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The Skateboard Thread


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I hear that! My dream is to have a perfect bowl

somewhere close that I can rock out on like an

old-school hesian. Mullet, sleeveless flannel,

budwiser, big knee pads and all! When I was

a kid those dudes would creep out of the wood

work. I even caught a few carving fast as shit

at FDR like 9 years ago! It was very memorable.


I was joking them then, but now I know they

where old and living the life!

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well.. my mother-in-law voluntered me to teach her co-workers 11 year old son how to skate.. shes so good at that, and i dont have the heart to say no... so i went out and bought a new stuntwood.. new deck, indi trucks, bones 54mm, avec 7's.. and now im going to get back on the halfpipe this sunday.. first time on a skateboard in over a year.


best believe my old ass is going to be doing those streches... im still sore from playing extreme badminton over a week ago.

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That's totally fucking cool of you to do . I'd definitely teach him how to drop-in...it might take a while but it'll be worth it . Good luck .


i checked out the park.. i guess a friend of mines father owns the place.. hahah.. http://www.wyomingvalleysportsdome.com/SkateLayout.htm .. real nice.


pictures here..



im anxious like im 16 again. im meeting up with the kiddo on sunday.. i may make a warmup visit on saturday so i dont look too rusty.

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just copped these..


ABC will appreciate....
















and I know its pink.. they only other color was baby blue and not in my size...




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Celt I take you more as a Creature / Black Label skater than a 4 Star skater so that response dosent surprise me.


Dog and ABC seem to be more of the 4 Star kind of skaters for sure.


And I am just talking over tase in style, not style on a board cuz you cant gauge that from posts on a forum. :D

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I dont hate on any style as long as you are on a board pushing.


I have to agree ... most of the people I like the most are the girl/ choclate crew. Grew up idolizing and imatating and so on.


I have as well been getting more fond of the goofy shit that the Tilt Mode guys are up to these days.

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Celt I take you more as a Creature / Black Label skater than a 4 Star skater so that response dosent surprise me.



And I am just talking over tase in style, not style on a board cuz you cant gauge that from posts on a forum. :D



Very true . :cool: I didn't take to the 90's like most seem to have . I in fact fucking hate Steve Rocco , World Industries and most companies that ditched all their vert/pool skaters for " street skaters " in the mid to late 90's. Santa Cruz I'll let slide because they were quick to see how much of a mistake they made . As far as Girl / Chocolate goes...I don't get it . I still say it's because of the region I live in . I'd say more than half of anyone 30 or over here are old school punk rock type guys . And none of us seemed to move on to the fads of switch-stance , and technical skating . For every kid out there doing backside 180 heelflips over a handrail , that same type can't even boneless anything which I find humerous . What can I say I'm bitter towards a lot of what I see skateboarding trying to get pushed into , like calling it a sport .

Put The Hate Back Into Skateboarding


Is what is says on the back of my car , and you know what I'm right . :lol:

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