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Issac Brock

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all of that and you don't bother to leave your names?



people like to talk shit about me, yet nearly every single person ive ever argued with has at one point come to me personally and we've had intelligent conversations with them admitting to respect me and asking for opinions or advice.


i closed the thread because the people doing all the talking and arguing arent even the ones doing the painting, they're unrelated cheerleaders of ignorance. because those who do paint send me PM's ASKING ME to do something about it. this thread represents them, and represents the city. i did it for them.


as for me not being up, thinking im god, blah blah. you don't know me, or know anything about me. my friends know me, know what ive done, and know what i'm about. they respect me, so what someone who won't even admit what they write, because they know their name will destroy any credibility they think their words have, thinks is irrelivent to me.


keep being mad.

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it's crazy what you can find out about a person with just an email address and a google search. ha.


trust me, oll girl did not score any points.

i actually feel silly for even dignifying her with a response now.



seeks/"accepting others even if they are not like you"

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actually that was pretty toy closing this thread. there is no point in taking everything that happens in this thread and in Detroit so personally, especially when none of it relates to you at all. ease up and just accept the fact that Detroit graffiti is beyond your control and will exist whether you like it or not. Everyone knows you and Dibs both got down, and bringing it up at every juncture makes you seem insecure. Basically, let the kids have their fun.

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When the thread was closed I was hoping it would get closed all together. It makes me sick and It's done nothing positive for Detroit graffiti. It's nice to see new flicks ONCE in a while. But all the drama and bullshit just makes it not even worth checking out anymore. I could do without. I know I'd rather not see Detroit represented the way it is... through an online forum filled with bullshit. Art should speak for itself.

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People talk shit-this is what happens when you do graffiti. your never gonna have it your way, so you will be bitching for the rest of time about the lack of positivity, and pming seeking (who acts like hes got a personal vendetta against almost everyone from Detroit since Dibs moved). dont stress out over how Detroit is represented; all you really should worry about is painting if thats your serious concern. and if you are so disgusted by this all and "could do without", then just man up all together an stop coming on here. I personally think this thread is entertaining, and since Detroit has no vandal squad the shit talk doesnt do any serious damage.

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When the thread was closed I was hoping it would get closed all together. It makes me sick and It's done nothing positive for Detroit graffiti. It's nice to see new flicks ONCE in a while. But all the drama and bullshit just makes it not even worth checking out anymore. I could do without. I know I'd rather not see Detroit represented the way it is... through an online forum filled with bullshit. Art should speak for itself.


if you have a problem with it dont come on here. plain and simple.

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