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btw: i don't like bush, either...but we can't completely blame it on his dumb ass. that hurricane fucked up the oil refining plants. they aren't rushing to get them back in order, either. might as well make some money off of us while they're at it, i guess.


anyhow, bush supposedly released 30 some odd million barrels of oil from the national strategic reserve. good news, i guess.

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Yeah, i hit my secret super cheap spot on Monday and gas was $2.55. I went back 24 hours later and they were changing the sign to $2.99! Shit is out of control. I read in the paper that we might be on the verge of a gas crisis not unlike the 70's. That could mean 2 hour long gas lines, limits on how much you can buy at once, and only being allowed to buy gas on certain days (i.e., monday wednesday and friday if your license plate starts with an even number, and the other days if it starts with an odd one.) it's a safe bet that things will get much worse before they get better.

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All I can hope is that within the next 20 years we see a change in the attitude of americans that it is their god given right to drive EVERYWHERE they go, even if it is only 50 feet up the road to the store.


Strangely, gas is $2.99 here. Not like that's cheap or anything.

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All those european countries are so close together and compact, public rail transportation is smart. Out here, cities are really far apart and jazz, i think that has partly to do with why its not as big here.


Do we really need 10 threads for this topic?

I drive a golfcart everywhere, hell yeah

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Originally posted by casekonly@Sep 4 2005, 05:12 PM

btw: i don't like bush, either...but we can't completely blame it on his dumb ass. that hurricane fucked up the oil refining plants. they aren't rushing to get them back in order, either. might as well make some money off of us while they're at it, i guess.


anyhow, bush supposedly released 30 some odd million barrels of oil from the national strategic reserve. good news, i guess.





Can't blame it on Bush? Are you kidding? Gas prices were hovering just under 3 dollars a gallon right the week before the hurricane hit. In 2000, gas prices were around 1.30 a gallon. If this was a democrat in office there would be outrage all over the place. But it's a Republican so we say "awww, it's not really his fault." even though his family and friends have quite a bit to benefit from high gas prices.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by Biggus Dickus@Sep 4 2005, 06:51 PM

All I can hope is that within the next 20 years we see a change in the attitude of americans that it is their god given right to drive EVERYWHERE they go, even if it is only 50 feet up the road to the store.


Strangely, gas is $2.99 here. Not like that's cheap or anything.


Think faster, in 20 years there will be no gas for noone to drive ANYWHERE

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Originally posted by Biggus Dickus@Sep 4 2005, 07:22 PM

Thing is most people don't work outside their own city, and a bus could take them to work, but then their co-workers would look at them weird because they didn't drive up in a fancy new SUV.


i guess when im thinking of transportation, people dont eraly take planes over there, they take trains, but yes, people are so damn lazy and you're right, suv...

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Originally posted by Tesseract+Sep 4 2005, 07:12 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tesseract - Sep 4 2005, 07:12 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Biggus Dickus@Sep 4 2005, 06:51 PM

All I can hope is that within the next 20 years we see a change in the attitude of americans that it is their god given right to drive EVERYWHERE they go, even if it is only 50 feet up the road to the store.


Strangely, gas is $2.99 here. Not like that's cheap or anything.


Think faster, in 20 years there will be no gas for noone to drive ANYWHERE



The estimates I've read indicate closer to 40 before we're fucked, although in 20 it would still be so expensive that nobody would want to drive. Bush is really ahead of his time in this regard. He could have the full support of about 70% of this fantastically assholey nation I live in if he waited until now and said we were going to war to secure oil prices.

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i just saw $3.26 a gallon in oakland today. why don't we have gas prices like europe? it's about $6 a gallon there. then again, they also have a good public transportation infrastructure. instead of that, we have the interstate highway system...which was originally built during the cold war to transport troops in the event of a ground war in the US and was partially funded by the petroleum companies. also, after world war 2, GM bought up all of the old urban trolley systems (which worked fine, btw) and replaced them with their new diesel buses. nowadays, they would be hauled into court on monopoly and antitrust charges...but, back then, gas was 25 cents a gallon, and OPEC wasn't involved yet.

well, i ride a bike and take the bus. shit, i'm 32 and never even had a license, and i sure don't see any need for one now.


the other thing is, that gas has an average sales tax of 42 cents a gallon- sales tax in my state is 8.5%, and the gas tax is 16.5%...and, the higher prices go, the more money the state and feds get, so you probably won't hear anyhing about price fixing since it would mean less of a cut for them. what a deal.

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An oil crisis looms overhead.

The country's economy would come to a slow, grinding halt if there was no petroleum tomorrow. It's pretty frightening how dependent our country is on oil. I still don't understand why only few of the cities in the U.S. have an established mass transit system (a combination of light rail, heavy rail, bus). Then you make a compare-contrast with European cities, even Canadian. Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal have subways/light rail. Cities in Europe that have populations consisting of *<1mil people have such systems, but we don't? It's like a fucking injustice.

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