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The Skateboard Thread


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consolidated annoy me. they'll do a huge anti nike campaign and kick a rider off for wearing nikes yet they won't do the same with a rider that wears vans. vans is just as corporate as nike, has mall stores, and (according to consolidated's logic) is just as much "all that's wrong with skateboarding" as nike.


they just sound like a bunch of whiney bitches who need to lighten up

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consolidated annoy me. they'll do a huge anti nike campaign and kick a rider off for wearing nikes yet they won't do the same with a rider that wears vans. vans is just as corporate as nike, has mall stores, and (according to consolidated's logic) is just as much "all that's wrong with skateboarding" as nike.


they just sound like a bunch of whiney bitches who need to lighten up


i'm with you on this one. nike may be a huge corporation, that butt fucks sports until gold coins shoot from the taint, but vans is just as fucked up now. i mean vans has all the history, and has been there since the beginning, but they grew with the beast. kind of like world industries. i remember the ron chapman experience, the barnyard double kick, the chris pastra's baby in diapers, "rubbish heap," jef hartsel, fucking rocco paying people to do shit down stairs at the brooklyn banks. look what happened to world industries. now they make boards that make Nash and Valtera look dope. vans is the same way. the last pair of vans i bought, fucked up my arches. i'll give nike credit, at least they run their business with mainly core shops. at least i hope they're still doing that shit. i've got a buddy who runs a shop, and fucking dunks is what keeps his fucking heat on during the winter.


give or take, skateboarding has way too many hands trying to finger the vagina. nike is just following the business ethics that were established by skateboarders. it could be worse, it could be DC shoes, Element, and all the other shit they sell at Pacific Sunwear. companies started with roots, but established into just another mall product.

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i'm with you on this one. nike may be a huge corporation, that butt fucks sports until gold coins shoot from the taint, but vans is just as fucked up now. i mean vans has all the history, and has been there since the beginning, but they grew with the beast. kind of like world industries. i remember the ron chapman experience, the barnyard double kick, the chris pastra's baby in diapers, "rubbish heap," jef hartsel, fucking rocco paying people to do shit down stairs at the brooklyn banks. look what happened to world industries. now they make boards that make Nash and Valtera look dope. vans is the same way. the last pair of vans i bought, fucked up my arches. i'll give nike credit, at least they run their business with mainly core shops. at least i hope they're still doing that shit. i've got a buddy who runs a shop, and fucking dunks is what keeps his fucking heat on during the winter.


give or take, skateboarding has way too many hands trying to finger the vagina. nike is just following the business ethics that were established by skateboarders. it could be worse, it could be DC shoes, Element, and all the other shit they sell at Pacific Sunwear. companies started with roots, but established into just another mall product.



Putting the HATE back into skateboarding is long overdue . I've sat and watched for the past 10+ years as people try to turn skateboarding into a fucking sport...fuck that . I really don't care about what store sells what . I do care however about teaching the younger kids that there's more to skateboarding that spending 2-3 hours trying to do some technical bullshit trick . Ride some ditches , bowls , pools . :cool: Maybe I'm old and bitter , but at least I can remember that same feeling and attitude I felt and carried since 1986 . Fucking skate & destroy !!!

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what i really respect in a skater, is a dude like mike vallely... someone that can do some street shit, but will turn right around and shred a pool, or a ditch, or whatever little piece of concrete he can find. i respect dudes that understand the roots of skateboarding, dudes that skate with soul.


i don't give a fuck what you wanna do as far as skateboarding goes, but if your favorite "old school" skater is chad muska, choke yourself to death.

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i don't give a fuck what you wanna do as far as skateboarding goes, but if your favorite "old school" skater is chad muska, choke yourself to death.


