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Canada approves gay marrige rights


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Originally posted by -Rage-@Jul 21 2005, 02:26 PM



Now I see why I avoid the Crossfire threads.


Ha,ha, WORD!

There's so much horse shit flying in these threads that I don't know why I bother.


Dawood, move to the middle east already.


And all you idiots that think our laws shoud be based on the bible and that our forefathers wanted this to be a religious country, go kill yourselves or something.


The founding fathers that wrote the constitution were Christians that's why they have so much Christian talk in there letters, yes, but they wrote in the constitution that there should be a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE for a good reason. They wanted us to be free. Look at what happens when people and governments get twisted over religion. :rolleyes:

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The founding fathers that wrote the constitution were Christians that's why they have so much Christian talk in there letters, yes, but they wrote in the constitution that there should be a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE for a good reason. They wanted us to be free. Look at what happens when people and governments get twisted over religion. :rolleyes:



SF1. please get a copy of the US constitution. Please Read it. Please point me to the article and section which states the separation of church and state doctrine. i would be tickled to see this.


thanks for showing us all your ignorance on the subject.

this once again shows us that the revisionists are winning, most people actually believe what SF1 just said.

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So in this forum, every thread turns into an argument between a couple of extremely outspoken Muslim jackasses that somehow need to relate their religion to everything, and everybody else who gets distracted by this and starts using arguments from their or their friends religion which in the end have no relation to the original thread. Got it.


I'll stay out of here then.

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Originally posted by Biggus Dickus@Jul 22 2005, 06:52 AM

So in this forum, every thread turns into an argument between a couple of extremely outspoken Muslim jackasses that somehow need to relate their religion to everything, and everybody else who gets distracted by this and starts using arguments from their or their friends religion which in the end have no relation to the original thread. Got it.


I'll stay out of here then.



It doesn't matter whether you advise them or you dont advise them, they still dont beleive.

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Here goes.



My name is Alan.

You've never met me before and never will.

I just so happen to be gay.


Have I ever done anything to harm you?


Have I ever said anything hurtful to you?


Will I ever, at any point, express any interest in doing either of those in the future.



So why do you hate me?

Still becuase I'm gay?


You've got a lot to learn in the game of life.

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Alan, I have no desire to say hurtful things to you either , nor do I have the authority or ability to harm you. I simply want to advise you.Do you have any desire to be heterosexul because homosexulity is not a natural thing, I understand we live in a society that unfortunately grants you the right to sodomize people and that is bad news for you because if the law prohibited this type of thing and people in general frowned upon it you would probably be deterred more from this type of deviant activity. Because seriously Alan, I am trying to advise you not talk down on you. I am sincerely advising you as a fellow member of the human race that homosexuality/sodomy is a crime that brings about no benefit to a person except for fulfilling your low desires. Marriage between men and women is what is natural for people. We werent created just to satisfy ourselves and thats it! We have a code of conduct , rules, morals , mannerisms , behavior and practices that are practical and beneficial to mankind. Homosexulity is not one of those practical practices. It is in truth a selfish act of lust, and of course we all like sex and we all have desires to fulfill, but Alan, would you attempt to quench your thirst with Ammonia? Of course not , because it would harm you, So why do you allow a foreign object to be placed in your anus? Don't you see that is harmful and degrading to a man? You are a man arent you?

If you werent a man why were you born with man parts? WHy do you call yourself Alan if you don't feel like you are a man? Why not Elaine or something? Again, I'm not trying to degrade you because taking it in the rear (in my opinion) Is degrading enough. I met a woman one time who told me she was in a Gay relationship and she admitted to acting selfishly and she knew it was wrong , but she said she was trying it out and expirimenting with it. Now I'm sure there are varying levels of Homosexuality, like bi-gay to flaming gay, but Alan, My question to you is do you think that your homosexuality was developed over time or do you think you were Gay from day one. I am actually trying to make a few points with this. Hopefully you will respond with a sincere, honest answer instead of a defense of Homosexuality and then we call all learn something.

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1) No. I have no desire to be heterosexual.


