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why are guys jerks ?


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Originally posted by Mainter+Oct 9 2005, 03:58 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mainter - Oct 9 2005, 03:58 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-MrJackDaniels@Oct 8 2005, 09:54 PM

not all of us are dicks.

i went out of my way tonight to walk two girl collegues home (added an extra half hour on to my journey....)


and thats just example one, of blokes being nice.


thats not being nice thats a line of crap you just walked them home cause you thought you had a chace to get laid lol



bollocks mate.

im, generally, a nice person. my mum bought me up ok - opening doors, walking people home, listening to problems and helping etc etc.


if your just a dude who thinks talking to women is a way to get laid then fine, but it aint gonna happen dude.

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Originally posted by MrJackDaniels@Oct 9 2005, 04:28 AM

bollocks mate.

im, generally, a nice person. my mum bought me up ok - opening doors, walking people home, listening to problems and helping etc etc.


if your just a dude who thinks talking to women is a way to get laid then fine, but it aint gonna happen dude.


Same here. I actually DO have class, in the real world. Sad thing is, most people nowadays think you're on the make when you're polite or try to do nice things for them. Sometimes, kindness is its own reward.


And, while I don't have the best game in the world, I find that most people will give you a chance if you're a gentleman...but, would YOU want to be with someone who is okay with being treated like shit? Unfortunately, a lot of people have low self esteem, and are more than happy to take whatever attention is bestowed upon them, even if it means putting up with the other person's bad attitude towards the opposite sex. Notice that I didn't make a distinction between males or females...this is a universal truth. Everybody wants to be loved...but some people are willing to sell themselves short for it. And, that perpetuates the cycle.


And, in the spirit of being helpful and nice, this answer is directed to the young woman (?) who started this dialogue.


The reason a lot of guys are pricks towards women is simply because A) They don't know any better, and ) Women let them get away with it, usually for all the wrong reasons. If you are the patient type, you can try to correct them through positive reinforcement. Otherwise, there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you have self respect and self confidence, and treat people the way you expect to be treated in return, it's a lot easier to find the good folks and walk away from the losers. Also, "cool" people tend to respect their peers, regardless of gender. If they don't, they aren't cool. End of story.


And now, back to the stream-of-consciousness thread....








Shit-talking to commence....NOW.

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Originally posted by hottprincess@Oct 8 2005, 09:45 PM

why are guys jerks



I'm going to venture a guess at saying you need a shift in priorities and attitude. If the moniker "hottprincess" is anything at all a reflection of your character then you are probably projecting an image of yourself that attracts these jerks to you. Just the same if you are looking for the qualities of hotness and princeliness (more than likely they are not a prince charming but a cocky sunovagun) in a guy.


If you meet a guy that runs alot of game, he is 9 times out of 10 a jerk, because that's exactly what this is to him, a game. He doesn't care about you, he only cares about himself. Unfortunately society promotes this attitude so it is with great difficulty these days to find a guy who is not a jerk. But there are some out there, you just have to weed through all the garbage.


I'm guessing that you are young, so instead of worrying about guys, why not focus on yourself. Know thyself first, and it will get easier for you to read other people and so doing help you find the right person for you.

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Guest beardo

MOST boys are insensitive retarded jerks for the same reason MOST girls are over-emotional catty bitches. as a bottom line, they both need drama in their lives. so basically, we're just providing the drama for each other, happily ever after.


the rest of us have to wade through the muck. have fun out there.

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Nice guys get cheated on, used for their loot or drugs, then dumped for the new flavor of the week.


Jerks get showered with affection, all the sex they want in any hole they choose, and their dishes and laundry done for them, and money when they need it.


I know this from experience. You silly bitches turned me into the jerk that I am and I thank you. I been with the same jawn now for 5 years and everythings peachy. :king:

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