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The Skateboard Thread


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Close ....but Andy Howell and Johnny Sch..(spelling??) started it in ATL !!! Go watch the dvd's that come with Andy Howells book "Art, Skateboarding & Life" Super good stuff ... I had no clue how much Andy Howell influenced my art via New Deal, Zero Sophisto, Underworld Element till I watched those dvd's.


**Plus they have both New Deal flicks "Useless Wooden Toys" and "1281" on there ... full on Pressure flip, Casper flip era.


wow thats real weird. i dont remember hearing anything about any big skate co's out of ATL or big pro's. I remember Jeff pang, and the old UE logo on beenies and shit. i think those graff driven graphics might have encouraged me to end up doing what i do today.

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I was sitting around with a bunch of friends the other day , remembering how many fly by night companies existed briefly from say 1993 - 2000 . There were a shitload , but most of them sucked . The ones that I always stuck with were Black Label , Santa Cruz , Independent & SMA ( still making nice re-issue decks ) .

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i saw the element video yesterday, the premier.

Nyjah had a suprisingly good part, hes finnal popping his nollie flips instead of em rollin on the ground


bam had the shittiest part ever. it was all recycled bullshit from like 3-5 years ago.


brents part was sick


tosh=fuck you, die son


darells part was more of a joke to me. he wasnt doin anything big, scratch that...

his banger's were a back 360 down that grass gap into the kiddie pool, if you know what im talking about. and he did it SWITCH.. did i mention it WAS BOLTZ!!!

fuckin gnars!

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this is justin brock. hes a young kid from a podunk town in NC. hes the real deal. he was about to get signed by Nike and some other companies but he broke his leg BAD in a contest. im just trying to give the dude a little bit of shine.


i dont know him but anyone from mt airy that rips this hard at this age cant be all bad.

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not if they're going to be paying you when you're not producing anything for god knows how long. if you break your leg that's at least 2 months of your board, another month of rehab, and then however long to get your confidence up to throw your carcass down shit. it's alot of money for at least 3 months out of action

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if anyone in here is looking to support an upstate new york, grass roots board company, check out our website.




i'm just doing graphics for them, but thought i'd use this for some shameless promotion. we use the same wood as 5boro does for our decks. check out the site, we're selling out of upstate shops, and one online store right now. this whole thing is as DIY as board companies come. no zumies sales for us. if you, or anyone you know, wants to buy or carry any of our shit --contact me and i'll get you set up.

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When i started skating at 12/13 years old, some other kids were also jumpin on the bandwagon. Two were brothers, the youngest of which was a kid that was either 8 or 9 (trying to be like his older bro who was 9 or 10) . It was nuts seeing this kid progress in less than a year to riding a termite (mini) and 180ing 5 sets. Shame though, he stopped skating to following the town's traditional sports, football, lacrosse, hockey. (His older bro never really got any good and quit before him)


*shakes head*

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^^that shit happens a lot. i started skating in 1984. by 87, there was a small crew of us in my hometown, who skated every spot we could find. i remember two kids who blew everyone away. they were the guys pushing everyone else. then one day they stopped, they both joined a gang. when i started high school, i started with one of them. he walked in with a raiders coat --triple fat goose style. he punked people. by mid year he was prepping out, playing football, and became a totally different person. we graduated together, and then when we were like 24, we ran into each other at a park. we started skating together from time to time, and it was sick how this guy never lost his fucking pop. we lost touch after a year or two. i think we both just started skating less and less.


moral of the story --go find that fucking dude and see if he wants to skate.

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this is justin brock. hes a young kid from a podunk town in NC. hes the real deal. he was about to get signed by Nike and some other companies but he broke his leg BAD in a contest. im just trying to give the dude a little bit of shine.


i dont know him but anyone from mt airy that rips this hard at this age cant be all bad.


brock has one of the sicket 3 flips.



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celt --i don't think dog chapman was calling you gay (if that's what you were laughing at). some kid posted links to krink markers on ebay.


I know what he was calling gay . ;)



BTW , lets see that kid Boneless that gap...:cool:

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if anyone in here is looking to support an upstate new york, grass roots board company, check out our website.




i'm just doing graphics for them, but thought i'd use this for some shameless promotion. we use the same wood as 5boro does for our decks. check out the site, we're selling out of upstate shops, and one online store right now. this whole thing is as DIY as board companies come. no zumies sales for us. if you, or anyone you know, wants to buy or carry any of our shit --contact me and i'll get you set up.


oh shit i know damon. hes down with the ghettoburd crew or wahtever. hes mad gnarly and just good.

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