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Cartoon Riot.


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Originally posted by Salafi_Zahrah@Feb 10 2006, 05:26 AM

As sallamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ahki Dawood,


I say don't say anything else to these about this to these people. Don't even say anything else about the religion to them, you see the respect or should I say lack of respect they give to Allah and his Messenger (saw). This is an issue they are ignorant of in the first place. With the remarks and jokes they have made we shouldn't even be nowhere near them. You and I both know when that day comes they won't be so bold.


Jaza Allah Khiar



Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu,


You're probably right , it's like being on the beach and shoveling sand against the tide in here. Allahu musta'aan.

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Originally posted by Dawood+Feb 10 2006, 11:11 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dawood - Feb 10 2006, 11:11 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Salafi_Zahrah@Feb 10 2006, 05:26 AM

As sallamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ahki Dawood,


I say don't say anything else to these about this to these people. Don't even say anything else about the religion to them, you see the respect or should I say lack of respect they give to Allah and his Messenger (saw). This is an issue they are ignorant of in the first place. With the remarks and jokes they have made we shouldn't even be nowhere near them. You and I both know when that day comes they won't be so bold.


Jaza Allah Khiar



Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu,


You're probably right , it's like being on the beach and shoveling sand against the tide in here. Allahu musta'aan.




i hope for your sakes you boys don't live in the states. CIA gonna get cha!

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Originally posted by Lonesome Cowboy Bill@Feb 10 2006, 11:19 PM

but i think niggas be missing my point here,


what i'm saying I'd rather deal with people writing on my car or house or having to listen to racists like Dawood (lol) or the KKK than not....plus it is of my philosophy that freedom of speech upsurps property rights...refer to the 5 and 14th admendment to the Constitution


fair enough

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I'm lost here:


US Constitution Amendment 5: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


This basically breaks down into due process; right against self incrimination; and limitation on eminent domain? Where is speech in that?


Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


This basically breaks down to:

1) National citizenship.

2) Due process as applied to state law

4) Privileges and Immunities (basically imports the bill of rights to apply to state citizenship and state law)

5) Equal protection.


Neither of these have anything to do with graffitotagging. Sorry. Unless of course your argument is that the First Amendment has been incorporated into the states by the 14th and therefore it applies to you graphitotagging. But it doesn't. I'm so confused. Plead the fifth and move on.

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Originally posted by Flavicon+Feb 11 2006, 05:20 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Flavicon - Feb 11 2006, 05:20 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by Dawood@Feb 10 2006, 11:11 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Salafi_Zahrah@Feb 10 2006, 05:26 AM

As sallamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ahki Dawood,


I say don't say anything else to these about this to these people. Don't even say anything else about the religion to them, you see the respect or should I say lack of respect they give to Allah and his Messenger (saw). This is an issue they are ignorant of in the first place. With the remarks and jokes they have made we shouldn't even be nowhere near them. You and I both know when that day comes they won't be so bold.


Jaza Allah Khiar



Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu,


You're probably right , it's like being on the beach and shoveling sand against the tide in here. Allahu musta'aan.



i hope for your sakes you boys don't live in the states. CIA gonna get cha!




yeah, us and the other 10 million or so muslims in America.

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settle down dude, you take yourself way too seriously.


You should understand that to many this:


"With the remarks and jokes they have made we shouldn't even be nowhere near them. You and I both know when that day comes they won't be so bold."


...sounds like a threat

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by Lonesome Cowboy Bill@Feb 10 2006, 08:22 PM

and for that hypocritical faggot who deleted my kike/muhhamd/looter/jersey boy flic, fuck you, you did more for Osama's agenda with one click than he ever could do flying a plane into NYC...



You betcha.

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The three additional cartoons were drawn and distributed by danish imams. These fucktards have obviously nothing but ideologic bullshit, hate and infamy under their turban. They should be forced to leave the EU immediately. And btw. muslims don't respect our way of living, so I can not respect their way period.

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Originally posted by Flavicon@Feb 11 2006, 10:42 PM

settle down dude, you take yourself way too seriously.


You should understand that to many this:


"With the remarks and jokes they have made we shouldn't even be nowhere near them. You and I both know when that day comes they won't be so bold."


...sounds like a threat



"That day" is referring to the day of ressurrection, when all of mankind will be summonsed back to life and made to stand before their creator to be held accountable for what they did in their life.

