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The Comic Art Thread

Weapon X

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Torrented a whole bunch of Gambit and Bishop comics

How do I put these on my phone?

Any of you use a comic reader app or something in the phone?



I guess I'll google :-(

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and Kevin o'Neill I mentioned a few pages back with "marshall law" did this strip Metalzoic.




this is about when I started collecting 2000AD and I was firmly into it until I discovered graff!



this was bad ass

had forgotten all about this until a few minutes ago!! hoping they have a collection somehwere (amazon here I come)




he also did a fait bit of nemesis the warlock



if you're into 2000 ad check this blog out



so much good shit



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Wish I could sketch like that.

I wish i could too! you look at Mode2 early work and all the hands etc are ian gibson.


more than that I wish they'd release the other 6 books of Halo Jones but Alan Moore vowed never to release them so zip chance of that

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wnet into a bookshop about two days after you posted and opened a judge dredd book and this was the first page


does anybody like politcal cartoons

they could kind of go in here


YEah, I go to the Museum of democracy about once a year to check out their exhibition of political cartoons but that's more so for the content than the art.

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