example type on the command line:


mount -t ntfs -3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda1 /media/AE041FE1041FAB7B




i copy and pasted it into the command terminal, but got:


mount: only root can do that





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a quick question -


im looking into figuring out where/how my traffic is coming to my website. The info says stuff like entry/exit/referring/search engine info. however, i want to know more about who the individuals are. I have their IP addresses (obviously), but when i put the info into http://www.ipaddressreport.com/ , it will just say "New Jersey" if its Comcast, or 'California' if its Yahoo, etc.


Do you guys know of a better website/program that spits out info about IP addresses?


Massive thanks in advance.

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