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Issac Brock

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cool story brah!!! I better get to do shitty throws on one of those legal walls or so help me god I am capping them bitches off one by one!

I think you did well my brother. if it was me, I would of wore a ski mask like I usually do everywhere I go.

I would of also had no answers for the chick when she asked me something other than mumbling xanax, and ronald reagan.

people get confused and pissed when you answer everything with xanax and ronald reagan. tom said he would of

answered why he does grafitti with, "cause I'm a fucking boss!" so considering, I think you did well. and rocked a twd hat.

shit. you know damn well you didnt have to come on here and defend yourself. its 12 oz my nigga.

half these queers dont even paint. and more than half are straight up bitches! good shit on making the front page,

do you homie. fuck the universe. i'm out. gonna go eat some xanax with ronald reagan and jesus and go play bingo.

suck my dick.

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Fon, you're going in the right direction so I'm saying this for your own benefit, not to be a dick. I'd STRONGLY recommend putting in a lot of work over the summer before you post more flicks of your stuff. You obviously have a decent amount of drive and ambition, but it's not there yet, if people deem your work flick/postworthy, they'll do it. I've been guilty of this too so I'm just passing along something I learned the hard way, posting your own stuff in you first year of writing is a pretty toy move and most people dont want to look at it.


BUT, keep doing what you do, summer's coming up and you'll have plenty of time to work out something presentable.



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Alright, I figured this would come up so let me go ahead and address it before the chicken coop starts clucking.


First, I based my decision to be a part of this project on legal fact, not paranoid speculation. Despite the delusions some of you have, painting graffiti doesnt make you Big Meech and the FBI will never be knocking on your door for painting in Detroit. After consulting several attorneys I know and several friends and family members on the force for both Wayne State and Detroit Police, I made a completely informed decision to proceed. With the budget out police force has, they're lucky if they can afford to replace a blown head gasket on one of their cruisers (true story, one of the people I spoke to drove around like that for a week), then I SINCERELY doubt that my house is gonna be under surveillance any time soon for a misdemeanor crime.


I divulged certain small tid bits of personal information in order to flesh out my section of the story and show that we are more than just anonymous jackasses that paint on people's shit. In order to be represented as a human being who happens to have this particular hobby you have to be a bit more personal than "I'M SEKS FUCK ALL Y'ALL". I felt like I had something worthwhile to say on the topic, so I did.




On to the issue of "fame". Not my motivation for participating. The truth is I'm sick of seeing a bunch of chuckleheads like Sintex and Rikku representing our scene and stepped up to try to bridge that gap between actual writers and the media. Not to mention the fact that once you portray yourself as not only a writer, but a writer who is well spoken and not a total wannabe thug douche bag, it changes a lot of people's perspectives (a lot, not all people) on what it is we do. That was my contribution to everyone, trying to make what we do look a little better in the public eye.


The only personal gain I hoped to achieve in this whole thing was to possibly get some paid legal work out of it. Which I did, in under 36 hours I had 6 people contact me about curating legal walls in the city. Every single one of them I'm planning to include a lot of you in painting.


So there it is.






showing your face might not have been the smartest idea... but i hand it to ya for that long statement you made, your right about that video make'n us all look less like scumbags who like to write on shit....(even though i am a scumbag who likes to write on shit but thats not the point). point is, you sent a positive message in that video to our society.

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my team deserves all the free 22 ounce labatt blue lights forever, heroin, xanax, therapy sessions for myself, paxil, used panties, weed, codine syrup, plan b pills, and dollar store paint. we dont need no rubbers, cause only suckers strap up in 2011. tom tells me once a week that the world is gonna end catastrophically, and I believe him, so I start smoking cocaine and shooting heroin in my groin, stop getting handjobs at the $1.50 handjob spot, start fucking crackheads raw for 6 bucks a pop, and then wake up the day the world is suppose to end all pissed off, with a rash, and a heart murmur from speedballs. he's gotta be right about one of these end of the world predictions right? I mean, this rash aint going away...

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well first Thor clipped the shit out of the piece. i guess he really needed the spot. then it looks like someone recently rolled over the whole thing. i agree it sucks to see that one go. that shit shoulda rode until that building gets dropped.


<a href=jul2001wi3.jpg' alt='jul2001wi3.jpg'>


man when i first saw this back in the day when it was fresh. i was like wtf time to get started. nothing to do at 5am

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