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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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I took a bunch of friends to see The Fountain. What a disaster, everyone was asking for my head cause I wasted 2 hours of their life. I am now much more wary of who I recommend it to, but I still think it's fucking fantastic.


agreed, its one of those movies that if you go to see it for what it is then youll love it but if you go looking for mistakes then you will hate it

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watch Birth...u wanna really kill urself after taht movie.


That movie is worse than I ever thought it could have been.


I went out with my old mans mom to see that movie as a sort of "makeup date." At the end we were so disgusted we forgot about everything.

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Hi all..

Have;nt been around in a long while,

don't know if you missed me..

but you're stuck with me again.







I hear good things about Cocaine Cowboys~


Is that new Wes Andersen

"Darjeeling limited"

a movie about trains? is it in India? link?




maybe part of ny top 3 ~


No comparison to Koyaniskatsi..

The Cinemetographer (Ron Fricke) went out on his own to make Baraka..

and the results just showed how his partner in Koyaanisqatsi was holding him back..

Baraka blows Koyaanisqatsi away in many respects..

Need an example?> Koyaanisqatsi does'nt even leave the U.S...




biumpityblump demolition man, deep cover and pi~




New honourable mentions~due to thier overall (cinemetography, composition, storyline, acting, etc.) content,




Noz w Wodzie

(Knife In The Water)

-Roman Pulanski


Ironic socio-spective odd film with great great shots




(To Live)

-Akira Kurosawa 1952


A dying man learns the more valuable things in life..



Ugetsu Monogatari

(Tales of Ugetsu)

-Kenji Mizoguchi 1953


A twisting tale of irony and the duty one has to themselves and it's sensitivity to time..



Tokyo Monogatari

(A Tokyo Story)

-Yasujiro Ozu 1953


A tale of rightseousness and the preciousness of life and honour.. using the family as a medium.


A Bout de Souffle


-Jean Luc Godard 1960


One of my favourite characters in any movie~



Les Quatres Cent Coups

(The 400 Blows)

-Francois Truffaut 1959


The most troubling part of being a troubled youth is having no where to run.



Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music

-Elfstrom 1969




Ya Kuba/ Soy Cuba

-Mikheil Kalatozishvili 1964


USSR produced dramatic nearly silent film on cuban life at the time



Rappin' With The Rickster

-Ricky Powell 2004


21st c. Dada





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^ hahah


I like both of them either way




Ikiru was fished out and sat through in part because of the recommendations early on in this thread!





Newer Japanese films are a bit hurt in comparison.. but there are still some gems~

I saw this movie DOLLS recently..

-Takeshi Kitano 2002


Can't even describe it, but it's serious

it turns out that it's unlike his other films but it's a gem in my opinion none-the-less~

80's had some good japanese movies~ names have slipped since the days of those re-runs though

I have faith in the Japanese mind,

a wave will come~

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lecter i too have faith that some japanese director will pull through.

takeshi i believe is finished directing. he mentioned retiring but they all say that.

his films are good for one time through but i dont think i could watch any of them twice within

a one year period.

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This was... odd. In a very good way. I've never really seen someone appropiate existing footage and present it so convincingly in a wholly different context to make a feature length film. Some might find it SUPER boring, cause it's mostly footage of astronauts (space travelers) floating around in the space shuttle and divers in Antartica (alien planet) fucking around with jellyfish (aliens), set to some really weird Sardinian music. I personally thought it was pretty hypnotic and mesmerizing, and went along for the ride. Good stuff.

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I just finished watching Idiocracy. Great premise, but the movie didnt quite live up to what it was capable of. Most of that was due to the lack of re-shooting, slashed fx budget, etc thats the studios fault, but part of it comes from the formulaic script. But I still enjoyed it. I just hate when such a good premise is wasted.



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From two of Australia's most distinguished filmmakers, Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson comes The Highlands Trilogy: The Complete Collection DVD Box Set featuring three stunning, critically acclaimed documentaries. Set in the PNG Highlands and shot over ten years, First Contact (1983), followed by Joe Leahy's Neighbours (1989) and Black Harvest (1992) have won 30 national and international awards, including an Academy Award nomination for First Contact. All three won the Grand Prix at France's prestigious Festival Cinema du Reel, and AFI awards for Best Documentary.


Contents Listing


* First Contact is a classic film of cultural confrontation, as compelling today as when first released nearly 20 years ago. Columbus and Cortez left no visual record of their first contact with the New World, but when Australia's gold prospecting Leahy brothers first penetrated the unexplored New Guinea Highlands in the 1930s, they carried a camera, capturing on film the last great confrontation between two cultures that will ever again take place on Earth.

* Joe Leahy’s Neighbours traces the fortunes of Joe Leahy, mixed-race son of Australian explorer Michael Leahy and a highland woman, and follows his uneasy relationship with his tribal neighbours, the Ganiga. Raised in the village but educated by the colonial whites, Joe has his feet in two cultural camps.

* Black Harvest charts the progress of Joe in convincing the Ganiga tribes-people to join him in a coffee growing venture. He provides the money and the expertise; they supply land and labour. But on the eve of success, the world coffee price collapses and tribal warfare erupts in the valley.

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All-Star cast.


I bought this for $2 at Big Lots the other day.

It was supposed to be five.

We switched the price tags.

Being a badass doesn't pay well.

But the fringe benefits are excellent.


You can't put a price on laughter.

But if you could, I wouldn't feel comfortable paying full price.

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