FUCK YEAH! you know what's funny, i was down at the shop hanging out about a year back. i'm sitting there talking about how Gonz is one of the most important people in skateboarding. some young buck told me i was wrong, and that he lacked style and was sloppy. personally, i have to say the dude needed to be punched so hard that his mother spit blood.


celt --you put it right, up above, as well. i started skating in 84. i don't skate as much anymore --if at all, but i still hold true to what skateboarding gave me, and i'm still involved. i spent most of my life on a skateboard, still have one, still go out and push down the street for shits and fucking giggles. skateboarding gave me all of my philosophies on life, all of my artistic influence, and it is what has truely bonded me to some of the best people i've ever met. we grew up in, what was probably, the best decade for skating. i can't even begin to think what it's like to come from the slim jim, x-games, tony hawk pro skater generation. it used to be low budget, DIY, fuck everything. now it seems like the people who produce E! true hollywood are making the videos, and magazines are following the same format as lame as fashion magazines (150 pages of ads). there are some benefits with the new, but it's also taking away from what some of us remember.


ah fuck it, we're just old and bitter.

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Maybe , but goddamn it we're still skating . :cool:


I just miss the days when Skully Bros. were one of the few places to buy Vans , and you had to wait for them in the mail . Hahahahaha . The one good thing is there is a huge faction of younger kids that want to know who Salba , Kevin Staab & Jeff Phillips were . I guess the flip-side to my rants on here are all the kids I've taught how-to do a " Boneless " to , or the kids I've taught to have the courage and drop-in be it cement or wood . And that makes me remember when I was 10-12 and had older mentors push me along . :cool:

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so let me ask you younger kids, is skateboarding still a "fag sport?" i mean when i was growing up, we basically had to deal with shit constantly. if it wasn't fighting, it was running so we wouldn't get destroyed. jocks, meatheads, townies, were always fucking with us. we were constantly having to defend ourselves from bullshit. is it still that way, seeing that skateboarding is so "cool" now.


can any of the older heads in here relate to what i'm saying?

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Maybe , but goddamn it we're still skating . :cool:


I just miss the days when Skully Bros. were one of the few places to buy Vans , and you had to wait for them in the mail . Hahahahaha . The one good thing is there is a huge faction of younger kids that want to know who Salba , Kevin Staab & Jeff Phillips were . I guess the flip-side to my rants on here are all the kids I've taught how-to do a " Boneless " to , or the kids I've taught to have the courage and drop-in be it cement or wood . And that makes me remember when I was 10-12 and had older mentors push me along . :cool:



i'll give some credit to that dogtown movie for opening up a few eyes, and i think there's a handful of "newer" (relatively speaking) companies that are staying fairly true to what skateboarding is and was.


i've never understood blindly hating on younger kids, rather than encouraging them. as much as we love pool skating, one day we're all gonna have busted ass hips and knees and shit (ok, worse than we do now), and who's gonna keep skating like this if just talk shit to everyone?


the only kids i'll blatantly hate on are the kind of kids that say skating pools and ditches and shit takes no talent, and it's boring, and blah blah blah. that's just ridiculous to me.

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so let me ask you younger kids, is skateboarding still a "fag sport?" i mean when i was growing up, we basically had to deal with shit constantly. if it wasn't fighting, it was running so we wouldn't get destroyed. jocks, meatheads, townies, were always fucking with us. we were constantly having to defend ourselves from bullshit. is it still that way, seeing that skateboarding is so "cool" now.


can any of the older heads in here relate to what i'm saying?



there was a bit of that when i started skating, but more than that (at least where i grew up) was the typical "those kids are bad news" attitudes. lots of older people where i grew up, and they weren't so down with it. but fuck it, we did it anyway. then we got a skate park. then the meat puppets played at said skate park, and all the old folks fears were confirmed.


we're bad people.

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depends on where you live today.

when i was living in nyc, where i grew up, skating wasnt all that popular.

handfuls of kids here and there, and its still liek that today when i visit my folks.


i live in socal now. and every kid skates.

because every skater of rhte 80s/90s have kids now that skate.

i think there are more kids that know how to ollie than swing a bat in socal.

its definitely more socialably acceptable to skateboard,

but i miss the days of when skaters were just plain old outcasts.

skating is more of a "sport" now.

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