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Issac Brock

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^word good lookin out. so my next question is, there are 2 people in detroit going around painting pretty colors and shapes over peoples shit? these niggas get paid to do this?


np, yeah their two seperate guys. I posted the link to the guy who dissed the revok's stuff a few pages ago. His "project" is called brixel or something like that, his website has his real name i think. From the look of his website he plans on going over even more graffiti. He's using it as away to cover graff and stuff cause he sees it as a lower form of art.


I'm waiting for him to get a whole wall so it can get dissed

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np, yeah their two seperate guys. I posted the link to the guy who dissed the revok's stuff a few pages ago. His "project" is called brixel or something like that, his website has his real name i think. From the look of his website he plans on going over even more graffiti. He's using it as away to cover graff and stuff cause he sees it as a lower form of art.


I'm waiting for him to get a whole wall so it can get dissed


fuck...can you send me the link to his site? i cant find it. only in detroit do old hipster nerds like this exist. thinkin they're doin somethin clever or some shit and be able to get away with it. it sucks when someone finally paints some quality non-forgettable shit here and it get gone over by some art turd...

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The reason I rant on 12oz. is because I experienced pre-12oz. Detroit scene. Shit was life altering. 12oz. is a tool to expand your style & learn letter structure. Fuck that. New kids will never know how great the feeling is doing something super whack, but so different than anything they see in REAL LIFE, that it builds confidence & creates a life long memory of when graf meant so much.


I'm not trying to start petty arguments on here, or call out people to have other cats say "take it to p.m.'s"> You niggas need to start realizin' all the NY cats that speak about shit 25 years ago with smiles TO THIS DAY on their face, are from experiences that are based off RAW ass street shit that this internet couldn't even begin to replicate. Fuck screwing this thread up! FUCK THAT SHIT!!! Destroy this thread if you love/loved graf. What every city needs is LESS graf vids, less mags, less graffiti video games & pop culture shit. Graffiti needs is all this shit to disappear...it needs all "veterans", if you call yourself that....to stop saying post pics on this thread to make it great. The greatest shit you can do, is never post a damn flick of graf, never discuss how to mix paint cans, make inks, rate fuckin' blackbook sketches. What graf needs, in every fuckin' city is to build their own scene & say I don't give a fuck what's happenin' in L.a. or N.Y. Or what Banksy movie came out, or what art gallery or corporation is trying to cash in on graf. FUCK ALL THAT SHIT. Get real muthafuckas. This 12oz. shit is the farthest shit of what is right in graf. It's all what's wrong with it. Graffiti is now connected to 12oz. in one sentence, which is connected to ads to adidas or seagrams. REALLY? You gonna give a fuck how people make 12oz. threads look when all they're doing is making money off you fucks that care how graf is portrayed over this site!?

I excuse you muthafuckas, y'all don't know any better. This is what you think graf in your city consists of...what was posted on 12oz. yesterday, etc. Stick a dildo in your ass, faggots.


hate to break it to you mr. durden, while you do indeed have very valid points, this is the 21stcentury...nothin escapes radiation, the universe expanding, nor the capital-technocratic-grasp operation. throw a brick thru it or use the brick to build a micro-fascism, stretch or annihilate the windowframes, but its gotta be smashed thru...no way to go around it any longer unless youre gonna move to siberia or become amish...even they will not escape its reach for too much longer.

ok, i mean some of this tongue-and-cheek. hopefully i havent offended u.


'sides, 12ozprofit$ machine, seagrams, et al., are sponsoring/providing the cyberspace for you all to bullshit, talk about vandalism openly and artistically, and appropriate female anatomy in the most syntactically strange, and uh somewhat disturbing, ways...if ur a dude, what more could ya ask for. ;) of course radiologist, you are correct tho, on the whole, real life exceeds anything a digital apparatus could ever provide.


at least people here openly hate on facebook. anyway, if you care, let the kids who paint now just paint and decide what they want their 'scene' to become or what degree technology/forum/flicks should play. history, industry, local/state/nat. governments

have failed detroit's people for almost 100 years++ on all levels with myopic & ignorant-based decisions.

at least the writers have always been doin something real in these streets,,

shuttingtheefffffup, charles.