2) Homosexuality IS a natural thing.

In nature there are plenty of other homosexual animals and organisms.


3) Thank you for your "advise" but 'd rather stay as I am.

No need to bring another hungry mouth into this overflowing melting pot we call earth.


4) Again you speak of nature as a reigning force, but you must remember things change. We evolve.


5) I agree we (as humans) weren't just created for our personal satisfactions, but to grow and learn as people.


6) Homosexuality is not that of "just lust."

It's that of compassion and utter devotion for one's significant other. The same between a man and a woman.


7) Anal sex is degrading. The millions of other homosexual men might also disagree.


8) Yes, I am a man. I have a penis. I have a deep voice.

I have short cropped hair. I drive a truck. I work my job. I pay my bills. I make people happy at my job.

I don't have breasts. I'm not effeminate. I don't want a vagina.

I don't need to have sex with a woman and bring a child into this world.


9) My name is Alan. I got it from my late uncle.

Whom I recently found out was also homosexual...

And was married for over 40 years to his wonder wife.


10) Not trying to degrade me? Then why ask me to change my name to that of a woman? That seems like degradation to me.


11) We don't chose anything.

Does a person with downs-syndrome ask for it?


Does a person with ADHD ask for it?


Did I ask to be gay?


Do I want to change because it just appeared?





I am also in no way trying to defend ALL homosexuals.

I am merely defending myself and my ideals.


Please just be aware of this...


We are everywhere.

We guard your house.

We sell you your groceries.

We program your computers.

We cook your food.

We work right next to you.


You might not know it.

But there we are.


We just live out our pointless little lives.


Just. Like. You.

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10) Not trying to degrade me? Then why ask me to change my name to that of a woman? That seems like degradation to me.


Whats wrong with women? to be a woman is not degrading.


Anyway, So you are saying that you were born this way?


If you are saying that, I disagree.


And we can present our proofs to eachother as to whose theory is true, because , If you understand that you were not born that way, you will look at your sexual orientation different.


Alan, do you beleive in God? and one more question, why are people who practice witchcraft always gay? do you know anything about this?

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I believe that, yes, some people can be born a certain way.

Not everything is formed over time and trial.


And no, I'm not confirming or denying that my being homosexual is becuase of my Uncle.


I believe that there is some higher force.

But at the same time, I do not participate in any organized religion.

No, I am not a whitch or a pagan.

I do not worship satan.


The only thing I beleive are my own beliefs.

Beliefs that I don't need to share.

With anyone.

Not even a higher force.


Because it's my choice.

This is my life.

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I honestly have my doubts about Dawoods sexuality.

I mean come on... he keeps trying to tell fags that they have a "choice" about being fags like regular folk have a "choice" about being straight. It's like he's claiming that he actually made a choice to be straight. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:










Who want's to put money on whether or not Dawood is gonna still be mr hardline Muslim in 5 years, or if he's gonna be a flaiming homo?

Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Salafi and Dawood were the same person.:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

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Originally posted by Dawood@Jul 22 2005, 07:17 PM

10) Not trying to degrade me? Then why ask me to change my name to that of a woman? That seems like degradation to me.


Whats wrong with women? to be a woman is not degrading.


Anyway, So you are saying that you were born this way?


If you are saying that, I disagree.


And we can present our proofs to eachother as to whose theory is true, because , If you understand that you were not born that way, you will look at your sexual orientation different.


Alan, do you beleive in God? and one more question, why are people who practice witchcraft always gay? do you know anything about this?


When you figure out why you like a girl with red hair or brown or blonde, or a big ass, or small nipples, or a cute voice, or a slim waste, or green eyes, or a sense of style, or straight teeth but with a little flaw, get at me...


