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Issac Brock

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yo real talk bump snuf. even though you went over me. yo homie get at me I want you to rep bia, and just go over elmer streetsides with that shit! hahahahaha. just playing fud dont stroke out over there. real talk though bump that house that shit was propperly fucking done before snuf shitted on it. 4th letter dudes are bad influences on my life. melo talked me into doing the most ignorant shit I am about to do to date. so when you see the flicks here in the next day or 2, just remember melo made me do it. that nigga has some satanic mind control or something. white devil type shit.

what...? extinguisher blast over that giant rift mural at the russle?

or, the riku one on grand blvd?

msk disses?

clues would be appreciated. ;)

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Dissing all MSKs shit isn't shaking the city up...that MSK shit should do two things...either make you step your game up...or quit. Dissing fools shit for no reason cuz they go hard is yeah...kinda toy even though i hate that word.


It is the very definition of toy. The Urban Dictionary first definition of a toy says, "a graffiti artist's name for a novice." But I like the second one better:


"A person who doesn't have can control, no style, not even up anywhere. does really crappy pieces. [...] fucks up your piece cuz he think you were dissing him cuz you went over that his chicken scratch tag with a bigass piece."


I sense that some person that has no can control, no style, not even up anywhere, does really crappy pieces is sad face because MSK went over his toy scratching with a burner that makes your eyes bleed aerosol. Grr.



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"It is the very definition of toy. The Urban Dictionary first definition of a toy says, "a graffiti artist's name for a novice." But I like the second one better:


"A person who doesn't have can control, no style, not even up anywhere. does really crappy pieces. [...] fucks up your piece cuz he think you were dissing him cuz you went over that his chicken scratch tag with a bigass piece."


I sense that some person that has no can control, no style, not even up anywhere, does really crappy pieces is sad face because MSK went over his toy scratching with a burner that makes your eyes bleed aerosol. Grr."


this nigga. first off, I know youre a what did you say? 30 year vet or some shit. been in the game for 20 years of some shit? Im sure you had mad spots to. to be honest with you, I got more original throw letters than almost anyone in this city. and thats a fucking fact. wether or not you like or hate my shit, nigga I got spots for fucking days to, and if anyone wants to take it to the streets I got even more spots.


no its not msk. those dudes have actually been really respectful in what they have been doing. sure they sidebusted the shit out of a few cats, namely reft and tom, but they were burners next to throws.


no what I am about to do tonight is very "toy" but its also very fucking funny to me. similar to faggots that talk shit on this thread that dont even fucking paint. its funny. no hints. flicks tomorrow. no msk shit is getting smashed. nobody from this city. now do the fucking math assholes.

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To my understanding side busting has generally been perceived to leave the impression "i know him/them" "i was here and painted at the same time they did" from the side buster. Now i ask is it still side busting if someone paints next you your bomb, piece, whatever but does something better and this person has more rep and has been painting longer. Not neccessarily longer if theyve done more and have progressed past what they painted next to.

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It's funny how writers that respect the "rules" of graf. Rules on an expression based on going against the "rules"...don't make sense. But these cats care about what some writers do to other writers. Did you ever wonder if writers you ain't never met that get gone over care about it?

You'd be mad pussy if you care, and they didn't. Thought.

It's funny how writers that don't follow the "rules" don't care about those that do. But, those that do "follow the rules" get butthurt on those that don't.


Who you think gonna come out the winner in this shit? Who you think gonna be able to walk around with the biggest balls? I respect cats so deeply that go so far in what they do.... that it would offend the majority of fans & participants.


If anyone goes over all MSK shit in this city this year...hats off. All it means is you embraced the TRUE & ORIGINAL essence of graf, and you're down for your hometown. If you frown on it, you're caught up in that 2nd wave of graffiti culture. Internet/magazine/media/etc. hype of what graffiti CHANGED into. Hey....don't change who you are, all I'm asking is to respect on how this shit was initially built.


All I'm saying is, if you're writing now. Don't waste your time mancrushin' on the sidelines. Do what you can do as hard as you can do it. And if it ends up in you fuckin' another writers shit up....a writer with the skill you ain't have, then at least you stepped up, and didn't straight the fuck curl up.

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Straight up....I really don't like Gram or Deth....as people, feeling's definitely mutual on their side. Sometimes I used to day dream about fist fighting them if we all ended up back in the mix. But, local, man...local. I can't deny the fact both of them came out with some fuckin' dope shit, hard as fuck sometimes. Pieces that made my head nod, like yeah...that's some good shit.

They didn't travel all around the world biting shit, they straight used racked cans or dollar store shit. Never steady hit streets with $7 cans, had to have jobs to support them where they couldn't spend 24/7 on perfecting the "prettiness" of graffiti.

That shit started in Cali. This is Detroit. We ain't never did that shit here....it ain't us. I'd take a Gram & Deth over a Rime or Sever any damn day of the week.


Who the fuck in here was routing for Kobe in '04????? Get the fuck outta here.


My bad for the talk & no flicks.....I swear....I'll shut up for a good month or two on here.

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msk wins.


can y'all please refrain from making text walls between what few flicks we get on this here thread, nobody gives a fuck about how much you guys hate msk or like msk, so let's just pm it to each other and make secret hater and haters of the haters committees.


sounds like a cool plan to me bro's.

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nigga Im just saying I aint getting bent over a whiteboy that takes pictures of his eyes like the niggas biggie smalls and dont fucking paint. it'd e a pleasure to run into you one day. as far as msk goes, fuck them, and fuck everyone else. I do me. they aint done nothing wrong since they been here, so respect goes to them. as far as what I do, I will keep doing it, yall niggas keep hating and crying, sitting on the sidelines, when most of yall, and you know who you are, aint put in no real work, no matter when you came up. example, peace to deth and loaf, swl cats, stori, dont, paid, all the old fbs crew, niggas that hit. if you aint hitting, youre a dickrider, on some egotistical writers. congrats. keep taking them flicks hoe, maybe I can get a new camera out of you one day.

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