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Amen, gotta love self righteous dick holes. And gnarbucket, while I respect your decision, anyone who cares to make use of that number, or even do some more research and have like 80 pizzas delivered to his crib or something, you will have my utmost respect and admiration for at least a week.


:D Fuck pizzas...open up the back of the metro times and send some trannys over to his crib.

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If I could get a minute to chime in...


Ok, first of all, I really liked that tag, but somewhere in between getting approval for 3 walls in Midtown and actually finding a warm enough day to go out with my latex paint and rollers, Revok's tag showed up. Bad timing happens, no disrespect.




Did you get permission?

Yes, not only did i ask for approval from the building owners, I'm also getting paid to do the murals. It's part of Art X Detroit taking place in Midtown from April 6th until the 10th.


How do you feel about your number being posted?

All threats will be taken seriously, in the meantime however, I've gotten a couple e-mails and phone calls in support of my project which is how I found out about 12 oz. prophet in the first place! Also, with a project like mine, there has to be a level of transparency. Besides my e-mail and phone number is everywhere, on my other website: cedrictai.com, we live in a world where privacy is really tricky, ever think about how traceable you are just by going onto the internet? Detroit is a small community anyways, people know who tagged the Slows To Go restaurant when that opened up, I'm taking different risks that grafitti artists don't take, the lack of anonymity.


What is your project about, is it just to cover tags?

Actually, my piece is about highlighting how jacked up brick walls are when you actually see how they fill in space. The tesselation generator makes a perfect pattern and when that pattern gets broken up by inconsistent bricks it's highlighting all the mistakes that we don't normally see. I invite everyone to make a design on makebrixels.com


Do you think graffiti is a less relevant form of art than your brixels idea?:

I see brixels as a conversation about blank walls. I do think that there are certain people that do grafitti in Detroit because it's so easy to take advantage of the city with much less chance of getting caught. With that said, I do think there exists great grafitti, just like there's good street art, but Detroit has more than its fair share of bad tags. Perhaps this will up the level of grafitti? You have to do one crazy tag to compete with my Razzle Dazzle.


(My favorites in the past were TRTL and the tags that are up in the Dequindre Cut, especially the two new ones that are by the north entrance. My favorite tag of all time however had to be this one behind a billboard by the Russell Industrial Center, since I'm on the 3rd floor our windows faced these gigantic words that said F**k Y*u that I would see every time I was working in the woodshop, it got painted over which is too bad because it made my day, every day.)


Are you going to try to cover up all of the grafitti everywhere you don't like?

I chose buildings based on their visibility or non-visibility, not just to cover up people's tags, it was also based on who i could get permission from. All of them are buildings that are in use, not abandoned, I wasn't able to get in contact with any of the owners for the abandoned ones. Also I really wanted to see other people do this brixel idea wherever they were, I don't 'own' this way of working, I think it's a really great way to pay attention to the bricks that are there. I'd like to see other people do their own Brixels.


Your stuff is whack:

I'm also getting support from local grafitti artists who have helped me find scaffolding, have donated paint, and gave me advice. They all told me to GO FOR IT. Besides, all art is temporary, I'm reflecting the times we live in with this project. I'm pretty excited that this site has made my project go viral.


Some little 8 year old kid is going to make a design on makebrixels.com and it's going to show up on a building that wanted to cover up the grafitti. Your beef is with that building owner who doesn't like your work, and the residents of the city who prefer my art in their neighborhood to yours (if your tag was covered up).


Thanks everyone for caring. Giving a sh*t and having an opinion either way makes reminds both Revok, and myself how important our art is to other people. To the people that tagged the cars at our house, I hope you get caught.





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You're a pretentious fuck and dont think for one second the horse shit you call "street art" is gonna ride very long. It WILL however make an awesome fill for myself and anyone else who goes over you.


I speak for myself and most others on here when I say no one gives a rats ass how much support you have for your "project", you just went over a worldwide graff LEGEND and are now on everyone's shit list.


Nice work.

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