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The Skateboard Thread


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ha, definitely never fun. i was wearing a sleeveless shirt to so i was like fuuuck if i fall at the bottom of this im losing some serious arm muscle. would have been road rash city. my buddy tried to acid drop off something into the hill and fell and slid for like a foot or 2 and the scraping sound it made put it into perspective what it would of been like to fall going top speed at the bottom.


i used to get bad speed wobble on this pretty steep hill by this old park we used to go to, you'd bomb this hill and it would bring you right to the train station. the only catch was there was a 2way stop at the bottom of the hill and it wasn't in your favor. so you had to pray to whatever the fuck you wanted that you wouldn't get smashed by a car, cause it would have been all over for you if you did. that was some fun and real scary shit. but everytime you made it you were like IM INVINCIBLE MUHAHA! one time i had to dive off my board over the sidewalk and roll out the rest of the hill on peoples front yards, haha.

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for me, i usually dont wanna take a spill after dropping in. hah last week my buddy was changing the gums in his trucks so that it matched, which was totally fucking stupid, so i dropped into a 7 foot quarter pipe on loose as fuck trucks.. haha that was some painful shit.

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you fall to the flat? falling to flat off of ramps always sucks.


also trying to learn this new trick on saturday, i was skating these 2 quarter pipes, which having railings along the back and sides so you dont fall off.. with one of these thngs in the middle..



so i was trying to go up and do a 5-0 to like a small nosegrind/nose tap up the side of the railing to a tailstall, didn't land it but was coming close, i'll have it soon.

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nah, it was more like he was about to take a piss on it, not that he just wouldnt give it back, and i dont know about you, but im not in the mood to tackle some old dude with his dick hangiing out of his pants.


It takes more time to take out your wallet and convince the dude to not piss on your board than it does to just snatch it back from him and use it to crack his skull.

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this weekend i went around looking for new spots with my buddies. we knew of this old abandoned factory that we wanted to check out. basically it is this huge ass series of brick buildings that have a bunch of shit laying around and you can tell one burnt down halfway. anyways in the waaay back in another building is a building where people work. but it was far enough away so that we didnt care. after deciding there was too much dirt/rubble to skate outside we decided to explore the inside. so we yanked some boards off a lower window and crawled in. it was creepy as fuck but we wanted to know what was in there. so we walk through it a little bit and then we get to some areas where there are lights on. which is weird cause it looks abandoned. we ended up finding out a bunch of stuff that looked like it was beign put away for storage or something. we found some stairs and went up to the roof but never really found any skate spots. when we were on the staircase we clearly heard someone moving something in a lower floor so, we decided the abandoned building was not actually abandoned and got the hell outta there. the end.

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For those in the Bay Area Thrasher is holding a Back to the Berg Competition. Last Saturday of this month. Noonish or so. I just figured out it is so near my house. Its going to be crazy I bet.

Here's the first one:




"You kickflip it, good for you... Frank Gerwer's over there. You kickflip backside grab it, Matt Hensley was 25 years ago".


^That's fucked up how he dissed the shit out of Danny Gonzalez like that.

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man i wish they could somehow have something like that at LOVE again...

i was there when my friend got paid 5k for being the first person to do the fountain set and it was such a sick day... reminds me of the Berg comp...

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I tried Love a bunch of times and never did it. But i always did suck at big gaps. I'll stick to the ledges and small sets. Me and my boys lucked out and skated there for about 2 hours saturday night before we got chased out. Even after the renovations its still one of the better spots in my opinion. What ever happened to the city building the Schuylkill park?

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haha oh shit most east coast fools dont know about that, i was flow for them cuz of vin. that company was fresh but went under pretty fast. dave kinsey did a ton of board graffics for them in like 94-95...

but as for vin he is still a ny institution and owns Rival on Hudson st... he is still one of the richest kids i know too...

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