I love the "gay isn't natural" argument. For one, Bonobo monkeys which are on of our closest relatives in the animal kingdon openly and logicly perticipate in gay activity. AND more importantly, you act like most people having sex and kids are doing so the right way. STD's proved you wrong like 500 years ago, and more to the point, what the Hell are you talking about "witches" being gay? What is wrong wiht you? He shouldn't even respond to you on that because it's like me saying all Catholics like little boys and all Christians are secretly full of hate using Jesus to cover up there lack of self worth and confidence in there position as a human being. I just hung out with my boy who was seeing girl who had a kid @ 14...14 YEARS OLD. Yeah that makes a lot more sense than Rage being in love with a man,,,


The only thing unnatural is you trying to tell another man where to put his penis...as long as he can shake your hand and look you in the eyes, let him deal with God on his terms, and you deal with God on yours...

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yeah, that makes a lot of sense, the one against homosexuality is going to be the homo in 5 years, but the ones defending it are totally normal.A-ok. I have a wife and 4 kids SF1, I don't see that happening, P.S. I didn't start this thread.

And, I would appreciate it if you didn't throw idiotic accusations at me. That is just plain rediculous, If you knew anything about the workings of the human heart, you would understand how people become succeptible to certain things.

the first thing you have is a glance, and your eyes are windows to your soul, then, you have a thought, and that thought becomes an intention and that intention becomes a firm resolve and from there it becomes an action and from that action comes a habit and if you dont stop it before it becomes a habit, it is hard to stop. So if you hate something in your heart, as I hate homosexuality in hy heart, it will be difficult to EVER acquire that disease. And I love women, simple as that, but if you view homosexuality as something acceptible and ok for whoever wants it, then you are one step closer to being a fag than I am SF.

And as far as a choice, It is a choice, It might not be a conscious choice , but you choose your sexual preference , just like you choose if you like pepsi or coke, the point I am tring to make is that gay people try to make it seem like it is something they are born with so they can accuse people who disagree with their homosexuality as being racist.


Wallahi, someday you will stand before your creator and be held accountable for everything. So watch what you say.



Oh yeah, and as Salafi said, I am a man, Zahrah is a woman, Only an idiot would suggest that we are the same person, thats just stupid, I can bring my whole muslim crew in here and shut down 12 oz if I wanted to , youd have to open a new site , I have no need to make up imaginary people. I'm done with this....

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Originally posted by Dawood@Jul 22 2005, 10:17 PM

why are people who practice witchcraft always gay? do you know anything about this?


this is the funniest thing ive read in a long time!!!!


ALAN please get with your people to come up with a good reason with samantha from bewitched was really Gay.

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OH and not for nothing there is a huge population of men in the middle east who maintain relations with young men (MJ style) because women are so unavailable due to never being alone. SO GAY is as GAY does; its not just a western or chatholic "issue".


Ive also wondered, although im not sure how much data there is and I am not trying to equate this to a gay thing, what the AIDS crisis is like in the middle east: i only bring it up because of the nature of these relationships are very taboo and not really diuscussed so i would assume the same precautions (condoms) are given the backseat to say that of secrecy and successfuly maintianing the relationship.

And yes this may be more of a sex thing then a gay thing, like prison.

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the arguement here isn't on a 1 v 1 level. the arguement is on a national level about americans accepting the fact that homosexual's do live in this country, and they do deserve the same equal rights that straight men and women have, regardless to what YOUR belives may say.


this is what i mean when i talk about mixing religion with politics, it shouldn't happen, because then you come up with biased laws, and you turn what is supposed to be a "free" country into something completly the opposite.


if you aren't capable of respecting other people's lifestyles weither it be religion/sexuality/race etc and etc, then their are plenty of other places you can go to where these things are not only not allowed, but you can recieve harsh punishments for practicing them.

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Originally posted by heavyLox+Jul 23 2005, 01:19 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (heavyLox - Jul 23 2005, 01:19 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Dawood@Jul 22 2005, 10:17 PM

why are people who practice witchcraft always gay? do you know anything about this?


this is the funniest thing ive read in a long time!!!!


ALAN please get with your people to come up with a good reason with samantha from bewitched was really Gay.




Never watched the show.


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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by KING BLING@Jul 23 2005, 07:42 AM

The only thing unnatural is you trying to tell another man where to put his penis...as long as he can shake your hand and look you in the eyes



All at the same time?

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