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Issac Brock

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That wings game was fucking bullshit. Those referees sucked a big one.

I don't understand how it's not a goal just because he blew the whistle when the puck was clearly still in play. Everyone knew it should have counted. Stupid rule. They need to develop a new system and have officials upstairs make the calls because they have the technology to see what the referees on the ice often cannot. It's the year 2009. This type of shit should not be happening in the NHL.


That's just my take on it.



Here's a flick...


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I'm also gonna have to agree with Glen on this one.


And I'm not positive but I think that is the abort faygo roller spot with the crane. I just went by there a few days ago and it's gone.





Yeah sports are pretty gay but I grew up on hockey and the wings. What other sport is it ok to fight oustide the bounderies of the actual game itself and it be ok? Like even in boxing if you take off your gloves and start punching your opponent in the face after the bell what do you think is gonna happen? Your career is over. The same can't be said for hockey though.

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wednesdays newsx dog shock collars on your kids!!!!!!!!! dave bing!!!! TERROR. it looks like the same building, i was running back and forth lookin g fo rmy car key and there were dudes running; machinery and shit. RED motha fuckin' WINGS!!!!1 ovechkin too. whores yelling on my couch and the evian is shittier than sam adams blackberrry witbier. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaerrgh!1!

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if you were my "friend" on gayspace hit me up for my email address, my shit got deleted from tom, and I had to make a new one. sucks cause there were over 5000 pics on there, and some I will not be able to get back. fuck digital!

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My first go at these letters that I recently sketched up. My A should be overlapping my W in the middle there but didn't notice until looking at the flick. I should have used the cornflower blue for my fill and the claret wine for my outline/3d but oh well. You live and learn I guess. For some reason I thought that was more of a magenta than a red. It kind of is until you do a couple of passes with it and it becomes more opaque. Would probably have looked better if I had used white for my highlights too but oh well. Next time around should be better.





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