It's not a threat from me or any other person, but , yeah, I guess it is a threat from the one who created you.

but the majority of them don't take heed.

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Originally posted by Dawood+Feb 9 2006, 07:43 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dawood - Feb 9 2006, 07:43 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>I'm just too disgusted at what people have been posting here to write anything beneficial, All, I can say is one day you'll all know the calamity of your actions.



Yeah, you'll PAY! YOU'LL ALL PAY!


Originally posted by Dawood@Feb 9 2006, 09:07 PM

I'm mainly talking about the people coming up with more cartoons. It's just plain disrespectful and it's a real low life thing to do. I'm all for free speech, but when your speech is causing harm to others , then it's just best to be quiet.

I mean seriously, It's just a plain scumbag crackhead thing to do.


Well, Golly Dawoo, we all HATE scumbags and crackheads! Right gang?


Originally posted by Dawood@Feb 9 2006, 09:47 PM

are you on the bush administration?


AND the Bush admin too... jeepers!


Originally posted by Dawood@Feb 10 2006, 12:02 AM

I should respond with a heated emotional response, but youre a meathead and youll get what you deserve.


Meatheads! Best thing for 'em is a a threat!... uh... of eternal damnation when our messiah gets here because you're gonna tell on all the meatheads right? but then I'll tell on you for tellin' and the omniciant one will rise up and speak to us ALL, saying:






Originally posted by Dawood@Feb 10 2006, 12:08 AM

<!--QuoteBegin-bobthemothafuckinbuilder@Feb 10 2006, 04:49 AM

DAwood so what your saying is... you will mass protest a fucking cartoon but you will not protest....


Muslims targeting women and children and blowing themselves up?


Muslims using violence in the name of islam?


Muslims beheading civilians or aid workers?



The information is out there, the scholars of islam clarified this thousands of times, but you people want to ignore it, or the media won't cover it, because it's not good for ratings.



Yeah, remember when I said you need to just run on and clean your own back yard? I think that's what Bob was trying to say here as well... and this time, instead of getting all huffy about some percieved insult, you blame it on 'the media' and 'you people'...


really... "'the media' and 'you people'"...


Here I thought we were SO different, and then you say ""'THE MEDIA' and 'YOU PEOPLE'""...


Well, my friend, I'm sorry for anything I've ever said anything to hurt you or offend your cauliflower ears. So, again, I apologize, I thought you were just some kook, runnin off the mouth, talkin loud and sayin nothin, givin Korean cars a bad name... you know... but now I see. For it is plain to me that we are brothers in arms but not in a gay way. I too have been balming "IT ALL" on "the media" and "you people" for years! In fact, just this morning I woke up, walked out my front door, turned to the east and shouted:

"You people get off my fucking lawn!.. And don't try goin' to the media!"

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"For most of human history, religion and bigotry have been two sides of the same coin, and it still shows.


Therefore there is a strong case for saying that the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, and those who have reprinted its efforts out of solidarity, are affirming the right to criticize not merely Islam but religion in general.


And the Bush administration has no business at all expressing an opinion on that. If it is to say anything, it is constitutionally obliged to uphold the right and no more.


You can be sure that the relevant European newspapers have also printed their share of cartoons making fun of nuns and popes and messianic Israeli settlers, and taunting child-raping priests.


There was a time when this would not have been possible. But those taboos have been broken.


Which is what taboos are for. Islam makes very large claims for itself. In its art, there is a prejudice against representing the human form at all. The prohibition on picturing the prophet—who was only another male mammal—is apparently absolute. So is the prohibition on pork or alcohol or, in some Muslim societies, music or dancing. Very well then, let a good Muslim abstain rigorously from all these. But if he claims the right to make me abstain as well, he offers the clearest possible warning and proof of an aggressive intent."






quoted text, not mine

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The problem is the paper didnt critisize Islam, it insulted it, which is a totally different thing.




Me saying that Wahabism like what is practiced in saudi arabia is oppressive towards women is different than me saying


Muslims are terrorists, and to illustrate that heres a photo of the Prophet Muhammed with a bomb in his turbin.

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Sure, the cartoons were bad taste. They were niether witty nor funny (at least the ones i've seen)


but that doesn't excuse people from bombing and threatening just because some dorks thousands of miles away hurt their feelings.


Don't you see that?



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