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Thanks casek. It was a norton problem, which I figured out. Amazing what a little sobriety and logic will acomplish. I gave out all my props on the day but will get back tomorrow. I'll give the others a shot though just for future reference.

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two more questions on your answers seffiks


one is oncei download a xp torrent assuming the torrent shows good health right, how do i get the crack? 200$ is alot to buy xp but I dont want to install a cracked version and then be unable to access due to registration issues.


2nd is what is the xp compatibility mode you are speaking of?

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you can pick up a legit version of xp home for around $90- $100 or xp pro for $140- $150


if you decide to get a torrent version the crack is on you............




xp compatibility



works like this


to configure the compatibility mode for an application, just locate the installation directory and right click on the .exe, selecting Properties from the menu.


Select the Compatibility tab:



you can choose to run the program in windows xp compatibility mode, or even all the way back to windows 95 compatibility (probably the most useful setting to start off with would be to disable the visual themes and desktop composition, if you can't get things working. You'll have to play around with it, but most likely you can get your application working this way.)



and what app you trying to get to work anyway


have you checked there site to see if they have an update?

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When Intel asked designers to build a better laptop, its instructions were simple, really. The machine has to be fashionable, able to connect to all manner of wireless networks, and full of the latest, fastest computing capabilities. Oh yes, and make it as thin as Motorola's Razr. Its own engineers in conjunction with Ziba Design in Portland, Ore., rose to the challenge.


The result, code-named Intel mobile Metro notebook, is less than 0.7 inches thick—about one-quarter of an inch thicker than Motorola's (MOT) iconic cell phone, making it the world's thinnest notebook. And at 2.25 pounds, it's also one of the lightest small-sized portable computers. Other features include always-on Internet connectivity via various wireless technologies:




this beats apple by .6

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So my myspace account got phished today, I accidentally clicked on one of those stupid pictures ala "add my friend she thinks you're cute" or something along those lines. (I think that's where it came from, but I never re-entered my password or anything). Just now got a pop-up saying to download anti-spyware from some site, and I closed it, but another came up. Changed the myspace password, and it said I had been phished again (already?!).


I'm running a scan with symantec right now, while I wait for a-squared to finish downloading, and have cleared all my personal info from firefox (including passwords).


What else do I need to do?

*edit* answer - read more into the thread... not really sure if it's that serious, but wish me luck!

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so this thing is better than the air by apple?

Is anyone familiar with LCS and is it better than fans?


Someone should make a thread about their pcs

with flicks and specs if possible

I'm sure some of you cats have some nice rigs /nohomo






there is no specs on it yet


and you LCS is WAY better than fans its quieter and cooler, and makes the machine run alot smoother



i got a basic HP tower

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So my myspace account got phished today, I accidentally clicked on one of those stupid pictures ala "add my friend she thinks you're cute" or something along those lines. (I think that's where it came from, but I never re-entered my password or anything). Just now got a pop-up saying to download anti-spyware from some site, and I closed it, but another came up. Changed the myspace password, and it said I had been phished again (already?!).


I'm running a scan with symantec right now, while I wait for a-squared to finish downloading, and have cleared all my personal info from Firefox (including passwords).


What else do I need to do?

*edit* answer - read more into the thread... not really sure if it's that serious, but wish me luck!


I had that happen to me once, I deleted the account because it wouldn't allow me to post

comments, and always asked me to change my password.


I just recently got another account there and I clicked on one of those messages and

my antivirus/spyware pop out and blocked it.


I suggest you get a better antispyware soft. Everyone knows Norton sucks and uses alot

of memory.

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there is no specs on it yet


and you LCS is WAY better than fans its quieter and cooler, and makes the machine run alot smoother



i got a basic HP tower


Oh, yea, should of known,

anyways I got a Kandalf LCS, I was just wondering if anyone had something similar or even

heard. I tell my friends about it and they're like WTF? radiator? liquid? GTFO!!


And yea the temperatures are way better.

My old case looked like an 80s disco case so I upgraded it.


keep us updated on the cool gadgets seffs.

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Okay so heres the new issue. I got a copy of XP Pro hook up style with pass number and all. So at first I was going to run a partition, vista and XP...dont ask it was recommended.


So here is the thing when i was creating a secondary drive I used the shrink command.


Here is the process I was following



So then I said fuck it, and did a boot straight from the XP disk which overrided the Vista OS


Now I have XP OS but my Local Disk space is 116GB...Recovery Disk space is 10GB....and I started with a 250GB capacity.


So the shrink fucked me, is there a way to restore the Local Disk to its original capacity?


I already restored system back to original state before booting from XP disk..but I havent been able to recover the disk space. Any suggestions? Gracias!

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Pirate Bay hit with legal action


Four men who run one of the most popular file-sharing sites in the world have been charged with conspiracy to break copyright law in Sweden.


The Pirate Bay's servers do not store copyrighted material but offer links to the download location of films, TV programmes, albums and software.


The website is said to have between 10 and 15 million users around the world and is supported by online advertising.


Police seized computers in May 2006, temporarily shutting down the website.


Prosecutor Hakan Roswall said the website was commercially exploiting copyright-protected work because it was financed through advertising revenues.


According to the Pirate Bay website, its users are currently downloading close to a million files.


On the site, a statement says: "In case we lose the pending trial (yeah right) there will still not be any changes to the site.


" The Pirate Bay will keep operating just as always. We've been here for years and we will be here many more."


In an interview with the BBC's technology programme Click last year Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde said: "I think it's okay to copy. They get their money from so many places that the sales is just one small part."




to read the rest of the article.

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Guest shai_hulud
okay i got a noob question. but if i'm running peer guardian while i upload shit to rapidshare etc, are they able to store my ip/trace me?


thanks in advance.


Use a proxy. If you want a list, PM me.

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Guest shai_hulud

I have a friend who's good at both. I'll ask him but I don't know if he'll have the time.


*edit- If he's available, I'll PM you his email address, then you can take it from there.

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the company i work for just bought mysql but i dont know shit.


i am reinstalling the xp OS and I am going to delete the partition i created..my question is the partition in question is on the C drive and lists 119485MB used and 117264MB free...so i am assuming that the free space can be utilized again once i delete the partition.


when i go to delete the partition i recieve the following:

system partition may contain diag. hardware, programs to start OS


delete only if you are sure it contains no such programs or if you are willing to lose them. DELETING A SYSTEM PARTITION MAY PREVENT YOUR COMPUTER FROM STARTING FROM THE HARD DISK UNTIL YOU COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF WINDOWS XP.


so i am assuming it would be safe to delete the partition to recover the free space and then just finish the installation from the cdrom...


anyone know the logistics of this one...sorry for the long reply!

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Guest shai_hulud
the company i work for just bought mysql but i dont know shit.


i am reinstalling the xp OS and I am going to delete the partition i created..my question is the partition in question is on the C drive and lists 119485MB used and 117264MB free...so i am assuming that the free space can be utilized again once i delete the partition.


when i go to delete the partition i recieve the following:

system partition may contain diag. hardware, programs to start OS


delete only if you are sure it contains no such programs or if you are willing to lose them. DELETING A SYSTEM PARTITION MAY PREVENT YOUR COMPUTER FROM STARTING FROM THE HARD DISK UNTIL YOU COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF WINDOWS XP.


so i am assuming it would be safe to delete the partition to recover the free space and then just finish the installation from the cdrom...


anyone know the logistics of this one...sorry for the long reply!


I would just start from scratch...reformat the D: partition and reinstall.


If Vista was on the HD before you did the dual boot install, then Vista will be on the C: partition and XP will be on the D: partition.

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